Table of Contents



VAT Form-3 (Kenya)

View VAT Form-3

VAT Form-3 is the monthly VAT return filed by dealers in Kenya. You can generate this return form along with supporting annexures in TallyPrime. Further, to help you verify the tax details before generating the returns, a report is available to display the tax computation for the return period.

All transactions, whether recorded correctly, incorrectly or inadequately, are captured and categorised in this report. Additionally, the report design allows you to verify, resolve exceptions and finalise the return for filing. You can save the original returns, and in case changes are made in periodic returns after saving, the information can be either overwritten or saved as revised.

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Form-3.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Form-3 > and press Enter.
  2. Press F2 (Period) to change the period.
  3. Press Alt+F5 (Detailed) to view the detailed report.
  4. View Annexures
    • Press F8 (Annexures).
    • Press Ctrl+H (Change View) > type or select Annexures > press Enter
    • Press Esc to view the default report.
  5. To view the Vouchers Accepted as Valid, press Ctrl+J (Exception Reports) > type or select Vouchers Accepted as Valid > and press Enter
  6. Press Esc to view the default report.

Save Returns (Kenya)

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Form-3.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Form-3 > and press Enter.
  2. Press Alt+B (Save Return). The following message appears for VAT return, when there are no exceptions to be resolved:
  3. Press Yes to save.

Save the report in case of exceptions

While saving the report without solving exceptions, the message appears as shown below:

Click No to cancel. Resolve the exceptions in periodic returns, recompute, and save as revised. Click Yes to revise with exceptions.

Overwrite the Return Form

When returns are modified, recomputed, overwritten or saved, they have to be recomputed before overwriting or saving as revised to update values modified. To save the changes made, and overwrite saved return:

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Form-3.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Form-3 > and press Enter.
  2. Press Alt+W (Recompute). The buttons Alt+B (Overwrite) and Alt+H (Save as Revised) appear once the return is recomputed.
  3. Press Alt+B (Overwrite)to overwrite the existing return details with modified details. The following message appears for VAT return:
  4. Press Yes to overwrite the return.


Overwrite the report in case of exceptions

While overwriting the return without solving exceptions, the message appears as shown below:

Press No to cancel. Resolve the exceptions in periodic returns, recompute and overwrite again. Press Yes to overwrite with exceptions.


Save VAT Form-3 As Revised

When periodic returns are modified, it has to be recomputed before overwriting or saving as revised to update values modified.

To recompute the changes made and save as revised

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Form-3.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Form-3 > and press Enter.
  2. Press Alt+W (Recompute). The buttons Alt+B (Overwrite) and Alt+H (Save as Revised) appear once the return is recomputed.
  3. Press Alt+H (Save as Revised) to overwrite the existing return details with modified details. The message appears as shown below if there are no exceptions:
  4. Press Yes to save the return as revised.


Saving the report as revised in case of exceptions

The message appears as shown below if there are exceptions to be resolved:

Press No to cancel. Resolve the exceptions in periodic returns, recompute and save as revised. Press Yes to revise with exceptions.

Export VAT Form – 3 (Kenya)

The VAT Form – 3 excel template provided for filing returns has provision to capture details of all VAT annexures in specific sheets of the excel file. When VAT Form – 3 is saved and exported, information related to all annexures is also exported to the same file.

The Kenya VAT department has changed the general tax rate from 14% to 16%, applicable from 01-Jan-2021. A new version (version 14.0.0) of VAT return Excel template is provided to file returns with this new rate. TallyPrime supports the export of VAT returns Form-3 with this new tax rate of 16%. To file returns with 16% tax rate, update to the latest Release and use the new VAT return template.

Prerequisites for exporting data in Excel format

  1. Download the VAT template from the KRA portal.
  2. Copy it to the Export Location of TallyPrime.
  3. Open the VAT template.
  4. Enter the dates in Return Period From and Return Period To fields.
  5. In the VAT template, add the rows mentioned in the Rows to be added in excel sheet screen (while exporting data) of TallyPrime.
  6. Save the file.

Export data to VAT Form-3

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Form-3.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Form-3 > and press Enter.
  2. Press Alt+E (Export) and select E-Return to view the Export Report screen.
  3. Select the File Format as Excel (Spreadsheet) or CSV.
  4. In Folder path field enter or select the path where the e-return template is saved.
  5. By default, the File Name appears as VAT3_Return_XLSM.xlsm. You can change this as per the name of the template.
  6. Set the option Show Number of Rows to Add to Yes. Manually, add these rows in the Excel template.
  7. Press Ctrl+A to return to the Export screen.
  8. Press E (Send) to export the data to the template.

In the template, for transactions having supplier invoice date (purchases) and original invoice date (debit/credit notes) prior to 1-Jan-2021, the tax will be autocalculated at 14% VAT rate.

The different sheets (annexures) and information captured in the template are described in the table below:

Field Name



Section A: Return Information (A_Basic_Info)

Personal Identification Number

Displays the PIN entered in the Company Features Alteration screen.

Type of Return

Displays the type based on the Type of Return selected while exporting the e-Return in the Export screen of VAT Form-3.

Entity Type

Displays the type based on the Entity Type selected while exporting the e-Return in the Export screen of VAT Form-3.

Return Period From

Displays the From date of VAT Form-3 report period.

Return Period To

Displays the To date of VAT Form-3 report period.

Are you a non-resident with no fixed place of business in Kenya?

On exporting data from TallyPrime, this field will be set to No, and the details will be exported to the relevant worksheets. 

Currently, the data export is supported with this option set to No. If you set it to Yes, and then export the data from TallyPrime, the details will not be exported to the template.  


Section B: Sales and Output Tax on Sales for the Period (General Rate)

PIN of Purchaser

Displays the PIN of the purchaser entered in the Party Details screen of sales transaction or in the party master. The transactions with Sales Taxable as Nature of transaction and tax rate 16% are considered in this case.

