Table of Contents



Understanding Accounting Masters Integration

Masters are most important entity to record transactions in Tally. The accounting masters primarily consists of Group, Ledger and Voucher Types. The ledger is the actual accounting head to identify your transactions and generate all accounting reports. The following table helps to understand the accounting masters and its purpose:




Group is a collection of ledgers


Ledger is the actual accounting master used for recording transactions and generating account reports

Voucher Type

Voucher Type used to categorize the different nature of transactions,  provide specific voucher number and configure its behaviour while recording the transactions


Group is a collection of ledgers of the same nature. Account groups are maintained to determine the hierarchy of Ledger Accounts, which is helpful in determining and presenting meaningful and compliant reports.  Click here for the steps to create a group manually in Tally.

Tally provides the flexibility to the user for organizing the chart of accounts.  The following XML request can be send to Tally to create a group “North Zone Debtors” under predefined group Sundry Debtors:








              <REPORTNAME>All Masters</REPORTNAME>



              <TALLYMESSAGE xmlns:UDF=”TallyUDF”>

                     <GROUP Action=”Create”>

                        <NAME>North Zone Debtors</NAME>

                        <PARENT>Sundry Debtors</PARENT>








The Ledgers are commonly known as general ledger in accounting standards. Ledgers provides the summary of recorded transactions and helps to generate accounting reports. A ledger in Tally must be created under a group. Click here for the steps to create a ledger manually in Tally.

The following table helps to understand the XML schema with the minimal tags required for creating a ledger.


Data type

Is mandatory





Opening tag




To provide the name of the Ledger




This should contain a group name from list available in Tally. We can also create our own groups and classify ledger under that group subject to the group is created prior to ledger creation.

The below given XML request creates a ledger in Tally








              <REPORTNAME>All Masters</REPORTNAME>



              <TALLYMESSAGE xmlns:UDF=”TallyUDF”>

                     <LEDGER Action=”Create”>

                        <NAME>Customer ABC</NAME>

                        <PARENT>Sundry Debtors</PARENT>








Adding address information in ledger master

The below mentioned XML tags can be included in the XML request to add the address information in ledger master.

<LEDGER Action=”Create”>

   <NAME>Customer ABC</NAME>

   <PARENT>Sundry Debtors</PARENT>


       <MAILINGNAME>Customer – Mailing name</MAILINGNAME>



       <ADDRESS>Door no </ADDRESS>












Similarly, we can create any ledger in Tally by specifying the appropriate group / parent.

Altering a ledger

An existing ledger in Tally can be altered by sending a XML request. Only the tag <Ledger> has to be changed as mentioned below in the XML request demonstrated for creating of ledger.

<Ledger NAME=”Customer ABC” Action=”Alter”>


The tool Tally Connector available in TallyPrime Developer can be used for sending XML request and receiving the XML response for the quick understanding

Ensure the dependent masters are available in Tally before sending XML request for creating the master/transactions. Even if the masters are available in Tally ensure that it is created appropriately under nature of group for example, Sales ledger should be available under group Sales Accounts, Purchase ledger should be created under group Purchase Accounts.

  • Third party applications can ensure this by sending XML request and show the appropriate warning/error message to the user.
  • Tally maintains a unique number (master-ID) for all the masters and transactions. Tally master-ID can be associated with Third party applications for additional validation, if required.
  • It is advisable to create one nature of master at once to have better control, for example, Set of Groups and Set of ledgers needs to be created in two XML requests.
  • The tax related information has to be sent to Tally to maintain the statutory records in Tally.
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