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Edit Log Capabilities

Functions for Edit Log


This function validates whether the edit log has been enabled for any loaded company. If an edit log is enabled for any loaded company, it will return’ Yes’.




[Menu : Company TopMenu]

Control            : @@locEditLog                : $$IsGlobalEditLogOn


This function validates whether the current loaded company has enabled the edit log. If an edit log is enabled for the current loaded company, it will return’ Yes’.




[Line : EI Consignee]

Option : EI Current User Name : $$IsEditLogOn

Edit Log – Company Object

Company Activity – Object Type

  All company-level activity that impacts the company and may impact the vouchers should log. Company Activity object type allows tracing edit log.


[Collection       : <Collection Name>]

Type      : Company Activity


[Collection : Company Log]

Type     : Company Activity

New Methods Introduced for Object – Company Activity

Method Name Description


The method returns the nature of Company Operations which could be CompanyCreated,
Repair, Split, MovedtoTP, MovedtoTPEL, Migration, MigrationFromTP, MigrateFromTE,
MigrateFromTEDamaged, MigrateFromTPEL

TallyPrime contains any of the above logs. However, TallyPrimeEditLog contains MigrateFromTP,
MigrateFromTE, MigrateFromTEDamaged


The method returns the version id of the activity


The method returns the logged in UserName who triggered the activity on the company.


The method returns the performed Date and Time of the activity
(recorded using the date and time of the system while performing this operation)


The method returns the security state when the user performs the activity. The method helps to
log the user name only when this method returns True

Edit Log – Masters & Voucher Object

Retrieving Deleted Objects

Collection Attribute – Include Deleted 

 ‘Include Deleted’ attribute populates deleted vouchers in a collection. The attribute can be for a collection with an object context of a Voucher. In the case of the union of collections, the attribute should be mentioned at the main union collection. In the absence of the attribute, the default value is ‘No’.


[Collection       : <Collection Name>]

Type                    :  Voucher 
Include Deleted : <Logical Value> 


[Collection: Vouchers Include Deleted]

Type                      : Voucher 
Include Deleted  : Yes

Object Type – Deleted Master

A new object type, ‘Deleted Master,’ has been introduced to populate the deleted masters of object type Group, Ledger and Stock Item.  


[Collection : <Collection Name>] 

              Type      : Deleted Master 


[Collection: List of Deleted Master] 

Type        : Deleted Master

This object type would retrieve all the deleted masters of all the objects, i.e. Group, Ledger and Stock Item. In case deleted master of a particular Object is required, a filter can be added to filter for a particular Object type. 


[Collection: List of Deleted Ledger Master] 

Type        : Deleted Master
Filter   : OnlyDelLed 

[System : Formula] 

OnlyDelLed : $$Type = Ledger 

IsDeleted – Method name

 IsDeleted method identifies deleted object.

Example 1

[Collection: List of Deleted Master] 

Type        : Deleted Master
Fetch     : IsDeleted 

Example 2

[Collection: Vouchers Include Deleted]

Type                       : Voucher
Include Deleted   : Yes
Fetch             : IsDeleted

Retrieving Edit Logs and the methods

‘IsEditLogPresent’ method 

The method ‘IsEditLogPresent’ checks whether the object has any edit logs. The method is available at Ledger, Group, Stock Item and Voucher. 

Note:  It is mandatory to Fetch the method at the collection. 


[Collection: Vouchers Include Deleted]

Type                       : Voucher
Include Deleted   : Yes
Fetch            : IsEditLogPresent 

Edit Logs – Sub Object 

              For Edit logs a history must be maintained at individual Primary Object. The history of each Primary Object is maintained under the ‘Edit Logs’ sub-object. The sub-object is available only for usage and cannot be altered.  


[Collection       : <Collection Name>] 

Type      : Edit Logs         : <Primary Object Type> 
Child of : <Master Name / Voucher ID> 

Example 1 

[Collection: Voucher Edit Trails] 

Type      : Edit Logs  : Voucher 
Child of : ##CurrentVchMSTID 

Example 2

[Collection : Master Edit Trails] 

Type      : Edit Logs         : Ledger 
Child of : ##LedName 

In the scenario where edit log for the deleted master is required the object type would be ‘Type: Edit Logs: Deleted Master. However, in the case of Deleted master, the logs are identified based on Master ID. 

Example 3 

[Collection : Master Edit Trails] 

Type : Edit Logs : Deleted Master 

Child of : ##LedMstID 

New Methods Introduced for Edit Logs – Object 


 Object Types Supported 



 Voucher, Group, Ledger, Stock Item 

The method holds the version number based on the count the 
master/voucher has been edited.  


Voucher, Group, Ledger, Stock Item 

The method retrieves the name of the user, performed the action for the object. 


 Voucher, Group, Ledger, Stock Item 

The method retrieves the actions like Create, Alter, Resave, Delete that has updated the object.  



To mention the type of update activity 


Voucher, Group, Ledger, Stock Item 

The method retrieves the Date and Time of the activity  

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