Name of Purchaser

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording sales of goods or services attracting 16% tax rate.

ETR Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the device entered or selected in the Device number field in the transaction.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the respective sales transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the respective sales transaction.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description in transaction.

Taxable Value (Ksh)

Displays the assessable value including other expenses or duties


To include expenses or duties incurred in the assessable value of goods

  • Select VAT in the Include in assessable value calculation for field in expenses and duty ledgers.
  • Select the required Method of Calculation.

Amount of VAT (Ksh) (Taxable Value*16%)

Displays the VAT amount, calculated at 16% on taxable value.

Relevant Invoice Number

Displays invoice number of the sales transaction against which sales are returned, as recorded in the Original Invoice No. field of credit note recorded for sales return of goods that attract 16% tax rate.

Relevant Invoice Date

Displays invoice date of the sales transaction against which sales are returned, as recorded in the original invoice Date field of credit note recorded for sales return of goods that attract 16% tax rate.

Total Sales and VAT to Customers registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total net value of all sales and sales related transactions attracting 16% tax rate, made to customers who are registered for VAT.

Total Sales and VAT to Customers not registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total net value of all sales and sales related transactions attracting 16% tax rate, made to unregistered dealers. This also includes all cash and bank sales transactions.


Displays the total net value of all sales and sales related transactions attracting 16% tax rate, made to both registered and unregistered customers.


Section C: Sales and Output Tax on Sales for the Period (Other Rate)

PIN of Purchaser

Displays the PIN of the purchaser entered in the Party Details screen of the transaction or in the party master. The transactions with Sales Taxable as Nature of transaction and tax rate 8% are considered in this case.

Name of Purchaser

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording sales of goods or services attracting 8% tax rate.

ETR Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the device entered or selected in the Device number field in the transaction.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the respective sales transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the respective sales transaction.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description in transaction.

Taxable Value (Ksh)

Displays the assessable value including other expenses or duties


To include expenses or duties incurred in the assessable value of goods

  • Set VAT as the Duty/Tax Type in the Include in assessable value calculation for field in expenses and duty ledgers.
  • Select the required Method of Calculation.

Amount of VAT (Ksh) (Taxable Value*8%)

Displays the VAT amount, calculated at 8% on the taxable value.

Relevant Invoice Number

Displays invoice number of the sales transaction against which sales are returned, as recorded in the Original Invoice No. field of credit note recorded for sales return of goods that attract 8% tax rate.

Relevant Invoice Date

Displays invoice date of the sales transaction against which sales are returned, as recorded in the original ivoice Date field of credit note recorded for sales return of goods that attract 8% tax rate.

Total Sales and VAT to Customers registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value and tax from sales related transactions attracting 8% tax rate, made to customers who are registered for VAT.

Total Sales and VAT to Customers not registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value and tax from sales related transactions attracting 8% tax rate, made to unregistered dealers. This also includes all cash and bank sales transactions.


Displays the total net value of all sales and sales related transactions attracting 8% tax rate, made to both registered and unregistered customers.


Section D: Sales for the Period (Zero Rated)

Section D1: Local or Exemption Availed

Type of Sales

Displays Exemption for sales made for a customer, if the Exemption Certificate No. is provided in the party master.

Displays Local for sales of goods and service that attract 0% tax rate within Kenya, if the Exemption Certificate No. is not provided for the customer in party master.

The transaction with Sales Zero Rated as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

PIN of Purchaser

Displays the PIN of the purchaser entered in the Party Details screen of the respective transaction or in the party master.

Name of Purchaser

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording sales of goods or services attracting 0% tax rate.

ETR Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the device entered or selected in the Device number field in the transaction.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the respective sales transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the respective sales transaction.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description during transaction.

Relevant Paragraph

Displays the category selected in VAT Details screen of applicable master when type of sales is exemption. For local sales, this field is not applicable.

Exemption Certificate Number

Displays the Exemption Certificate No. recorded in the VAT Details screen of the party master in case of exemption sales. For local sales, this field is not applicable.

Taxable Value (Ksh)

Displays the assessable value including other expenses or duties


To include expenses or duties incurred in the assessable value of goods

  • Set VAT as the Duty/Tax Type in the Include in assessable value calculation for field in expenses and duty ledgers.
  • Select the required Method of Calculation.

Total Sales to Customers registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from sales related transactions attracting 0% tax rate, made to customers who are registered for VAT.

Total Sales to Customers not registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from sales related transactions attracting 0% tax rate, made to unregistered dealers. This also includes all cash and bank sales transactions.


Displays the total net value of all sales and sales related transactions attracting 0% tax rate, made to both registered and unregistered customers.

Section D2: Exports

PIN of Purchaser

Displays the PIN of the purchaser entered in the Party Details screen of the transaction or in the party master. The transactions with Exports as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Name of Purchaser

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording export sales of goods or services.

ETR Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the device entered or selected in the Device number field in the transaction.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the respective sales transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the respective sales transaction.

Type of Exports

Displays the type of exports recorded in the sales transaction. Based the type of goods selected in the masters, Goods or Services is displayed respectively.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description in transaction.

Custom Entry Number

Displays the Custom Entry No. entered in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction recorded with Exports as Nature of transaction.

Port of Exit

Displays the name of the Port of Exit entered in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction recorded with Exports as Nature of transaction.

Destination Country

Displays the name of Destination Country entered in the Statutory Details screen of the transaction recorded with Exports as Nature of transaction.

Relevant Paragraph

Displays the category selected in VAT Details screen of sales ledger when the Nature of transaction is Exports.

Taxable Value (Ksh)

Displays the assessable value including other expenses or duties incurred in respective export sales transaction.

