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Keyboard Shortcut Keys 

This topic lists the shortcut keys and other menu keys used in TallyPrime Developer.

Editor Keys

Short Cut Keys



To scroll the cursor up by a line


To scroll the cursor down by a line

Left Arrow

To scroll the cursor left by a character

Right Arrow

To scroll the cursor right by a character


To move the cursor to the beginning of the current line


To move the cursor to the end of the current line


To move the cursor one page up at a time


To move the cursor one page down at a time


To select the edit mode or override mode in editor window


To clear the next character from the cursor location or to clear the selected text


To come out of a dialog box, similar to the option ‘cancel’

Back Space

To delete one character back from the current location


To leave one tab space from the current location


To start a fresh line

Shift + Down

To select a line downwards from the cursor position

Shift + Up

To select a line upwards from the cursor position

Shift + Left Arrow

To select a character left of the cursor position

Shift + Right Arrow

To select a character to the right of the cursor position

Shift + Home

To select the text from the cursor location to the starting point of the line

Shift + End

To select the text from the cursor location to the ending point of the line

Shift + PageUp

To select one page up from the cursor location

Shift + PageDown

To select one page down from the cursor location

Shift + Insert

To paste the content from clipboard

Shift + Delete

To cut the selected text

Shift + Back Space

To delete one character back from the current location

Shift + Tab

To move the cursor one tab back from the current location

Shift + Enter

To start a fresh line

Ctrl + <Mouse Click>

To copy contents from multiple locations or to paste the selected contents at multiple locations

Ctrl + Down

To scroll the page one line down at a time

Ctrl + Up

To scroll the page one line up at a time

Ctrl + Left Arrow

To move the cursor a word left

Ctrl + Right Arrow

To move the cursor a word right

Ctrl + Home

To move the cursor at the beginning of the file

Ctrl + End

To move the cursor at the end of the file

Ctrl + Insert

To copy the selection

Ctrl + Delete

To delete a word right from the cursor location

Ctrl + L

To cut the current line

Ctrl + T

Toggles current line with the line above it

Ctrl + Back Space

To delete one word back from the current location

Ctrl + ]

To point cursor to the next definition in a file

Ctrl + [

To point cursor to the previous definition in a file

Alt + Home

To point the cursor at the beginning of the line

Alt + End

To point the cursor to the end of the line

Alt + Back Space


Alt + Shift + Down

To move one line down during column selection

Alt + Shift + Up

To move one line up during column selection

Alt + Shift + Left Arrow

To move one character left during column selection

Alt + Shift + Right Arrow

To move one character right during column selection

Alt + Shift + Home

To extend the rectangular selection to the starting of the line

Alt + Shift + End

To extend the rectangular selection to the end of the line

Alt + Shift + PageUp

To select one page up from the current location during column selection

Alt + Shift + PageDown

To select one page down from the cursor location during column selection

Ctrl + Shift + [

To select one paragraph up

Ctrl + Shift + ]

To select one paragraph down

Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow

To select a word from the left

Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow

To select a word from the right

Ctrl + Shift + Home

To select the text from the cursor location to the beginning of the file

Ctrl + Shift + End

To select the text from the cursor position to end of the file

Ctrl + Shift + Delete

To delete the line right from the current location

Ctrl + Shift + Back Space

To delete the line left from the current location

Ctrl + Shift + L

To delete the current line

Ctrl + Shift + T

To copy the current line

Ctrl + Shift + ‘+’

To zoom in to the Editor Window

Ctrl + Shift + ‘-‘

To zoom out of the Editor Window

Ctrl + F2

To add bookmarks along required lines in the Editor

Shift + F2

To navigate to the Previous bookmark


To navigate to the Next bookmark

Short Cut Keys





To get the Help Manual


To find the next occurrence in the current file


To find and replace the next search result


To compile a file


To build the current project

Shift + F3

To go back to the previous search result

Shift + F4

To find and replace the previous search result

Alt + P

To directly jump to any other File

Alt + 1

To hide Explorer window

Alt + 2

To hide Output window

Ctrl + N

To create a new TDL file

Ctrl + O

To open an existing TDL file

Ctrl + S

To save a file or a project

Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y


Ctrl + A

Select all

Ctrl + X


Ctrl + C


Ctrl + V


Ctrl + E

Execute OS Command

Ctrl + F

To find a text in the current file

Ctrl + D

To locate the given text in all the files

Ctrl + G

Move to a Line number

Ctrl + H

To find and replace a text with a new text

Ctrl + J

To directly Jump to any Definition

Ctrl + 1

To go to Project Explorer

Ctrl + 2

To go to Output Window

Ctrl + 3

To go to Edit Pane

Ctrl + 4

To go to Definition Explorer

Ctrl + 5

To go to Schema Explorer

Ctrl + 6

To go to Build Window

Ctrl + 7

To go to Search Window

Ctrl + 8

To go to Function Browser

Ctrl + 9

To go to Action Browser

Ctrl + F3

To move to the next search location

Ctrl + F7

To compile a project

Ctrl + Dot

To move to the original description from a reference or modifier

Ctrl + Plus

To expand the pointed definition

Ctrl + Minus

To collapse the pointed definition

Ctrl + /

To show all the references for the current description

Ctrl + PgUp

To jump to previous location

Ctrl + PgDn

To jump to subsequent location

Ctrl + Shift + N

To create a new project

Ctrl + Shift + O

To open an existing project

Ctrl + Shift + C

To comment one or more lines

Ctrl + Shift + U

To uncomment one or more commented lines

Ctrl + Shift + F3

To move to the previous search location

Ctrl + Shift+ /

To show all the modifiers for the current description

Ctrl + Alt + Q

To exit from Tally Developer

Ctrl + Alt + A

To open the Attribute References Search Dialog

Ctrl + Alt + D

To open the Definition References Search Dialog

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