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Enhancing Progress Bar Capabilities

TallyPrime Release 5.0 introduces an enhanced progress bar feature that provides detailed information about various operations. With this update, the progress bars now show different types of information, highlighting the activity being performed and the progress made.

In addition, we are introducing new TDL capabilities with this enhancement, which are detailed in the upcoming sections.

Definition – Progress Bar

The Progress Bar definition provides application developers with the capability to set Activity Name, Context, Process Name, Progress Indication and stages for the progress bar window.


[Progress Bar : <Progress Bar Name>]


[Progress Bar  : TSPL Smp Progess Bar]

Attribute – Activity Name  

The Activity Name attribute is utilized to specify the activity name to be shown to the user in the progress bar. This is a mandatory attribute.


[Progress Bar : <Progress Bar Name>]

ProgressBar Activity Name: <Activity Name>


<Activity Name> is the name of the Progress Bar.


[Progress Bar  : TSPL Smp Progess Bar]

Activity name   : Stock Item Creation (400 Nos)

Attribute – Context

The Context attribute is utilized to specify the context to be shown in the progress bar.


[Progress Bar : <Progress Bar Name>]

Context: <Context Name>


[Progress Bar    : TSPL Smp Progess Bar]

Activity name: Stock Item Creation (400 Nos)

Context      : Item Master

Attribute – SubContext

The SubContext attribute is utilized to specify the subcontext to be shown in the progress bar.


[Progress Bar : <Progress Bar Name>]

SubContext: <Subcontext Name>


[Progress Bar    : TSPL Smp Progess Bar]

Activity name    : Stock Item Creation (400 Nos)

Context          : Item Master

SubContext       : Creating Item Masters

Attribute – Process Name

The Process Name attribute is utilized to specify the process name to be shown in the progress bar.


[Progress Bar : <Progress Bar Name>]

Process Name : <Process Name>


[Progress Bar    : TSPL Smp Progess Bar]

  Activity name          : Stock Item Creation (400 Nos)
  Context                : Item Master
  Subcontext             : Creating Item Masters
  Total count            : 100
  Stages                 : Batch-1 (0 – 100), Batch-2 (101 – 200), Batch-3 (201 – 300),+

                           Batch-4(301 – 400) 
  ProcessName            : “Creating Summary”

Attribute –  Progress Indication

The Progress Indication attribute is utilized to specify the progress indication to be shown in the progress bar.


[Progress Bar : <Progress Bar Name>]

Progress Indication : <Progress Indication Name>


[Progress Bar    : TSPL Smp Progess Bar]

 Activity name          : Stock Item Creation (400 Nos)
 Context                : Item Master
 SubContext             : Creating Item Masters
 Total count            : 100
 Stages                 : Batch-1 (0 – 100), Batch-2 (101 – 200), Batch-3 (201 – 300), +

                          Batch-4(301 – 400) 
 ProcessName            : “Creating Summary”
 Progress Indication    : $$Sprintf:”%s %s”:(“Created :”):##StkItemcount

Attribute –  Total Count

The Total Count attribute is utilized to specify the total number of items being processed. This is a mandatory attribute, if the count is not known it can be set to 0.


[Progress Bar : <Progress Bar Name>]

Total Count : <Total steps count>


[Progress Bar    : TSPL Smp Progess Bar]

Activity name  : Stock Item Creation (400 Nos)
Context        : Item Master
Subcontext     : Creating Item Masters
Total count    : 100.

Attribute – Stages

The Stages attribute is utilized to specify the list of stages in the progress, minimum two stages must be specified for stages to be drawn in the progress window.


[Progress Bar : <Progress Bar Name>]

Stages : <Stage 1 Label>, <Stage 2 Label>, <Stage 3 Label>……….


[Progress Bar    : TSPL Smp Progess Bar]

Activity name          : Stock Item Creation (400 Nos)
Context                : Item Master
Subcontext             : Creating Item Masters
Total count            : 100
Stages                 : Batch-1 (0 – 100), Batch-2 (101 – 200), Batch-3 (201 – 300), +

                         Batch-4(301 – 400)

Attribute – Use

The Use attribute is utilized in a definition to reuse an existing definition.