Total Exports to Customers registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from export sales related transactions made to customers who are registered for VAT.

Total Exports to Customers not registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from export sales related transactions made to unregistered dealers. This also includes all cash and bank sales transactions.


Displays the total net value of all export sales made to both registered and unregistered customers.

Total (Section D1 Total + Section D2 Total)

Displays the sum of Section D1 Total and Section D2 Total.


Section E: Sales for the Period (Exempt)

PIN of Purchaser

Displays the PIN of the purchaser entered in the Party Details screen of the transaction or in the party master. The transactions with Sales Exempt as Nature of transaction are considered in this case.

Name of Purchaser

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording sales of exempt goods or services.

ETR Serial Number

Displays the serial number of the device entered or selected in the Device number field in the transaction.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the respective sales transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the respective sales transaction.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description in transaction.

Sales Value (Ksh)

Displays the assessable value including other expenses or duties incurred.

Total Sales and VAT to Customers registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from exempt sales made to customers who are registered for VAT.

Total Sales and VAT to Customers not registered for VAT (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from exempt sales made to unregistered dealers. This also includes all cash and bank sales transactions.


Displays the total net value of all exempt sales made to both registered and unregistered customers.


Section F: Purchase and Input Tax for the Period (General Rate)

Type of Purchase

Displays Import for purchases (goods only), and Purchase of Capital Goods made from a supplier outside Kenya, with Imports Taxable as Nature of transaction.

Displays Local for purchases made from a supplier inside Kenya, with Purchase Taxable as Nature of transaction.

The transactions with tax rate as 16% are only considered in this case.

PIN of Supplier

Displays the PIN of the purchaser entered in the Party Details screen of the transaction or in the party master.

Name of Supplier

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording purchases of goods or services attracting 16% tax rate.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the respective purchase transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the respective purchase transaction.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description in transaction.

Custom Entry Number

Displays the Custom Entry No. entered in the purchase transaction with Imports Taxable as Nature of transaction.

Taxable Value (Ksh)

Displays the assessable value including other expenses or duties incurred in the respective purchase transaction.

‘ trigclass=”narrow”]

To include expenses or duties incurred in the assessable value of goods

  • Set VAT as the Duty/Tax Type in the Include in assessable value calculation for field in expenses and duty ledgers.
  • Select the required Method of Calculation.

Amount of VAT (Ksh) (Taxable Value * 16%)

Displays the VAT calculated at 16% on the assessable value of purchases.

Relevant Invoice Number

Displays invoice number of the purchase transaction against which purchase are returned, as recorded in the Original Invoice No. field of debit note recorded for purchase return that attract 16% tax rate.

Relevant Invoice Date

Displays invoice date of the purchase transaction against which purchase are returned, as recorded in the original invoice Date field of debit note recorded for purchase return that attract 16% tax rate.

Total Purchases and VAT from Suppliers registered for VAT (Local) (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value and tax from purchase related transactions attracting 16% tax rate, made from suppliers who are registered for VAT.

Total Purchases and VAT from Suppliers not registered for VAT (Local) (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value and tax from purchase related transactions attracting 16% tax rate, from unregistered dealers.


Displays the total net value from all purchases and purchase related transactions attracting 16% tax rate, from both registered and unregistered suppliers.


Section G: Purchase and Input Tax for the Period (Other Rate)

Type of Purchase

Displays Import for purchases (goods only) made from a supplier outside Kenya, with Imports Taxable as Nature of transaction.

Displays Local for purchases made from a supplier inside Kenya, with Purchase Taxable as Nature of transaction.

The transactions with tax rate as 8% are only considered in this case.

PIN of Supplier

Displays the PIN of the purchaser entered in the Party Details screen of the transaction or in the party master.

Name of Supplier

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording purchases of goods or services attracting 8% tax rate.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the respective purchase transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the respective purchase transaction.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description in transaction.

Custom Entry Number

Displays the Custom Entry No. entered in the purchase transaction with Imports Taxable as Nature of transaction.

Taxable Value (Ksh)

Displays the assessable value including other expenses or duties incurred in the respective purchase transaction.

Amount of VAT (Ksh) (Taxable Value * 8%)

Displays the VAT calculated at 8% on the assessable value of purchases.

Relevant Invoice Number

Displays invoice number of the purchase transaction against which purchase are returned, as recorded in the Original Invoice No. field of debit note recorded for purchase return with 8% tax rate.

Relevant Invoice Date

Displays invoice date of the purchase transaction against which purchase are returned, as recorded in the Original Invoice Dt. field of debit note recorded for purchase return with 8% tax rate.

Total Purchases and VAT from Suppliers registered for VAT (Local) (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value and tax from purchase related transactions attracting 8% tax rate, made from suppliers who are registered for VAT.

Total Purchases and VAT from Suppliers not registered for VAT (Import) (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value and tax from purchase related transactions attracting 8% tax rate, from suppliers outside Kenya.


Displays the total net value all purchases and purchase related transactions attracting 8% tax rate, from both registered and unregistered suppliers.


Section H: Schedule for Purchases for the Period (Zero Rated)

Type of Purchases

Displays Import for purchases (goods only) made from a supplier outside Kenya, with Imports – Zero Rated as Nature of transaction.

Displays local for purchases made from a supplier inside Kenya, with Purchase – Zero Rated as Nature of transaction.

PIN of Supplier

Displays the PIN of the purchaser entered in the Party Details screen in the transaction or in the party master.

Name of Supplier

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording purchases of goods or services attracting 0% tax rate.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the respective purchase transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the respective purchase transaction.

Type of Imports

Displays the Type of Imports recorded in the transaction. Based on the type selected in the masters, Goods or Services is displayed respectively.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description in transaction.

