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Buttons/Keys Related Attributes


The Action attribute is used to associate an Action with the Button. Every Button or Key is defined for the purpose of executing certain predefined actions.


[Key/Button : <Key/Button Name>]

Action : <Required Action>


[Button : NonColumnar]

Action : Set : ColumnarDayBook : NOT ##ColumnarDayBook


The attribute ActionEx is used to enhance the multi-action support at button or key level. It allows you to specify multiple actions for executions when you invoke a key or button. ActionEx is a triple list attribute.


[Button:<Button Name>]

ActionEx: <Label>:<Action Keyword>[:<Action Parameters>]


[Button :<Button Name>]

<Label>:<Action Keyword>[:<Action Parameters>]


<Button Name> is the name of the button definition.

<Label> is any string to identify the ActionEx statement. Label supports for deletion, addition, modification, and replacement of the ActionEx statements. It is a mandatory sub-attribute.

  • If the labels are unique, every ActionEx statements are executed in the order of their specifications.
  • If the labels are same, the last action within the same label is executed.

<Action Keyword> is any platform or object-specific action except the function specific actions.

<Action Parameters> List of parameters as required by the action specified, separated by colon. Depending on the specified action keyword this parameter can be optional.

Example: 1

[Button: Show Final Accounts]

Key     : Ctrl + F

ActionEx: TB : Display : Trial Balance

ActionEx: PL : Display : Profit and Loss

ActionEx: BS : Display : Balance Sheet


[Button: Show Final Accounts]

Key : Ctrl + F

TB  : Display : Trial Balance

PL  : Display : Profit and Loss

BS  : Display : Balance Sheet

Example: 2

Modify the code in example 1 to display the modified final accounts as given below:

  • Delete the action to display TrialBalance using the attribute Delete: TB.
  • Add the action to set the attribute ExplodeFlag as yes, after the label PL.
  • Modify BS label to display the report ‘MyBalanceSheet’.

[Button: Modified Final Accounts]

Use     : Show Final Accounts

Delete  : TB

Add     : ActionEx: After:PL: ExplodeFlagNo: Set: ExplodeFlag: No

Replace : ActionEx: BS :BS: Display : My Balance Sheet

[Report: My Balance Sheet]


Form    : Balance Sheet

Example: 3

Use the button Show Final Accounts mentioned in Example 1, in the report MyReport and modify it locally to delete the display of Trial Balance using ActionEx.

[Report: My Report]


Form: My Report

[Form: My Report]


Button: Show Final Accounts

Local : Button: Show Final Accounts: Delete: ActionEx: TB

You can use the attribute ActionEx to achieve multi-action support which reduces the code size, instead of the attribute Action List with additional key definitions.

To display the final accounts using a button you need to write the following code using the attribute Action List.


[Button: Show Final Accounts]

Key         : Ctrl + F

Action List : Show Trial Balance, Show Profit and Loss, Show Balance Sheet

;; Key Names which are to be triggered in sequence

[Button: Show Trial Balance]

Key    : Ctrl + F

Action : Display : Trial Balance

[Button: Show Profit and Loss]

Key    : Ctrl + F

Action : Display : Profit and Loss

[Button: Show Balance sheet]

Key    : Ctrl + F

Action : Display : Balance Sheet

Whereas when you use the attribute ActionEx, it reduces the code size.


[Button: Show Final Accounts]

Key     : Ctrl + F

ActionEx: TrialBalance : Display : Trial Balance

ActionEx: ProfitandLoss : Display : Profit and Loss

ActionEx: BalanceSheet : Display : Balance Sheet


The Inactive attribute is used to activate the Button, based on some condition. If the condition is FALSE, the button will be displayed, but it cannot be activated.


[Key/Button : <Key/Button Name>]

Inactive : <Logical Condition>


[Button: Close Company]

Inactive : $$SelectedCmps < 1


The Title attribute can be used to give a meaningful Title to the Button being displayed on the Button Bar. This attribute is optional.


[Key/Button : <Key/Button Name>]

Title : <Button Title>


[Button : NonColumnar]

Title : “No Columns”


This attribute is used to give a unique key combination, which can be activated by pressing the same from any Report or Menu. This attribute is mandatory if action is specified in this definition.


[Key/Button : <Key/Button Name>]

Key : <Combination of Keys>


[Button: NonColumnar]

Key : Alt + F5


The attribute Help is used to specify the Index or Map ID of the help file. This works only for the Inline Buttons.


Help: <Help Map ID>[:<GUID or Module>]


<Help Map ID> is used to specify the index of the help file.

<GUID or Module> is an expression that returns the GUID of the addon or module for invoking the help. This is an optional parameter.


Help : @@GSTRStatusReconHelpMapID

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