[Progress Bar : <Progress Bar Name>]

Use : <Definition Name>

Action – InitializeProgressBar

The InitializeProgressBar action provides application developers with the capability to initialize the progress bar object and set all stages & relevant texts by executing a ProgressBar definition mentioned in the parameter.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action : InitializeProgressBar : <Definition Name>


[Function: TSPL Progress Bar]

Parameter : NumOfObjects : Number: 100

Variable  : Counter      : Number

Variable  : StkItemcount : Number: 0

Returns   : Number

Local Formula: StockitemName : “StockItem” + ($$String:##StkItemcount)

10: Initialize ProgressBar : TSPL Smp Progess Bar


Action – ProgressBarUpdateActivityName

The ProgressBarUpdateActivityName action provides application developers with updating activity name to be displayed in progress bar window.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action : ProgressBarUpdateActivityName: <Activity Name>

Action – ProgressBarUpdateContext

The ProgressBarUpdateContext action provides application developers with updating Context name to be displayed in progress bar window.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action : ProgressBarUpdateContext: <Update Context Name>

Action – ProgressBarUpdateSubcontext

The ProgressBarUpdateSubcontext action provides application developers with updating Sub Context name to be displayed in progress bar window.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action : ProgressBarUpdateSubcontext: <Update Sub Context Name>

Action – ProgressBarUpdateProcessName

The ProgressBarUpdateProcessName action provides application developers with updating Process Name to be displayed in progress bar window.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action :ProgressBarUpdateProcessName: <Update Process Name>

Action – ProgressBarUpdateProgressIndication

The ProgressBarUpdateProgressIndication action provides application developers with updating Progress indication to be displayed in progress bar window.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action :ProgressBarUpdateProgressIndication: <Update Progress Indication Name>


[Function: TSPL Progress Bar]

Parameter : NumOfObjects : Number: 100
Variable : Counter : Number
Variable : StkItemcount : Number: 0
Returns : Number

Local Formula: StockitemName : “StockItem” + ($$String:##StkItemcount)

10:  Initialize ProgressBar : TSPL Smp Progess Bar

20:  FOR RANGE : vStageCount : Number : 1 : 4

30:  ProgressBar Set Active Stage : ##vStageCount

50:  While : ##Counter < ##NumOfObjects

60:  If : $$IsEmpty:$Name:Stockitem:@StockitemName

70:  New Object : Stockitem

80:  Else

90:  New Object : Stockitem : @StockitemName

100: End If

110: Set Value : Name : @StockitemName

120: Set Value : BaseUnits : “Nos”

130: Save Target

140: Increment : Counter

150: Increment : StkItemcount

160: ProgressBar Set ItemsDone : ##Counter

170: ProgressBar Update Progress Indication : $$Sprintf:”%s %s”:(“Created”):##StkItemcount

Action -ProgressBarUpdateTotalCount

The ProgressBarUpdateTotalCount action provides application developers with updating the total number of steps/total Items involved in the task.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action :ProgressBarUpdateTotalCount: <Update Total Count>

Action -ProgressBarSetItemsDone

The ProgressBarSetItemsDone action provides application developers to set the total number of Item Count/steps completed to reflect on progress bar window.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action :ProgressBarSetItemsDone: <Set Items Done Count>


[Function: TSPL Progress Bar]

Parameter: NumOfObjects : Number: 100

Variable : Counter : Number

Variable : StkItemcount : Number: 0

Returns  : Number

  Local Formula: StockitemName : “StockItem” + ($$String:##StkItemcount)

10:  Initialize ProgressBar : TSPL Smp Progess Bar

20:  FOR RANGE : vStageCount : Number : 1 : 4

30:  ProgressBar Set Active Stage : ##vStageCount

50:  While : ##Counter < ##NumOfObjects

60:  If : $$IsEmpty:$Name:Stockitem:@StockitemName

70:  New Object : Stockitem

80:  Else

90:  New Object : Stockitem : @StockitemName

100: End If

110: Set Value : Name : @StockitemName

120: Set Value : BaseUnits : “Nos”