Custom Entry Number

Displays the Custom Entry No. entered in the purchase transaction with Imports – Zero Rated as Nature of transaction.

Taxable Value (Ksh)

Displays the assessable value including other expenses or duties incurred.

‘ trigclass=”narrow”]

To include expenses or duties incurred in the assessable value of goods

  • Set VAT as the Duty/Tax Type in the Include in assessable value calculation for field in expenses and duty ledgers.
  • Select the required Method of Calculation.

Total Purchases from Suppliers registered for VAT (Local) (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from purchase related transactions with Purchase – Zero Rated as Nature of transaction, made from suppliers who are registered for VAT.

Total Purchases from Suppliers not registered for VAT (Import) (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from purchase related transactions with Imports – Zero Rated as Nature of transaction, from suppliers outside Kenya.


Displays the total net value all purchases and purchase related transactions attracting 0% tax rate, from both registered and unregistered suppliers.


Section I: Purchases for the Period (Exempt)

Type of Purchase

Displays Import for purchases (goods only) made from a supplier who is outside Kenya, with Imports as Nature of transaction.

Displays Local for purchases made from a supplier inside Kenya, with Purchase Exempt as Nature of transaction.

PIN of Supplier

Displays the PIN of the purchaser entered in the Party Details screen of the transaction or in the party master.

Name of Supplier

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording exempt purchases of goods or services.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the respective purchase transaction.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the respective purchase transaction.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description in transaction.

Custom Entry Number

Displays the Custom Entry No. entered in the respective purchase transaction with Imports as Nature of transaction.

Taxable Value (Ksh)

Displays the assessable value including other expenses or duties incurred.

Total Purchases and VAT from Suppliers registered for VAT (Local) (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from purchase related transactions with Purchase Exempt as Nature of transaction, made from suppliers who are registered for VAT.

Total Purchases and VAT from Suppliers not registered for VAT (Import) (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from purchase related transactions with Imports as Nature of transaction, from suppliers who outside Kenya.

Total Purchases from Suppliers on which VAT has not been incurred (Local) (Ksh)

Displays the total assessable value from purchase related transactions with Purchase Exempt as Nature of transaction, from unregistered dealers.


Displays the total net value of all purchases and purchase related transactions with Purchase Exempt and Imports as Nature of transaction, from both registered and unregistered suppliers, and all exempted local purchases from unregistered suppliers.


Section J: VAT Claimable on Service Imported into Kenya

Name of Supplier

Displays the name of the party as defined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen while recording import of services, with Imports, Imports Taxable and Imports – Zero Rated as Nature of transaction.

Description of Goods/Services

Displays the information recorded in the Brief Desc for VAT field in the transaction. Alternatively, commodity name recorded in masters is displayed in the absence of description in transaction.

Transaction Date

Displays the transaction date for import of services.

Invoice Date

Displays the invoice date of the supplier from whom services are imported as recorded in the Date field against Supplier Invoice No. in purchase invoice recorded for import of services.

Invoice Number

Displays the invoice number of the supplier from whom services are imported as recorded in the Supplier Invoice No. field of purchase invoice recorded for import of services.

Payment Registration Number

This field is currently left blank.

Amount of VAT Claimable (Ksh)

Displays the VAT calculated on the assessable value of the transaction with Imports Taxable as Nature of transaction where type is selected as Services.

Total VAT Claimable on Import of Services

Displays the total VAT calculated for all transactions recorded with Imports, Imports taxable, Imports – Zero Rated as Nature of transaction and type of goods as services.

Sheet: K_VAT_Payment_Credits

Section K: Details of VAT Paid

Section K1: Advance Payment

Payment Registration Number

Displays registration number given for advance tax payment as recorded in Payment Registration No. field in Stat Payment Details screen of Challan Reconciliation report. The payment transaction with Payment Type as Regular are only considered in this case.

Date of Deposit

Displays date of deposit of advance tax as recorded in the Deposit Date field in Stat Payment Details screen of Challan Reconciliation report.

Amount of VAT Paid (Ksh)

Displays the amount of advance VAT paid against the respective payment registration number.


Displays the total amount of advance VAT paid in the return period.

Section K2: Self Assessment Tax

Payment Registration Number

Displays registration number given for self assessment tax payment as recorded in Payment Registration No. field in Stat Payment Details screen of Challan Reconciliation report.

Date of Deposit

Displays date of deposit of self assessment tax as recorded in the Deposit Date field in Stat Payment Details screen of Challan Reconciliation report.

Amount of VAT Paid (Ksh)

Displays the amount of self assessment tax paid against respective payment registration number.


Displays the total amount of VAT paid in the return period.

Total (Section K1 Total + Section K2 Total)

Displays the total amount of VAT paid in the return period, including advance VAT paid.

Section K3: Credit Adjustment Voucher/Inventory Approval Order

Credit Adjustment Voucher/Inventory Approval Order Number

Displays the Inventory Approval Order No. entered in Refund Adjustment Details screen of the journal voucher or journal voucher number, when Increasing Input Tax is selected as the Nature of adjustment and Opening Stock is selected as Additional Details.

Date of Voucher

Displays the voucher date of the journal transaction recorded for credit adjustment or inventory approval.


Displays the total amount of the journal transaction recorded for credit adjustment or inventory approval.


Displays the total for the return period.


Section L: Details of Withholding VAT Certificate

PIN of Withholder

Displays the PIN of the withholder entered in the PIN of Agent field in Refund Adjustment Details screen of the journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of transaction and Vat Withheld as Additional Details.

Name of Withholder

Displays the party name selected in the Name of Agent field in Refund Adjustment Details screen of the journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of transaction and Vat Withheld as Additional Details.

Withholding Certificate Number

Displays the withholding certificate number provided by the party as recorded in the Withheld Certificate No. field of Refund Adjustment Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of transaction and Vat Withheld as Additional Details.

