
Banking Module has been enhanced in Tally.ERP 9 to simplify the overall banking experience. A separate menu Banking has been provided under Utilities in the Gateway of Tally. The user need not go to different menus to operate the banking related operations in Tally.ERP 9, such as Printing Cheques (pre-Configured), BRS (Bank Reconciliation Statement), Printing Cheque/Cash Deposit Slips, printing Payment Advices, managing Cheques, Import Bank Statement for Auto BRS, etc.

The banking transactions can now be provided with Bank Allocation details such as the Transaction Type, Instrument No, Date, etc. A single bank amount can also be allocated to multiple transaction types such as Cheque, Electronic Cheque, Electronic DD/PO, Inter Bank Transfer, Others and Same Bank Transfer based on the requirement.

The BRS screen now provides detailed information with regard to transaction types, instrument no., instrument date, cheque favouring, etc. The user can also provide Opening BRS for unreconciled transactions.

Features of Banking in Tally.ERP 9

The salient features of Banking in Tally.ERP 9 are as follows:

Cheque Printing:

Cheque Register

Bank Reconciliation:

Deposit Slips:

Payment Advice:

To access Banking, go to Gateway of Tally > Banking.

Migrating Banking Vouchers for Existing Data

When the existing users of Tally.ERP 9 access their company data using Tally.ERP 9 Release 3.0 for the first time, will migrate the Banking vouchers.

On completion of migration, the following has to be considered for Bank Reconciliation:


Banking Features

Cheque Printing

Auto Bank Reconciliation

Manual Bank Reconciliation

Cheque Deposit Slip

Cash Deposit Slip

Payment Advice

Cheque Management