130: Save Target

140: Increment : Counter

150: Increment : StkItemcount

160: ProgressBar Set ItemsDone : ##Counter

Action -ProgressBarSetActiveStage

The ProgressBarSetActiveStage action provides application developers to set active stage.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action :ProgressBarSetActiveStage: <Set Active Stage Number>


[Function: TSPL Progress Bar]

Parameter : NumOfObjects : Number: 100

Variable : Counter : Number

Variable : StkItemcount : Number: 0

Returns : Number

Local Formula: StockitemName : “StockItem” + ($$String:##StkItemcount)

10:  Initialize ProgressBar : TSPL Smp Progess Bar

20:  FOR RANGE : vStageCount : Number : 1 : 4

30:  ProgressBar Set Active Stage : ##vStageCount

Action -FinalizeProgressBar

The FinalizeProgressBar action provides application developers to end the progress and release the resource, when a task is completed.


[Function : <Function Name>]

Action :FinalizeProgressBar


[Function: TSPL Progress Bar]

Parameter : NumOfObjects : Number: 100

Variable : Counter : Number

Variable : StkItemcount : Number: 0

Returns : Number

Local Formula: StockitemName : “StockItem” + ($$String:##StkItemcount)1

10: Initialize ProgressBar : TSPL Smp Progess Bar

20: FOR RANGE : vStageCount : Number : 1 : 4

30: ProgressBar Set Active Stage : ##vStageCount

50: While : ##Counter < ##NumOfObjects

60: If : $$IsEmpty:$Name:Stockitem:@StockitemName

70: New Object : Stockitem

80: Else

90: New Object : Stockitem : @StockitemName

100: End If

110: Set Value : Name : @StockitemName

120: Set Value : BaseUnits : “Nos”

130: Save Target

140: Increment : Counter

150: Increment : StkItemcount

160: ProgressBar Set ItemsDone : ##Counter

170: ProgressBar Update Progress Indication : $$Sprintf:”%s %s”:(“Created”):##StkItemcount

180: End While

190: Increment : vStageCount

200: Set : Counter : 0

210: End For

220: Finalize ProgressBar

Interoperability Error Messages

These occur when the consumer uses actions from different frames interoperably. For example the user initiated the progress bar using StartProgress, but later calls ProgressBarSetItemsDone to update progress bar.

Action Error Message
EndProgress Progress bar was initialized using new frame – please use corresponding actions like InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarUpdateProcessName and ProgressBarSetItemsDone
ProgressBarUpdateActivityName Progress bar was initialized using old frame – considering switching to the new frame with actions such as InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarUpdateContext, and FinalizeProgressBar; or continue using actions within the old frame
ProgressBarUpdateContext Progress bar was initialized using old frame – considering switching to the new frame with actions such as InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarUpdateSubcontext, and FinalizeProgressBar; or continue using actions within the old frame
ProgressBarUpdateSubcontext Progress bar was initialized using old frame – considering switching to the new frame with actions such as InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarUpdateProcessName, and FinalizeProgressBar; or continue using actions within the old frame
ProgressBarUpdateProcessName Progress bar was initialized using old frame – considering switching to the new frame with actions such as InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarUpdateProgressIndication, and FinalizeProgressBar; or continue using actions within the old frame
ProgressBarUpdateProgressIndication Progress bar was initialized using old frame – considering switching to the new frame with actions such as InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarUpdateActivityName, and FinalizeProgressBar; or continue using actions within the old frame
ProgressBarUpdateTotalCount Progress bar was initialized using old frame – considering switching to the new frame with actions such as InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarSetItemsDone, and FinalizeProgressBar; or continue using actions within the old frame
ProgressBarSetItemDone Progress bar was initialized using old frame – considering switching to the new frame with actions such as InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarUpdateTotalCount, and FinalizeProgressBar; or continue using actions within the old frame
ProgressBarSetActiveStage Progress bar was initialized using old frame – considering switching to the new frame with actions such as InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarUpdateActivityName, and FinalizeProgressBar; or continue using actions within the old frame
FinalizeProgressBar Progress bar was initialized using old frame – considering switching to the new frame with actions such as InitializeProgressBar, ProgressBarUpdateActivityName, and FinalizeProgressBar; or continue using actions within the old frame
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