Date of Certificate

Displays the date of certificate provided by the party as recorded in the Date of Payment field of Refund Adjustment Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of transaction and Vat Withheld as Additional Details.

Amount of VAT Withheld (Ksh)

Displays value of VAT ledger debited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of transaction and Vat Withheld as Additional Details.


Displays the total for the return period.

Section M: Sales (Goods and Services) (M_Sales_N_Purchases)

1. Taxable Sales (General Rate) (Total of “Taxable Value” from B_General_Rated_Sales_Dtls)

Displays taxable value, rate (16%), and tax amount from Section B: Sales and Output Tax on Sales for the Period (General Rate).

2. Taxable Sales (other Rate) (Total of “Taxable Value” from C_Other_Rated_Sales_Dtls)

Displays taxable value, rate (8%), and tax amount from Section C: Sales and Output Tax on Sales for the Period (Other Rate).

3. Sales (Zero Rated) (Total of “Taxable Value” from Section D1 and “Taxable Value” from Section D2)

Displays the sum of taxable value from Section D1: Local or Exemption Availed and Section D2: Exports.

4. Sales (Exempt) (Total of “Sales Value” from E_Exempted _Sales_Dtls)

Displays the total sales valued from Section E: Sales for the Period (Exempt).

5. Total Sales (1+2+3+4)

Displays auto computed sum.

6. Total Output VAT (1+2+3)

Displays auto computed sum of output tax.

Section N: Purchases (Goods and Services) (M_Sales_N_Purchases)

7. Taxable Purchases (General Rate) (Total of “Taxable Value” from F_General_Rated_Purchases_Dtls)

Displays taxable value, rate (16%), and tax amount from Section F: Purchase and Input Tax for the Period (General Rate).

8. Taxable Purchases (Other Rate) (Total of “Taxable Value” from G_Other_Rated_Purchases_Dtls)

Displays taxable value, rate (8%), and tax amount from Section G: Purchase and Input Tax for the Period (Other Rate).

9. Purchases (Zero Rated) (Total of “Taxable Value” H_Zero_Rated_Purchases_Dtls)

Displays taxable value from Section H: Schedule for Purchases for the Period (Zero Rated).

10. Exempted Purchases (Total of “Taxable Value” I_Exempted_Rated_Purchases_Dtls

Displays taxable value from Section I: Purchases for the Period (Exempt).

11. Total Purchases (7+8+9+10)

Displays auto computed value of total purchases.

12. Total Input VAT (7+8+9)

Displays auto computed value of total input tax.

Section O: Calculation of VAT Due (O_VAT_Due)

13. Output VAT (6)

Displays value from 6. Total Output VAT (1+2+3) in section M.

14. Input VAT (12)

Displays value from 8. Total Input VAT (7+8+9) in section N.

15. VAT Claimable on Services Imported into Kenya (Total of “Amount of VAT Claimable” from J_VAT_Imported_Services_Dtls)

Displays value from Total VAT Claimable on Import of Service in section J.


16. Input VAT attributable to Only Exempt Supplies

Displays the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Exempted Goods as Additional Details.

17. Input VAT attributable to Taxable and Exempt Supplies

Displays the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Taxable and Exempted Goods as Additional Details.

18. Less: Non – Deductible Input VAT (17 -(((1+2+3)/5)*17))

Displays auto computed value.

19. Deductible Input VAT (14+15-16-18)

Displays auto computed value.

20. VAT Payable/Credit Due for the period (13-19)

Displays auto computed value.

21. Credit Bought Forward from pervious month

Displays the excess input credit brought forward from previous period.

22. Total Withholding VAT Credit (Total of “Amount of VAT Withheld” from L_WHT_Credits)

Displays value from Amount of VAT Withheld (Ksh) in section L.

23. Add: Refund Claim Lodged

Displays the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment in the reporting period. In case of no refund, this field is left blank.

24. Total VAT Payable (20-21-22+23)

Displays auto computed value.

25. Total VAT Paid (Total of “Amount of VAT Paid” from K_VAT_Payment_Credits)

Displays value from Total (Section K1 Total + Section K2 Total) in section K.

26. Total Credit Adjustment / Inventory Approval Order (Total of “Credit Adjustment Voucher / Inventory Approval Order Amount” from K_VAT_Payment_Credits)

Displays value from Amount of VAT Paid (Ksh) in section K3.

27. Total Debit Adjustment Voucher


28. Net VAT Payable / Credit Carried Forward (24-25-26+27)

Displays auto computed value.


Returns Summary (Kenya)

This section provides a summary of all transactions recorded in the reporting period. The transactions are further classified based on the presence of VAT details in the vouchers and their effect on the returns and annexures.

Total vouchers

Displays the total number of vouchers recorded in the reporting period. Drill down from this row to view the Statistics report, which displays the list of voucher types with the corresponding voucher count. The statistics report on drill down from Total Vouchers appears as shown below:


Included in returns/annexures

Displays count of all vouchers that have requisite information in corresponding masters and transactions to comply with requirements of filing returns. These vouchers will be a part of VAT, as applicable. Drill down from this row to view the Vouchers included in Returns/Annexures report, which displays a transaction type-wise voucher list with corresponding voucher count.


