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Case Study III – Exporting Ledger Masters from TallyPrime to External Application

A Company Global Enterprises needs to design an interface for displaying list of ledgers in VB and allowing the user to alter the same through external interface. Finally the altered ledger must be posted to TallyPrime.

Ensure that the TDL Ledger Report.txt has been associated in TallyPrime. This TDL report is written for displaying List of Ledgers with the required XML Tags since when an export request is sent to TallyPrime, these XML Tags can be located and displayed in the Interface. 

The above TallyPrime Screen displays the List of Ledgers prior to alteration in Company Global Enterprises.

The following interface has been designed in VB for Ledger Alteration. The Ledgers in Global Enterprises Company has been gathered through XML and displayed in drop down list for user selection. 

On selection of the Ledger, an additional input field Enter New Name allows the user to give a different name to the selected ledger.

On hitting Alter Ledger button, the XML for Ledger Alteration is generated and posted to TallyPrime and the TallyPrime Ledger is altered accordingly as shown in the following TallyPrime screen. 

The above screen displays that the Ledger Emco Transformers has been renamed to Emco Transformers Pvt. Ltd. through external interface application.

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