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Create Excise Book and Serial Number (Excise for Importer)

The excise book can be created for Rule 11 Invoice, ARE-1, ARE-2 and ARE-3 with serial number formats.

To create an Excise Book

  1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Create > type or select Excise Book.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) >type or select Create Master > type or select Excise Book.
  2. Name:  Enter the Excise Book Name which is allowed by the Commissioner of Central Excise for the company/unit. For example, ABC/Rule11/Book1/08-09.
    • ABC – Denotes Company Name.
    • Rule 11: Denotes that invoice book is maintained as per Rule 11 of Central Excise Rules, 2002
    • Book1: Stands for Book Number, which is allowed for the current financial year
    • 08-09: Denotes the financial year.
  3. Method of Numbering: Select the method of numbering from the list.
    • On selecting Automatic or Multi-Use Auto, there will not be any chances of duplicate numbering. Hence the option, Prevent Duplicates will not appear.
    • On selecting Automatic (Manual Override) or Manual, chances of duplication will prevail. Hence, the option Prevent Duplicates will be displayed. Set this option to Yes/No as per requirement.
  4. Starting Number: Enter the Starting Voucher Number which is allowed by the Commissioner of Central Excise. For example, 1001
  5. Width of Numerical part: Mention the width of the numerical part (in numbers).
  6. Prefill with Zero: When this option is set to No the digits before the invoice number will be blank. If this field is set to Yes the invoice number will be prefilled with Zeros based on the width of numerical part. For example 00001(where the width of numerical part is set to 5).
  7. Used for: Select from the List of Form Type. Based on the form type selected in this field, the excise book can be used for recording transactions. Values of these transactions will be captured in the ARE forms based on the form selected. If Rule 11 Invoice is selected, the transaction will appear in the applicable ER forms.
  8. Restart Numbering: In this field enter the Starting Number and select the Type of Period as Yearly
  9. Prefix Details: Enter the information to be prefixed to voucher number
    • Applicable From: Enter the date from which the prefix should be displayed with the voucher number
    • Particulars: Enter the information to be prefixed, for example, ABC/
  10. Suffix Details: Here enter the information to be suffixed with voucher number
    • Applicable From: Enter the date from which the suffix should be displayed with the voucher number
    • Particulars: Enter the information to be suffixed, for example, /14-15
  11. TallyPrime allows creation of more than one Excise Books can be created for Form ARE-1, ARE-2, ARE-3 and Rule 11 Invoice for a single company. As per Rule 11 of Central Excise Rules, 2001 only one invoice book can be in use. However, an excise unit can maintain more than one invoice book if it is allowed by the Deputy/Assistant Commissioner of Central Excise.
  12. Press Enter to save the Excise Book Creation screen.
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