Creating Employees

In Tally.ERP 9, all the necessary information of the employees can be recorded in the Employee Master. Apart from general information, you can also enter Payment, Statutory, Expat and Contract details of the employees. To enter Statutory related information in the Employee Master, enable the option Show Statutory Details in Payroll Configurations screen.

Creating Single Employee

To create an Employee under the Employee group, Sales,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Info. > Employees > Create (under Single Employee)

  1. Enter the Name of the Employee

  2. In Display Name in Reports field, the same name will be automatically filled. Enter the required name, that has to be printed in the reports, in this field

Note: Suppose your company has two employees with the same name, i.e. Ramesh, one from the HR department and one from the Marketing department. Since you can not create two employees with the same name in Tally.ERP 9, you may create the employees with the names - Ramesh - HR and Ramesh - Marketing.


However, the payroll reports that are generated from Tally.ERP 9 will also have Ramesh - HR and Ramesh - Marketing printed on them. To avoid this, you can give Ramesh in the Display Name in Reports field.

  1. Select the Employee Group in the field Under

  2. Enter the Date of Joining

Note: The Date of Resignation / Retirement option will be available in Employee Alteration screen only. Once the Date of Resignation / Retirement is entered, you will get an option to select a Reason for Leaving also.

  1. Set the option Define Salary Details to Yes and press Enter to view Salary Details Creation screen. In this screen, specify the salary details of the employee

  2. In the Effective From date field, the Date of Joining will be displayed by default and the system will not allow you to alter the Effective From date

  3. Under the Pay Head column, select the relevant Pay Heads from the List of Pay Heads and enter the values for the necessary pay heads, as per requirement

  1. Any remarks or notes about an employee can be entered in the Notes field

Note: This option will be available only if the option Add NOTES for Employees is enabled in the Employee Configuration screen.

  1. Enter the employee General Information, employee's Bank Details for salary processing, Payment Details, Statutory Details, Passport & Visa Details and Contract Details



1. Date of Birth will be used to find if the Employee is a senior citizen and Gender will be used for the correct Income Tax computation (based on the slab).


2. The EPS Account Number, PF Account Number and ESI Number should be provided under Statutory Details, as this information is required for printing Employee Count (No. of Employees) in the PF & ESI Challans and other Statutory Reports.


3. To update the Permanent Retirement Account Number (PRAN) of the employees covered under the National Pension Scheme (NPS), enable the option Applicable for NPS? and specify the PRAN in the PR Account Number field.  

  1. Accept to save

Note: For International Companies, only Income Tax Number option will be available under Statutory Details.

For UAE, only Labour Card Number,  Emirates ID Number and Emirates ID Expiry options will be available under Statutory Details

If the Salary Details is not defined while creation or alteration of an Employee Group, then the salary structure can be defined from Salary Details.

Employee Configuration

Press F12 key or click F12: Configure to change the default display for the Employee Creation screen.

Creating Multiple Employees

To create multiple Employees,

Go to Gateway of Tally> Payroll Info.> Employees > Create (under Multiple Employees)

The completed Multi Employee Creation screen appears as shown: