Loans & Deposits Accepted - Clause 24(a)

As per Section 269SS, any loan or deposit is taken or accepted by any person, otherwise than by an account payee cheque or account payee bank draft, if the amount of such loan or deposit or the aggregate amount of such loan and deposit or any loan or deposit taken accepted earlier by such person from the depositor is remaining unpaid is twenty thousand rupees or more, is required to reported in Clause 24(a).

Further, if the total of all loans / deposits in a year exceed Rs. 20,000/- but each individual transaction is less than Rs. 20,000/-, even such cases, the information is required to be given in respect of all such related entries from the beginning till the balance hits Rs. 20,000/- or more and until the balance reduces down from Rs. 20,000/-. However, any loan or deposit taken or accepted from or by Government, a banking company, any corporation etc., are not required to be reported under the said section.

To view the report of the Loans & Deposits Accepted,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > 44AB Audit > Loans / Deposits Accepted

The Loans & Deposits Accepted screen displays all the Loans/Deposits that are accepted during the selected financial year. It also displays the Total Loan Amount outstanding and the total Unaudited Vouchers under each ledger. The description for each field is as shown:

Button options in the Loans & Deposits Accepted screen

F4: Group

To filter the Loans & Deposits Accepted screen based on the Groups,

F7: Show All Vch

By default the Audit Status for the Unaudited Vouchers is only displayed in the Loans & Deposits Accepted screen. To view the Status for both Audited and Unaudited Vouchers,

The Loans & Deposits Accepted screen appears with detailed Audit Status as shown:

F9: Masters

Tally.ERP 9 provides flexibility to the user to consider a particular Group for Loans & Deposits. By default the Ledgers created under Loans (Liability) will be available under Loans & Deposits Accepted  report. In order to include Ledgers belonging to other Groups which may be related to Loans & Deposits Accepted under Clause 24(a), follow the steps given below:

To consider a particular Group for Loans & Deposits Accepted, follow the steps given below:

Note: To select more than one Groups, press Space bar on each Group separately.

The Loans & Deposits Accepted screen displays all the Ledgers as per the Groups selected.

F12: Configure

To change the default display screen for the Loans & Deposits Accepted screen,


The user can drill down by selecting the respective Ledger to view the Ledger Vouchers.