Not relevant for returns/annexures

Displays the count of all vouchers which are not part of returns, as VAT details are not provided in these transactions, there will be no implications on forms and annexures. Drill down from this row to view Vouchers not included in Returns/Annexures report, which displays a transaction type-wise voucher list with corresponding voucher count. The Vouchers not included in Returns/Annexures list appears as shown:


Types of transactions

  • Vouchers Excluded by Users: Displays the count of transactions which have been manually excluded from list of included or uncertain transactions. If any transaction has been inadvertently excluded, it can be moved back to included or uncertain transactions by clicking the Alt+I (Include Vouchers)button.
  • Contra: Displays the count of contra entries which involve only bank and cash ledgers.
  • Payroll Vouchers: Displays the count of transactions recorded using payroll and attendance vouchers. VAT does not apply to these transactions.
  • Order Vouchers: Displays the count of sales order, purchase order, job work in order and job work out order vouchers as VAT is not applicable while placing an order.
  • Inventory Vouchers: Displays the count of receipt note, stock journal, delivery note, material in, material out, rejections in, rejections out and physical stock vouchers as they are purely inventory in nature and do not attract VAT.
  • No VAT Implications: Displays the count of receipts and payments.
  • Other Vouchers: Displays the count of memorandum and reversing journal vouchers.

All the categories and voucher types are not displayed by default. Based on the voucher type used and the exclusions done by user, the relevant categories appear with the transaction count.


Uncertain Transactions

Displays the count of all vouchers with insufficient VAT related information. These are exceptions that need to be resolved for the vouchers to be included in the returns. These vouchers are not listed under Included in returns/annexures or Not relevant for returns/annexures row. Drill down from this row to view the list of exception types and number of exceptions under each type. These exceptions can be resolved right away, without having to alter vouchers or update masters one by one.


Particulars (Computation details)

This section displays the transaction values considered in the returns and annexures along with the amount of liability, input credit, adjustments, and VAT payable or refundable. The assessable value of sales and purchases, and the tax applicable, if any, are displayed under respective columns for the specific period. Drill-down reports are provided for local purchases, interstate purchases, local sales and interstate sales, and VAT adjustments up to the transaction level.



Total sales which include the assessable value of taxable and exempted sales, and the corresponding tax amount are displayed here. The total local sales are divided into Taxable and Exempt and are further classified tax rate-wise. The tax rate-wise rows appear in italics only in detailed mode Alt+F5 (Detailed). To view all the sales transactions,

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Form-3.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Form-3 > and press Enter.
  2. Press Alt+F5 (Detailed) to display the report in detailed mode.
  3. Select any of the rows displayed in italics under Local sales.
  4. Press Enter to display the Voucher Register screen with item-wise sales value for selected VAT rate, as shown below:

You can view this report ledger wise or commodity wise by pressing Alt+F8 (Ledger wise) or F8 (Commodity wise), respectively.

Ctrl+H (Change View): You can display the details of a report in different views with additional details or for a specific period. You can also view other reports related to the current report.
To view the Ledger-wise, press Ctrl+H (Change View) > type or select Ledger-wise > press Enter. Press Esc to view the default report.

To view the voucher-wise breakup, press Ctrl+F8 (Voucher wise). The transactions will appear.

Similarly, item-wise sales value for other VAT rate can be viewed by selecting and drilling down on the respective VAT rate row in the report.



Total purchases, which include the assessable value of taxable and exempted purchases, and the corresponding tax amount are displayed here. The total local are divided into Taxable and Exempt and are further classified tax rate-wise. The tax rate-wise rows appear in italics only in detailed mode Alt+F5 (Detailed). Additionally, purchase tax liability created on purchase of goods from unregistered dealer is also displayed under Purchase tax liability (not recorded) and Purchase tax liability (as recorded) for each tax rate. To view all the purchase transactions,

  1. Gateway of Tally > Display More Reports > VAT Reports > VAT Form-3.
    Alternatively, press Alt+G (Go To) > type or select VAT Form-3 > and press Enter.
  2. Press Alt+F5 (Detailed) to display the report in detailed mode.
  3. Select any of the rows displayed in italics, under Local purchases.
  4. Press Enter to display the Voucher Register screen with item-wise of purchase value for selected VAT rate, as shown below:

You can view this report ledger wise or commodity wise by pressing Alt+F8 (Ledger wise) or F8 (Commodity wise), respectively.

Ctrl+H (Change View): You can display the details of a report in different views with additional details or for a specific period. You can also view other reports related to the current report. To view the Ledger-wise, press Ctrl+H (Change View) > type or select Ledger-wise > press Enter. Press Esc to view the default report.

Similarly, item-wise sales value for other VAT rate can be viewed by selecting and drilling down on the respective VAT rate row in the report.


VAT payable or refundable

Aggregate of taxes payable or refundable for a particular period is displayed here. Using this information, the required adjustment entries can be recorded. Excess input tax credit remaining after nullifying the output VAT against the input VAT is displayed as refundable.


VAT adjustments

The various types of VAT adjustments recorded can either increase or decrease the liability/input credit. The VAT adjustment entries display only the aggregate value of input and output VAT. Drill down to view the list of VAT adjustment transactions. The list of VAT adjustment vouchers appears as shown below:


VAT payable or refundable after adjustments

The amount available after considering the adjustment entries recorded against the VAT payable or refundable amount is displayed here.


Show break-up of nett values

This option is provided to display break-up to help view the calculations used to arrive at the final value. The final (nett) values for each tax rate are displayed in the report after deducting rejections and adjustments. The assessable value and tax amount for gross value, rejections and adjustments are displayed by enabling this option.

  1. Press F12 (Configure) to display Configuration screen.
  2. Enable the option Show break-up of nett values.
  3. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

The rows Gross Value, Returns, and Addition/Deduction are displayed below each tax rate in detailed mode of the report. You can drill down from any row to view the list of vouchers with assessable value and tax amount.

On drill down from Gross Value row, the purchase/sales transaction that are part of gross value are displayed in Voucher Register report. Similarly, to view the purchase return/sales return transactions with assessable value and tax amount deducted from gross value, drill down from Returns row. Further, drill down from Addition/Deduction to view the debit note/credit note transactions recorded for escalation or de-escalation in price. The assessable value and tax amount from these transactions are added to or deducted from gross value to arrive at net value.


