This page contains frequently asked questions on the advanced features of Tally.
1. Budget has been created, but why does it not appear in Trial Balance?
2. Why does the closing stock not get reflected in the Trial Balance?
5. I have installed Rel 5.3.6, post migration the interest is calculated from the next day of transaction for:
o Interest parameter set as Bank/Recon date
o Interest parameter set as Date Specified during Entry
6. How to reorder levels in Tally.ERP 9?
7. How to create a POS invoice?
8. How do I calculate interest for a ledger account with a default credit period?
9. How do I enter the bill-wise details of a ledger account with foreign exchange rates?
10. Is any price list available for purchases?
11. How to split an expense into different cost centers?
12. How to enable Rate(Inclusive of Tax) for the stock items while passing retail invoice?