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Part Related Attributes

Digital Signature

With the introduction of Release 2.1, a digital signature has been introduced in the TallyPrime product. To aid the capability, an attribute Digital Sign has been introduced at Part definition. The default value of the attribute would be ‘No’. The capability would enable the developer to place the digital signature for print/export/mail reports. In the absence of any parts with Digital Sign enabled and if the Digital Sign is requested in the PDF Output, it would be rendered towards the end of the content. In a given page of the PDF output, there can be only one digital signature. If there are multiple parts defined for containing a digital signature within a given page, only the first part would be considered and the rest would be skipped/ignored.


Digital Sign / Digital Signature : <Logical expression>


[Part: Part Containing Sign]

Digital Sign        : ##IsDigitalSignOn

Access Names

This attribute is used to identify the part by using unique access name.


Access Name : Access Name Formula


< Access Name Formula > can be a formula which evaluates to a string.


[Part : Sample Part]

Line        : Sample Line1

Access Name : “Sample Part”


The attribute Background is used to set the Background Color of a Part in Display mode.


[Part : <Part Name>]

Background : <Color Name Formula>


[Part : Party Details]

Background : Red Print BG : Green


The Print BG attribute is used to set the Background Color of a Part in Print mode.


[Part : <Part Name>]

Print BG : <Color Name Formula>

Default Line

It is used to highlight the appropriate line which satisfies the given condition. All the methods of the object associated with the line can be used while specifying the condition.


Default Line : <Condition>

When the Report is invoked, the Line for which the condition is TRUE, is highlighted by default.


If the Line is repeated over the collection of Ledgers, then the following code will highlight the line of Cash Ledger.

[Part : The Main Part]

Default Line : $Name = “Cash”


Part inherits the Object from the Report/Part/Line, by default. This can be overridden in two ways.

Using the ‘Object’ attribute specification in the Part definition

The syntax of an Object attribute at the part level is as follows:


Object : <SupplierCollection> : <SeekTypeKeyword> [: <SeekCondition>]


< SupplierCollection > is the name of the Collection of Secondary Objects.

< SeekTypeKeyword > can be First or Last, which denotes the position index.

< SeekCondition > is an optional value, and is a filter condition to the Supplier collection.

Example: Part in the Context of Voucher Object

[Part : Sample Part]

Line   : Sample Line

Object : InventoryEntries:First:@@StkNameFilter

Scroll : Vertical

[System : Formula]

StkNameFilter : $StockItemName = “Tally Developer”

The first inventory entry having stock item “Tally Developer” is associated with Part ‘Sample Part’.Only sub-objects can be associated at part level for which the primary object is associated at the Report level. To overcome this limitation a new attribute ‘Object Ex’ is introduced at part level in release 3.0.

Using ‘Object Ex’ attribute specification in Part definition

The attribute Object Ex provides the ease of using enhanced method formula syntax, while specifying the object association. Now even the Primary Object can be associated with a Part, which was not possible with the Object attribute of ‘Part’ Definition.


Object Ex : <Method Formula Syntax>


< Method formula syntax > is, <Absolute Specification>.[<Sub Object Specification>]

<Absolute Specification> is (<Object Type>, <Object Identifier Formula>). If only Absolute Spec. is given, then it should end with dot (‘.’).

<Sub Object Specification> is CollectionName[Index,<Condition>]

Example : 1

[Part: Sample Part]

Object Ex : (Ledger,”Customer”)

The Ledger object “Customer 1” is associated with the Part ‘Sample Part’. Since only the absolute specification used, the Object specification ends with ‘.’

Example : 2

[Part : Sample Part]

Object Ex : (Ledger,”Customer”) . BillAllocations[1, @ @Condition1]

[System : Formula]

Condition1 : $Name = “Bills 2”

The Secondary Object ‘Bill Allocation’ is associated with the Part ‘Sample Part’.

The Data Object associated to some other Interface Object can also be associated to a Part. This aspect will be elaborated in the section ‘Object Access via UI Object’ of the Enhancement training. The enhanced method formula syntax is discussed in detail under the section ‘Accessing Methods’.

Retain Focus

It indicates that the part should retain information about the line which is currently in focus, even if the focus is moved to other part. This allows the part to make the same line as the current line when it gets back the focus.


Retain Focus : Yes/No


[Part : LedPart]

Retain Focus : Yes


At Part level, the attribute Selectable indicates whether the lines owned by the particular Part are selectable or not, and the default value for the same is YES.


Selectable : <Logical Formula>


<Logical Formula> must return the value as Yes or No


This attribute determines synchronization of horizontal or vertical Parts of the Part. If the Part further contains parts, then the value of Sync attribute specified at Parent level overrides the value specified at child level.


[Part : Main Part]

Parts : SubPart1, SubPart 2

Sync : Yes

[Part : Sub Part 1]

Sync : No

[Part : Sub Part 2]

Sync : Yes

As a result of the default value of Sync attribute being set to NO, in the above code snippet, the Sync attribute finally has the value as YES.


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