Ledger Vouchers for Loans / Deposits Accepted

The Ledger Vouchers can be viewed from the normal Loans & Deposits Accepted screen or from the Group Wise report. To view the Ledger Vouchers,

To view the report of the Loans and Deposits Accepted,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > 44AB Audit > Loans / Deposits Accepted

The Ledger Vouchers screen displays the details of Amounts received both On Account and Against Bills. The description for each field is as shown:

Button options in the Ledger Vouchers screen

F1: Detailed

Click on F1: Detailed button or press Alt+F1 to view the detailed Ledger Voucher report including all the Ledgers involved in the transactions displayed for the Selected Ledger, irrespective of the mode of payment.

F2: Period

Click on F2: Period button or press F2 to change the selected period.

F4: Ledger

Click on F4: Ledger button or press on F4 key to toggle between the other Ledgers under the selected Group in the Group wise report.

C: Clause Reference

For more details, refer Clause Reference

F8: Show Ledger

Click on F8: Show Ledger button or press F8 key to display the all the Vouchers for the selected Ledger.

F12: Configure


Note: If this option is set to No then the F9: Audit button will also be disabled.

Note: On setting this option to Yes, the category of a transaction will appear only if, such voucher is marked for External Clarification

Note: On setting this option to Yes, the priority of a transaction will appear only if, such voucher is marked for External Clarification

F12: Range

Click on F12: Configure button or press Alt+F12 to filter the vouchers based on the Range and information specified.

F9: Audit

Click on F9: Audit button or press Alt+F9 key to Audit the Vouchers. For detailed information on Audit, go to Audit of Loans / Deposits Accepted Vouchers.

Ctrl+F10: Remove Audit

Click on Ctrl+F10: Remove Audit or press Ctrl+F10 to change the Audit Status for the selected Vouchers as Unaudited.