Payment Details (Kenya)

This section contains statistics of all VAT payment vouchers of the current period. Payments made to party, petty expenses, or any statutory payments other than VAT are not displayed here.


Tax Payments (Included)

Drill down from this row to view all payment vouchers recorded for VAT and other dues like interest and penalty (using the Stat Payment feature), made for annual returns by selecting the entire financial year as statutory payment period in the payment voucher.


Tax Payments (Not included/Uncertain)

Drill down on this row to view tax payment vouchers with insufficient information. Summary of Exceptions screen displays the count of payment vouchers which are not considered in the VAT return due to insufficient information. The Tax Payments Exceptions screen appears as shown below:


Duty ledger

Unable to determine the duty type of ledgers:

In payment voucher recorded using Stat Payment feature, if the tax ledger used is predefined with the tax type, Others (Type of duty/tax option of tax ledger set to Others), the voucher appears under this exception.

To solve this exception

  1. Select Unable to determine the duty type of ledgers and press Enter.
  2. Press Alt+S (Update Details).
  3. Select the Type of Duty/Tax from the list.
  4. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


Tax details

Unable to determine the payment period/type of tax payment: Displays the count of payment vouchers recorded without using the Stat Payment feature. Payment voucher recorded with tax ledger predefined with tax types – VAT appears under this exception when the Stat Payment feature is not used.

To solve this exception

  1. Select Unable to determine the payment period/type of tax payment and press Enter.
  2. Press Alt+S (Update Details).
  3. Select the Tax Type from the list.
  4. Enter the dates in Period From and To fields.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


Payment details

Unable to determine Payment Registration No./Deposit date: Displays the count of payment vouchers for which payment registration and deposit date are not recorded. The stat payment transaction for which deposit date and payment registration number are not recorded using the Tax Payment Reconciliation report are displayed under this section.

To solve this exception

  1. Select Unable to determine Payment Registration No./Deposit date and press Enter.
  2. Select the transaction and press Enter.
  3. Press Alt+S (Update Details).
  4. Record Deposit Date and Payment Registration No. in the Stat Payment Details screen.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


VAT Paid

Displays the amount of VAT paid in the financial year. Drill down from this row to view the list of payment vouchers recorded by VAT remittance. The list of payment vouchers appears as shown:

Press Alt+V (Alter Details) to enter the payment details.


Balance VAT Payable

Displays the balance VAT payable for the period.


Uncertain Transactions

Vouchers with incomplete/mismatch in information list includes voucher that contain VAT related information but are not included in the count of Included in returns/annexures and Not relevant for returns/annexures.

You can identify the exceptions and correct the transactions before filing tax returns. Based on the state selected the VAT report appears. The VAT Form 3 – Uncertain Transactions report appears as shown below:

The exceptions are listed in the order of priority, based on the importance of the information for generating returns and annexures. Hence, a voucher with multiple exceptions is listed in the exception type higher up the order. Once that exception is resolved, the voucher will move down to the next exception type. Such vouchers with multiple exceptions continue to be listed as exceptions until all incomplete/mismatch information is resolved. This will help you clear all exceptions before filing the returns.

However, vouchers with only one exception are moved to Included in returns/annexures list after that exception is resolved.


No. of voucher with incomplete/mismatch in information

Displays the count of total vouchers with exceptions. Drill down from this row to view all the vouchers with exceptions, number of exceptions in each voucher, and type of exception.

To resolve all exceptions without having to go from one exception type to another

  1. Select No. of voucher with incomplete/mismatch in information.
  2. Press Enter to display Uncertain Resolution screen with the list of vouchers, number of exceptions in each voucher, and exception types. The Uncertain Resolution screen appears as shown below:
  3. Select any transaction and press Enter to display the Voucher Details Alteration screen which is divided into multiple sections, one for each exception in the voucher, as shown below:
  4. Select or enter required information for the first exception type. Further, you can press Alt+W (Recompute) or Alt+J (Accept as is) to recompute or accept the details, respectively.
  5. Press Enter to navigate to next exception type.
  6. Resolve the exceptions by providing details or using the buttons provided.
  7. Press Enter after all exceptions in the voucher are resolved to view the next voucher with respective exceptions.
  8. Continue resolving the exceptions voucher by voucher, or press Esc to return to Exception Resolution screen.
    Note: Press Alt+H (Exclude Vouchers) in the Exception Resolution screen to exclude the voucher from forms and annexures.


Country and dealer type not specified 

Displays the count of transactions where,

  • Country/state is not selected in the party ledger master,
  • State selected in transaction and party ledger are different, or
  • Nature of transaction is not derived.

To resolve this exception

  1. Select the exception Country, state and dealer type not specified/mismatch.
  2. Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed. The Uncertain Resolution screen appears as shown below:
  3. Select the country, state or dealer type for each transaction.
  4. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
    Note: Press Alt+H (Exclude Vouchers) to exclude the voucher from forms and annexures.


Tax rate/tax type not specified

Displays the count of transactions for which the rate or tax type is not selected in the item/ledger master.

To resolve this exception

  1. Select the exception Tax rate/tax type not specified.
  2. Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed. The Uncertain Resolution screen appears as shown below:
  3. Select the Nature of transaction, if not provided.
  4. Enter Rate of Tax, as required for each transaction.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
    Note: Press Alt+H (Exclude Vouchers) to exclude the voucher from forms and annexures.


Nature of transaction, assessable value, rate of tax modified in voucher

Displays count of transactions in which the Nature of transaction, assessable value or rate of tax defined in the ledger master has been changed in the transaction.

To resolve this exception

  1. Select the exception Nature of transaction, assessable value, rate of tax modified in voucher.
  2. Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed, as shown below:
  3. Select the required voucher.
  4. Press Alt+R (Resolve) to select Nature of transaction and enter other details manually, or Alt+J (Accept as is). A message is displayed as shown below:
  5. Press Enter to accept.
  6. Similarly, accept the required vouchers.
  7. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


Incorrect tax type selected in tax ledger

Displays count of transactions in which type of duty is invalid.

