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Attribute References Navigation

In TDL, we can have the same attribute under multiple definition types where the behavior of attribute has a unique significance for each definition type.

Attribute Reference Navigation is used to perform Attribute Search within a particular definition type.In other words, this search allows the user to find all the instances where an attribute falls under a particular definition type. Attribute Reference Navigation helps the programmer to quickly locate the desired position by short listing the number of occurrences.

To search for attribute references

  • Go to > .

  • Select the required Find Attribute Reference window.

  • Select the required Definition type to be searched.

  • Specify the Search in drop-down menu.

  • Click Reference tab of

    The meaning of the various scopes are as follows:

  • The All Projects option is the default option and is used to search for the string in all the loaded projects.
  • The Active project option is used to search for the string in the currently active project.
  • The Default TDL Project optionis used to search for the string in the default TDL files.
  • The All Open Files optionis used to search in files that are currently open in the project.
  • The Current File option is used to search in the current File.
  • Reference tab displays all the Form definitions having the attribute On . Attribute On is used in multiple definition types and their purpose varies. The search has narrowed down to attributes under Form definition, thereby shortlisting the search results as required by the TDL programmer.

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