Table of Contents



Understanding Integration – Reports

This section is intended to illustrate the approaches to get the data and reports from Tally through XML request/ response.

Tally Data/Objects

Tally database is a true OODBMS(Object Oriented Database Management System). It is possible to store data as objects and retrieve data as objects. In other traditional OODBMS, data pertaining to an object is internally converted into disparate files and stored, but in Tally database data for an object is stored as it is as a block. This allows faster retrieval of data.

Tally File System consists of data files (master, transaction, link masters), Msgfiles (transaction management) and State Files (concurrency control and exclusivity control). It follows the concept of embedded and weighted Indexes. In other traditional databases, separate index file is maintained. In Tally, indexes are built into the data files. This facilitates faster retrieval of data.

By design, Tally database is hierarchical in nature i.e., objects are stored in a tree like structure. Each node in the tree can be a tree in itself. In this structure, a parent can have multiple children however every child can have only one parent. A child can further have multiple children. All the characteristics of a child are inherited from its parent and no child can exist without a parent.


Tally creates the books of accounts and the financial statements based on the vouchers entered for the particular period. The information is designed to allow a user to get the maximum benefit of the data that is entered. A user gets a holistic picture of the data and he able to present information using different options. The purpose of compiling data is to present it in comprehensible accounting reports. On entering the vouchers, TallyPrime uses the same data and provides you with the management control intelligences in addition to all books and statements.

The reports of Tally can be gathered through XML request/response. Tags used for sending a request to export data from TallyPrime as follows.

<HEADER> contains the following:

  • Tag <TALLYREQUEST> must contain value Export
  • Tag <TYPE> must contain value Data
  • Tag <ID> should contain the Name of the Report

<BODY> contains the following:

  • Tag <DESC> can contain report configurations like Company Name, Format of export, etc. as desired and which should be enclosed within <STATICVARIABLES> tag list.
  • If the Report Name specified in the <ID> tag does not exist within Tally running at the specified port, the TDL defining the Report & other supporting definition needs to be described and enclosed within tag <TDL>.

Gathering data and reports from Tally

Gathering data

The data of any master or transaction in Tally can be pulled through XML request/response. There are three ‘type’ of requests used for exporting the data from Tally and the purpose of each type is given below:


To get one particular object. For example, Ledger, Stock Item


To get multiple objects. For example, List of Ledgers, List of Stockitems


To get the reports. For example, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance

The below mentioned XML request gets the Name and Parent of a single ledger from Tally







<ID TYPE=”Name”>NameofTheLedger</ID>














The below mentioned XML request gets the data of all stock items from Tally






<ID>List of Accounts</ID>





         <AccountType>Stock Items</AccountType>





The below mentioned XML request gets the data of ledgers of a particular group ‘Bank accounts’

The default report ‘List of Accounts’ in Tally provides all the masters created in a company. Hence, an XML request can be sent to Tally to get details for the required masters like Ledgers, Groups, Stock Items, Stock Groups, etc.

The below mentioned XML request gets the data of ledgers of a particular group ‘Bank accounts’






<ID>List of Ledgers</ID>









<COLLECTION NAME=”List of Ledgers” ISMODIFY=”Yes”>

<ADD>CHILD OF : Bank Accounts</ADD>









The default collection ‘List of Ledgers’ is available in Tally and it is altered in the above request to pull only the ledgers created under the group ‘Bank Accounts’

Similar to masters, the data of transactions can be gathered from Tally through XML request. The below mentioned XML request gets data of transactions for a specific period.












              <SVFROMDATE TYPE=”Date”>1-Apr-2016</SVFROMDATE>

              <SVTODATE TYPE=”Date”>1-Apr-2016</SVTODATE>





The below XML request gets data of transactions for a specific period and for specific voucher type
















<LOCAL>Collection : Default : Add :Filter : VchTypeFilter</LOCAL>

<LOCAL>Collection : Default : Add :   Fetch : VoucherTypeName</LOCAL> </REPORT>

<SYSTEM TYPE=”Formulae” NAME=”VchTypeFilter” ISMODIFY=”No” ISFIXED=”No” ISINTERNAL=”No”>$VoucherTypeName=Sales   </SYSTEM>







The default report ‘Day book’ in Tally provides all the transactions entered in a company. Hence, an XML request can be sent to Tally to get the details of the required vouchers. In the above example, the vouchers are filtered for a specific voucher type by specifying a formula using TDL.

Gathering Reports

The reports available in Tally can be gathered through XML request/response. The below mentioned XML request gets the existing report ‘Trial Balance’ from Tally.






  <ID>Trial Balance</ID>










Sample XML response for above request:



  <DSPDISPNAME>Current Liabilities</DSPDISPNAME>


































      <DSPDISPNAME>Purchase Accounts</DSPDISPNAME>






















In the above XML request, <HEADER> describes the expected result.

  • The value of the Tag <TALLYREQUEST> is Export, which indicates that some information needs to be exported from Tally.
  • The value of the Tag <TYPE> is Data, which indicates that the data needs to be exported from Tally. The value of the Tag <ID> must be a TDL Report Name, if the previous Tag <TYPE> contains Data and Tag <TALLYREQUEST> contains Export. Any Report, which needs to be exported from Tally, needs to be specified within these Tags.
  • <BODY> Tag contains parameters, if any. Additional settings for the report like format required, company from which data is required, etc. can be passed within <STATICVARIABLES> Tag enclosed within <DESC> Tag. All variables are considered as Tag Names and their value are enclosed within these tags.

For example, in the above sample XML, Variable SVEXPORTFORMAT is considered as Tag and its value $$SysName:XML is enclosed within. TDL Internal Function SysName is evaluated at Tally end and the response is being sent accordingly.



