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Release Notes for TallyPrime Developer Release 1

Release 1.1

Product Improvements

TallyPrime Default TDL

TallyPrime Developer Release 1.1 is enriched with e-Invoice code, QR code feature, and the updated code of default TDL of TallyPrime that helps the partners and developers to build new customised solutions on TallyPrime Release 1.1.

TDL Enhancements

Attribute Enhancements

A new attribute, QR Code, is introduced at the Part level to print QR Code in your customisations based on your input. 

Release 1.0

Product Improvements

TallyPrime Default TDL

TallyPrime Developer is with the default code of TallyPrime that helps the partners and developers to build new customised solutions on TallyPrime.

Version Compatibility

You can check the compatibility of your customisations with TallyPrime by using the option Check Version Compatibility. This has been simplified and helps the developers to identify the changes easily.


The Analyser has been enhanced to identify the issues related to TallyPrime TDL enhancements.

Reference Browsers

The reference browsers like the definition browser, function browser, and action browser are now updated with all the TDL changes related to TallyPrime.

TDL Enhancements


New table capabilities have been provided to benefit the developers to enhance the UI experience of the pop-up Table.

Formatting Attributes in Table

The Table is widely used across many areas within the TallyPrime application like Configuration Settings, Go To reports, More details, and so on. Hence Tables required formatting to differentiate the objects from one another. Various formatting attributes in the Table have been introduced in the product to enable the application developers to achieve these requirements.

Object Enhancements

Apart from external methods, Object definition is now enhanced to support various attributes as per the design requirements.

Field Attributes

At Field definition, developers can provide pop-up list through attribute Table. To enhance the user experience while the Table is displayed, few attributes have been introduced.


Formatting Attributes in Buttons

Various formatting features, including Color, Border, Alignments, are supported for Buttons. An image can be shown in the Button.  

Refer to Formatting attributes in Buttons for more details

Inline Buttons

Inline buttons are the buttons displayed inside a report screen, unlike the buttons which are part of a Top toolbar or Right button bar. The inline buttons are declared inside a ‘Part’ definition, with the attribute ‘Button’. This capability provides better user interactions in the sub-forms, Query reports with multiple choices.

Modifier Keys

Modifier key capability helps in merging buttons that perform similar kinds of actions, but differing by the modifier key(Alt, Ctrl) used for its ‘Key’. When the user presses any modifier key (Ctrl, Alt), the button gets regenerated to show the corresponding Key and Title possible using the button.  This helps de-clutter the screen w.r.t. the number of buttons keeping all primary functionalities accessible to users allowing easy access to secondary related functionalities from the same button.

Popup Menu

One of the major enhancements in TallyPrime is the Popup menu. A Popup Menu is a menu that can be shown floating over the existing artifacts in the TallyPrime screen. It is associated with the top toolbar buttons and gets dismissed on the selection of an Item or explicit user interactions requesting the same. A popup menu can have further sub popup menus. These menus can be accessed from any report.


Report as Message Box and Query Box

To provide complete control of visuals and behaviors to the TDL developers, the new query box is introduced in the Report definition. With this, there are two new actions Query Report and Message Report are introduced to allow the developers to bring a customised report as a query box or a message box. 

Preload Check and Preload Control

To provide user-level validation and control at the report level, the attributes Preload Check and Preload Control can be used.

Browser Reports

To bring the customised reports in a browser, the attributes Current Report and Current Collection can be used instead of DefinitionName and IsCollection at Object definition.

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