To resolve this exception

  1. Select the exception Incorrect tax type selected in tax ledger.
  2. Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed, as shown below:
  3. Select the tax type for each transaction. 
  4. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher

Displays the count of transactions in which difference is found between the calculated and entered tax amount. Also, if the difference is higher than round-off value. To define the round-off value:

  1. Press F12 (Configure) in Vouchers with incomplete/mismatch in information screen.
  2. Set Round-off margin value, as required.
  3. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

In case the difference in tax amount is within the given Round-off margin, the transaction is by default included for returns, and not set as an exception.

 The mismatch due to modified value can be resolved by following one of the options:



  1. Select the exception Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher.
  2. Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed.
  3. Navigate to required transaction and press Enter.
  4. Press Alt+W (Recompute) to recalculate the tax amount.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


Create adjustment

  1. Select the exception Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher.
  2. Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed.
  3. Select the transaction that needs an adjustment entry to balance the difference amount.
  4. Press Alt+S (Create Adjustment).
  5. Record journal voucher by assigning the difference amount to VAT ledger and save the voucher.
  6. Similarly, adjustment transactions can be created for all vouchers with difference in tax amount.


Link adjustment

  1. Select the exception Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher.
  2. Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed.
  3. Select the required transaction.
  4. Press Alt+L (Link Adjustment Vouchers) to display the list of adjustment transactions for linking to balance the difference amount.
  5. Select the transaction, and press Alt+B (Save).
  6. Similarly, vouchers with exception can be linked to other vouchers.



  1. Select the exception Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher.
  2. Press Enter. All the transactions of the exception type are displayed.
  3. Select the required transaction.
  4. Press Alt+R (Resolve), and enter the tax value in As per transaction column of the voucher. 
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


Accept as is

  1. Select the exception Mismatch due to tax amount modified in voucher.
  2. Press Enter. All the transactions of the particular exception are displayed.
  3. Select the required voucher and press Alt+J (Accept as is). A message appears to confirm.
  4. Press Enter to accept.
  5. Similarly, accept the required vouchers.
  6. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


Voucher with incomplete/incorrect adjustment details

Displays the count of journal transactions in which Nature of adjustment is not selected.

To resolve this exception

  1. Select the exception Voucher with incomplete/incorrect adjustment details.
  2. Press Enter. All transactions are displayed of a particular exception are listed, as shown below:
  3. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


Information required for generating annexure not provided

Displays the count of transactions excluded from annexures due to incomplete information required for annexures. The button Exception Types is provided to resolve all party ledger level or voucher level corrections from a single screen.

To resolve all exceptions without having to go from one exception type to another

  1. Select Information required for generating annexure not provided.
  2. Press Enter to display Uncertain Resolution screen with list of vouchers with mismatch/incomplete information.
  3. Press Ctrl+H (Change View), and select the required view.
  4. Enter the missing information or update the incorrect details, and press Enter to return to the Exception Resolution screen.
  5. Select the next voucher to update the details required for annexures and continue.


Exception Types

Using this option you can resolve exceptions from a common screen by grouping all annexure related exceptions into two buckets Party Ledger level Corrections and Voucher Level Corrections. Exceptions in each group can be resolved from a single screen without having to move voucher by voucher.

To resolve all party ledger level exceptions:

  1. Select Information required for generating annexure not provided.
  2. Press Enter to display Uncertain Resolution screen with list of vouchers with mismatch/incomplete information.
  3. Press Ctrl+H (Change View) > select Party Level Corrections.
  4. Select the required party, and make the corrections as needed.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.


To resolve all voucher level exceptions

  1. Select Information required for generating annexure not provided.
  2. Press Enter to display the Uncertain Resolution screen with list of vouchers with mismatch/incomplete information.
  3. Press Ctrl+H (Change View) > select Voucher Level Corrections.
  4. Enter PIN of Agent for the listed vouchers.
  5. Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.

Drill-down from any row and resolve the respective exceptions to include the vouchers in return and annexure.


Item level and Ledger level exceptions

By default, the list of exceptions displays incomplete/mismatch information details voucher-wise. However, the button options provided in the report allow you to view the exceptions item master-wise or ledger-wise. In item master-wise view, all exceptions caused by an item can be resolved by updating missing or incorrect information from a single screen. This will result in resolving multiple voucher exceptions caused by the particular master. Similarly, all exceptions caused by a particular ledger can be resolved from ledger-wise exceptions list.


Item level exceptions – Masters

  1. Select Item-wise exceptions or press Alt+F8 (Item Exceptions) to view of exceptions of this category. 

    • Select the count under Total Masters, and press Enter.
    • Enter Commodity Name, Commodity Code, and Rate of tax.
    • Select Tax Type and enter the Effective date.
    • Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
  2. Select Ledger-wise exceptions or press F8 (Ledger-wise Exceptions) to view the exceptions of this category. 
    • Select the count under Total Masters, and press Enter.


Ledger level exceptions

Drill down from this column to view information missing/mismatch in the items at voucher level. You can provide the required details for each transaction. To update the information and resolve voucher exception at voucher level.

  1. Select Item-wise exceptions or press Alt+F8 (Item Exceptions) to view of exceptions of this category. 

    • Select the count under Total Vouchers, and press Enter.
    • Select the Nature of Transaction, and enter the Rate of Tax.
    • Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
  2. Select Ledger-wise exceptions or press F8 (Ledger-wise Exceptions) to view the exceptions of this category. 
    • Select the count under Total Vouchers, and press Enter.
    • Provide the required details.
    • Accept the screen. As always, you can press Ctrl+A to save.
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