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Enhancing Data Source Capabilities with XML and JSON Strings

A new enhancement in TDL that introduces XML and JSON strings as data sources. This new capability aims to streamline the handling of variable-based data and improve efficiency in financial services projects and other data-intensive applications. Some of the key features are listed below:

  1. Direct Data Source Utilization

    • XML and JSON Strings can now be used directly as data sources, eliminating the need for intermediary file handling steps.
    • This update simplifies how you work with XML data, which you had to manage through complex workarounds before.
  2. Enhanced Efficiency

    • This feature lets you handle JSON and XML strings with a separate data source, making it easier to manage variable-based data efficiently.
  3. Simplified Syntax

    • Easily integrate XML and JSON data by passing them as parameters, without needing additional file operations.


Data Source: <Type>: <Identity/Data>


<Type> specifies the type of data source. The available data source types are File XML, HTTP XML, ODBC, Report, Parent Report, DLL, Variable, Directory, PlugIn XML, AxPlugIn XML, Rule Set, Num Set, Flag Set, File JSON, HTTP JSON, XML String, and JSON String.

<Identity/Data> can be the Data source file path or the scope keywords or JSON or XML data

Example for JSON String Data Source:

Direct String

[Collection: JSONGather1]

Data Source : JSON String :'{“IsConnectivityError”:false,”ResponseCode”:200,”Response”:+

“message”:”Fetched successfully”,”data”:[{“applicationNumber”:”LA20240115000600″,+

“applicationName”:”Term Loan 1″,”applicationStatus”:”NW”,”applSubmissionComplete”:0,+



JSON Object Path : Response : 1

      System Formula

[Collection: JSONGather2]

Data Source : JSON String : @@JsonData

JSON Object Path : Response : 1

     System Variable

[Collection: JSONGather3]

Data Source : JSON String : ##SVJsonData

JSON Object Path : Response : 1

Example for XML String Data Source:

Direct String

[Collection: XMLGather1]




XML object path : B2C_REPORT : 1

System Formula

[Collection: XMLGather2]

Data Source : XML String : @@XmlData
XML object path : B2C_REPORT : 1

System Variable

[Collection: XMLGather3]

Data Source : XML String : ##SVXmlData

XML object path : B2C_REPORT : 1

  1. You can set the XML String as the data source and supply the variable that contains the XML data.
  2. You can set the JSON String as the data source and supply the variable that contains the JSON data.
  3. If you supply an empty string, the output will be empty as expected.
  4. Providing an incorrect JSON or XML structure results in an empty output.
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