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Analysing Projects

The analyse option does a syntax check and an analysis to show possible errors, warnings, or remarks. It does not create a TCP file.

To analyse a project

  • Go to Build > Analyse Project or press Ctrl+F7.

To analyse a file

  • Go to Build > Analyse File or press F7.

TallyPrime Developer will save/ignore the unsaved changes in the project before compilation, based on the selection made in the analyser/Execution Options. Refer to the topic Preferences for more details.

After a successful analysing, the Build pane appears as shown below:

  • Errors: Errors report problems that occur when analysing the code. Builds cannot be completed without fixing them.
  • Warnings: Warnings report potential errors, such that the developer may take the required action. The compilation however is completed. The build can continue, however, it is suggested that these are fixed. To disable this option, go to File > Active Project Properties > Analyser/Execution Options > clear Show warnings.
  • Remarks: This feature can be enabled to get possible failure points. To disable this option, go to File > Active Project Properties > Analyser/Execution Options > clear Show remarks .

Developers can use the UDFs in the range 1 to 9999, and 20001 to 59999. The UDF range 10000 to 20000 is reserved for Tally, for internal usage. TallyPrime Developer displays an error message in the build window while compiling or building the project if the specified UDF index value is beyond the range.


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