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Report Related Attributes

Full Screen

It helps to control the display of command window/calculator pane. It is a logical type of attribute.


Full Screen : Yes/No

If it is set to YES, the command window will be hidden, providing extra space when the report is displayed. The default value of this attribute is YES. In case of Sub-Report/AutoReport, if the value of this attribute is not specified, the default value is NO.


[Report: My Report]

Full Screen : Yes


Static/Load Time modifiers like Add, Delete and Replace can be called as Delayed Attribute modifiers, as they are having least precedence among Delayed Static/Load Time modifiers.

Now these modifiers are generalized across all definitions. Earlier for definitions Report, Key, Color, Style, Border and Variable, the delayed attributes were applied in their sequence of appearance in the definition description. If more than one delayed attribute is used under any definition, then the attributes will be applied as they appear. This has been done to bring consistency across the definitions.

Example: 1

[Report : Test Report]

Form : Form1

Delete : Form

Form : Form2

The report Test Report won’t have any Form, as the attribute ‘Delete’, which is evaluated last, deletes all the existing forms.

Example: 2

[Report : Test Report1]

Form : Form1

Delete : Form

Add: Form : Form2

As a result of this code snippet, the report Test Report1 will have one form Form2 , since, on deletion of all the Forms, delayed attribute modifier Add is used to add a new form Form2.


The value specified with the attribute Family is automatically added to the security list as a pop-up, while assigning the rights under Security Control Menu.


[Report : <Report Name>]

Family : <String Value>


[Report : Ledger]

Family : “Accounts Masters”

Here, Accounts Masters will get added to the Security list. Without the user rights for Accounts Masters in the Security controls, this report can neither be created, altered nor viewed.


Delayed attribute modifier Local , which is used to locally modify the attributes of any child definition, is now enhanced to accept nested Locals.


Local : <DefinitionType1> : <DefinitionName1> [: <DefinitionType2> : <Definition Name2> : … ] : <Attribute> : <Value>


< Definition Type > can be a Form, a Part, a Line or a Field.

< Definition name > is the name of the definition type.

< Attribute > is the attribute of the Definition of which, the value needs to be altered, and

< Value > is the value assigned to this attribute within the current Report or Form or Part or Line.


[Report: Custom Report]

Local : Line : TitleLine : Local : Field : AmtField :Set as : “Sales Amount”

The field Amt Field is localized at the report Custom Report , by using nested locals.

Plain XML

Tally provides the capability to export any report in XML format. The XML generated is in standard format for better readability, i.e., line ending characters after each closing tag, indentation for each sub tag, etc. Most of the applications can directly consume the data available in standard format. However, there are some legacy and non-standard applications which require an XML without formatting and applied styles. They consume the entire unformatted XML available as a single string, without even a new line character.

A new attribute Plain XML has been introduced in ‘Report’ definition. This attributes generates the XML without applying any formats and styles.


Plain XML : <Logical Expression>


<Logical Expression> can be any expression which evaluates to logical value YES/NO.


[Report : Simple Trial balance]

Form      : Simple Trial balance

Title     : “Trial Balance”

Plain XML : YES


A Report is normally associated with a data object, which it gets from the previous Report and if not, will be associated with the anonymous object. From Release 3.0 onwards, the syntax for the association has been enhanced to override the default association as well. The Report attribute ‘Object’ has been enhanced to take an additional optional value as ‘Object Identifier Formula’.


Object : <ObjectType> [: <ObjectIdentifierFormula>]


< ObjectType > is a Type of Primary Object.

< ObjectIdentifierFormula > is an optional value and refers to any formula which evaluates the name of Primary Object.

Example 1: Without the Object Identifier

[#Form : Sales Color]

Delete : Print

Add    : Print : New Sales Format

[Report : New Sales Format]

Object : Voucher

Default Sales Color Form is modified to have a new print format ‘New Sales Format’. This Report gets the voucher object from the previous Report.

Example 2: With the Object Identifier

[Report: Sample Report]

Object : Ledger : “Cash”

The Ledger ‘Cash’ is associated to the Report ‘Sample Report’. Now components of a ‘Sample Report’ by default, inherit this ledger object association.

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