    <SVCurrentCompany>ABC company Private Limited</SVCurrentCompany>



    <SVTODATE TYPE=”Date”>1-Apr-2016</SVTODATE>


Gathering a customized report

When a required report is not available at Tally end, the TDL code required for the custom report can be sent through the XML request to get the information.

Tag <TDL>

The tag <TDL> is used to specify the TDL related information. This particular Tag is specified only when the TDL Code required to serve the request and which is not present in default code of TallyPrime. The complete TDL to be executed in order to handle the Request; The TDL will be sent within the TDL block. Tally application will respond depending on the TDL request.

Example: A Request for a report ‘Simple Trial Balance’ has to be made. But, ‘Simple Trial balance’ is not present in default code, thus, the definition of the same is specified in the TDL tag.

The TDL program is sent using TDL tag as per the following structure:



TDL request specification



The <TDLMESSAGE> tag is mandatory inside the <TDL> tag. Inside that, we can write all the definitions and its attributes with their values. All TDL definitions and attributes are represented as tags.

Report, Collection, Function and Object can be specified inside the <TDL> tag. Consider the following examples, which demonstrate the usage of <HEADER> values:

Report specification in TDL





     <ID>Report Name </ID>


In the above header format, the value of TallyRequest is Export and the Type is ‘Data’. Therefore, the value of ID must be a name of a Report. This report name should be specified inside the tag <REPORT> within the <TDL> tag.











Let’s illustrate this case by sending a request to fetch data from the report ‘Simple Trial Balance’ that doesn’t exist at Tally end.

  • The XML Request with the TDL code for the customized report ‘Simple Trial Balance’





<ID>Simple Trial balance</ID>





      <EXPLODEFLAG>Yes</EXPLODEFLAG>                                                                  <SVEXPORTFORMAT>$$SysName:XML</SVEXPORTFORMAT>




<REPORT NAME=”Simple Trial balance”>                                                            <FORMS>Simple Trial balance</FORMS>

<TITLE>”Trial Balance”</TITLE>


<FORM NAME=”Simple Trial balance”>


<HEIGHT>100% Page</HEIGHT>

<WIDTH>100% Page</WIDTH>


<PART NAME=”Simple TB Part”>


     Simple TB Title, Simple TB Details


   <REPEAT>Simple TB Details : Simple TB Ledgers </REPEAT>




<LINE NAME=”Simple TB Title”>

    <USE>Simple TB Details</USE>

    <LOCAL>Field : Default : Type : String    </LOCAL>

    <LOCAL>Field : Default : Align : Centre      </LOCAL>

    <LOCAL>Field : Account Name : Set as: “Particulars” </LOCAL>

    <LOCAL>Field : Account Value: Set as: “Amount”</LOCAL>

    <BORDER>Flush Totals</BORDER>


<LINE NAME=”Simple TB Details”>



    <XMLTAG>”Accts Info”</XMLTAG >


<FIELD NAME=”Account Name”>

    <USE>Account Name</USE>



<FIELD NAME=”Account Value”>

    <USE>Account Value</USE>


    <BORDER>Thin Left</BORDER>


<COLLECTION NAME=”Simple TB Ledgers”>

<TYPE>Ledger</TYPE>                                                    <FILTERS>NoProfitsimple</FILTERS>


<SYSTEM TYPE=”Formulae” NAME=”NoProfitSimple”>

    NOT $$IsLedgerProfit







The above XML Request is similar to the previous request given for getting the report Trial Balance. The difference here is the Report Name contained within the Tag “<ID>” is not specified in Tally. Therefore, In the Tag <BODY> within Tag <DESC>, an additional tag <TDL> must be specified with the TDL describing the Report and its components enclosed within Tag <TDLMESSAGE>.’

XML Response received











 The feature ‘Convert to XML TDL’ in TallyPrime Developer allows you to convert projects/files that are in TDL to XML TDL. This simplifies the generation of XML request.

Gathering a report in HTML format

Apart from XML format, the reports of Tally can be gathered in HTML format as well. The below mentioned XML request gets the report ‘Trial Balance’ in HTML format:






   <ID>Trial Balance</ID>










The below mentioned output/screen is the response received in HTML format.

The HTML content of the response has to be saved in an html file (*.html) to view the content as shown above.


Names of some most frequently used reports in Tally

Accounting Reports

Name of the Report

Description of the report

Mandatory Variables

Purpose of mandatory variables

Day Book

Details of vouchers for a specified period


Trial Balance

Opening / transacted / Closing Balances of all accounting groups and ledgers


Ledger Vouchers

Ledger Account for a ledger


To set the Name of the ledger

Ledger Outstandings

Outstanding report for a ledger


To set the Name of the ledger

Bills Payable


Outstanding report for Payables


Bills Receivable

Outstanding report for Receivables


Group Outstandings

Outstanding report for a group


To set the Name of the group

Inventory Reports

Common Variables used in Tally Reports

Name of the Variable

Data Type

Permissible value




Uni date in format of YYYYMMDD

To provide from-date of the period



Uni date in format of YYYYMMDD

To provide the To-date of the period





To set the format of the report




To get the report in the Detailed or Condensed Mode

Note: All the other variables used across the reports in Tally can be referred in default TDL which is available in TallyPrime Developer.

Finding the report name/code in default TDL

The TDL code for the required Tally report can be viewed in TallyPrime Developer.

Example: To find the TDL code of the Tally report ‘Profit and Loss’

Step-1: Click on menu ‘Navigate’ and select the option ‘Jump to  Definition’

Step-2: Select Report from this definition list shown in field Definition type

Step-3: Type Profit and Loss and select the report from the list of reports shown in field Definition Name

The cursor will be jumped to the selected definition as per the example given below.

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