Manual Bank Reconciliation

The Bank Reconciliation option in the Banking menu allows the user to perform the following operations:

Accessing Bank Reconciliation

Printing Bank Reconciliation Statement

Configuring Bank Reconciliation Statement

Accessing Bank Reconciliation

To access Bank Reconciliation screen,

The Bank Reconciliation screen of the selected Bank appears. By default the details in the Bank Reconciliation screen are sorted based on Bank Date (if bank date is already specified for the transaction). Or else, such sorting will be based on the Instrument Date.



1. The Bank Reconciliation screen can also be accessed from Gateway of Tally > Display > Accounts Books > Cash/Bank Books > Select Bank Ledger > Select a month > F5: Reconcile.


2. By default, the screen displays the period range from date specified in the Effective Date for Reconciliation in the Bank ledger master till the date of last entry.


3. The Bank Date has be to be provided based on the Instrument Date and not on Voucher Date.

Button options in Bank Reconciliation screen

F2: Period

Press F2 key or click F2: Period to specify a period for which the Bank Reconciliation screen is to be displayed.

S: Set Bank Dates

To set a bank date for all the transactions for reconciliation, click S: Set Bank Dates button or press Alt+S key.

On pressing Alt+S, a Set Bank Date sub-screen appears as shown:

      Specify the required bank date that is to be filled for all the transactions in the Bank Reconciliation screen.

C: Create Voucher:

Press Alt+C key or click C: Create Voucher to create a voucher from the Bank Reconciliation screen itself.

U: Opening BRS

In Tally.ERP 9 Series A Release 3.0 onwards the user may provided opening BRS to the unreconciled transactions using this function.

The opening BRS will be used in the following scenarios:

In these cases the user had to manually keep track of the unreconciled transaction until they are reconciled.   

To provide Opening BRS:

The Bank Reconciliation screen is displayed with opening BRS provided as shown:

Note: When the user tries to access F12: Range for filters in the Bank Reconciliation screen, will prompt to Accept the current screen before proceeding.

F12: Range

Allows to filter the Bank Reconciliation screen. The user may filter the transactions based on the Amount, Bank Date, Date, Favouring Name, etc as shown:

Configuring Bank Reconciliation

The user may configure the Bank Reconciliation screen based on his requirement.

To configure,

Select vouchers to show

By default, all the vouchers are displayed. Select the required Ledger Entries type from the list.

Show Narrations also

Set this option to Yes to display the narration in the Bank Reconciliation screen.

Show Remarks also

Set this option to Yes to display the remarks in the Bank Reconciliation screen as shown:

Show Forex details also

Set this option to Yes to display the forex details also in the report.

Show Forex Transactions only

By default, this option is set to Yes. The cheque printing screen displays only the forex transaction.

Note: The options Show Forex details also and Show Forex Transactions only appear only in case Multi Currency feature is enabled for the company.

Show Reconciled Transactions also

Set this option to Yes to display the reconciled transactions also in the Bank Reconciliation screen.

Allow Back dated Reconciliation

Set this option to Yes to allow reconciling back dated transactions also.

Show Payment Favouring / Received From

Set this option to Yes to display the Payment Favouring / Received From details in the Bank Reconciliation screen.

The Bank Reconciliation screen with Narration, Remarks and Payment Favouring/Received From details is displayed, as shown:



1.The Favouring Name column displays only those names which are different from the Party/Ledger account names.


2. Bank Reconciliation capability has been enhanced, from this screen users can

 * View the voucher display by pressing Alt + Enter from Bank Date field

 * Alter the Voucher by pressing Ctrl +Enter from Bank Date field

Show all Unreconciled Transactions Till Date

Set this option to Yes to display all the Unreconciled Transactions till the given date, irrespective of the From date set in the Bank Reconciliation Statement.


1. This option is also available in Gateway of Tally > F12:Configure > General.


2.The option set will be applicable to all the banks for the selected company.

Appearance of Name

Select the required Display Name Style from the list to display in cheque printing screen.

The completed Bank Reconciliation screen is displayed as shown

Printing Bank Reconciliation Statement

The user may print the Bank Reconciliation statement for the required Bank.

To Print Bank Reconciliation Statement:

The Print Report screen appears.

Note: The options Show Forex details also and Show Forex Transactions only appear only in case Multi Currency feature is enabled for the company.

The Bank Reconciliation Statement appears as shown:

Alteration of Reconciled Voucher

In some cases users may alter the reconciled vouchers by changing/splitting the amount, in such cases Tally.ERP 9 will display the message asking the confirmation to continue with the alteration. Users can later a reconciled voucher from Day Book, Bank Conciliation or from voucher reports.

Here ABC company is altering the voucher dated 3-7-2010 (already reconciled) where the company has issued the cheque for Rs. 1000 to Supreme Computers

Note: To alter a voucher from Bank Reconciliation report, from Bank Date field press Ctrl + Enter

The amount of 1000 has been split into 600 & 400. On saving this voucher Tally.ERP 9 displays the message indicating the reconciled voucher is altered and bank balance in BRS will not Match, hence Bank Date will be removed.