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Changes in E-Way Bill Details

(From TallyPrime Release 2.0)

As part of TallyPrime Release 2.0, there are some changes related to the printing of E-Way Bill Details and Tally schema changes for a few object types.

Printing E-Way Bill Details After Invoice

A new form, GSTeWayBillDEtails, is added to the Printed Invoice report. Therefore, form deletion to the Printed Invoice report or deletion of the Printed Invoice report will impact the printout of the E-Way Bill. Following are the examples to include the e-way bill details in such custom invoices.

Example 1

[#Report: Printed Invoice]

Option  : CustomInvoice  : @@IsSales

[!Report: CustomInvoice]

Delete   : Form

Add      : Form  : CustomInvoice, GSTeWayBillDEtails

Example 2

[#Form : Sales Color]

Option  : TSPL Customised Print   : @@TSPLIsEnabled

[!Form : TSPL Customised Print]

Delete      : Print

Add         : Print      : TSPLNewFormatPrint

[Report : TSPLNewFormatPrint]

Form    : TSPLNewFormatPrint, GSTeWayBillDEtails

Schema Changes for E-Way Bill Details

Object Type : Voucher

Storage Name

Data Type





Ewaybill Details

To capture the Cancel Reason in the Cancellation Details screen.

CancelCode String Ewaybill Details To capture the Cancel Code in the Cancellation Details screen.
Ovrdneaybillapplicability Logical ExtensionDetails To override/change the e-way bill applicability of the voucher
Distance Number ExtensionDetails To capture the Distance in Extension Details
TransportMode String ExtensionDetails To capture the Distance in Extension Details
DocumentDate Date ExtensionDetails To capture the Document Date in Extension Details
VehicleNumber String ExtensionDetails To capture the Vehicle Number in Extension Details
VehicleType String ExtensionDetails To capture the Vehicle Type in Extension Details
TransitType String ExtensionDetails To capture the Transit Type in Extension Details
Reason String ExtensionDetails To capture the Reason in Extension Details
Remarks String ExtensionDetails To capture the Remarks in Extension Details
Address String (Repeat) ExtensionDetails Address Repeat behaviour
PinCode String ExtensionDetails To capture the PinCode in Extension Details
Place String ExtensionDetails To capture the Place in Extension Details
State String ExtensionDetails To capture the State in Extension Details
NewVehicleType String TransportDetails To capture the String New Vehicle Type in Transport Details 
IsTransIdPending Logical  TransportDetails To check the flag IsTransIdPending in Transport Details
IsTransIdUpdated Logical  TransportDetails To check the flag IsTransIdUpdated in Transport Details
IsPartbPending Logical TransportDetails To check the flag IsPartbPending in EWayBill Details
IsPartbUpdated Logical TransportDetails To check the flag IsPartbUpdated in EWayBill Details
IsPending Logical ExtensionDetails To check the flag IsPending in Transport Details
IsExtended Logical ExtensionDetails To check the flag IsExtended in EWayBill Details
IsCancelPending Logical EWayBillDetails To check the flag IsCancelPending in EWayBill Details
IsCancelled Logical EWayBillDetails To check the flag IsCancelled in EWayBill Details




To store “validUpto” date that we received from successful EWB generation




To store “eWayBillDate” date that we received from successful EWB generation




To store “Canceledate” date that we received from successful EWB Cancellation

IgnoreGenerationValidation Logical EWayBillDetails To ignore e-way bill generation validations
IgnorePartBValidation Logical EWayBillDetails To ignore e-way bill partB validations
IgnoreTransIDValidation Logical EWayBillDetails To ignore e-way bill transporter ID validations
IgnoreExtnValidation Logical EWayBillDetails To ignore e-way bill extenstion validations
IsExportedforGeneration Logical EWayBillDetails To mark when offline export is done for generation
IsExportedforPartB Logical EWayBillDetails To mark when offline export is done for PartB updation
IsExportedforTransporterID Logical EWayBillDetails To mark when offline export is done for transporter ID updation
eWayBillErrorList Aggregate Voucher To store the e-way bill error details in transaction  when send for e-way bill is performed
ExchErrorCode String eWayBillErrorList


String eWayBillErrorList
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