Payment Voucher

This allows you to configure the dimensions and details of payment voucher, you can set the size, top margin of voucher, leave space on voucher for signature / verification purpose and decide the amount of information you wish to print.

This configuration is applicable to Payment voucher type.

Print Company Logo

Set this option to Yes to print the company's logo in the payment voucher. To know more about how to set an image as company logo, refer Enable Company Logo

Voucher Print Page Setup

Voucher Print Page setup contains Height, width, Top margin and left margin. By default, Height is set as 7 inch, width is set as 5 inch, Top margin is set as 0.25 inch and Left margin is set as 0.75 inch.

Payment Mode on Top of Voucher

By default, this option is set to No.

If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the  Cash / Bank Ledger name at the top of the Voucher.

Print Bill-wise Details

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints bill-wise details during payment voucher printing.

Print Bill Due Date also

This is a sub-option under the option Print Bill-wise Details. By default, this is set to Yes. Tally.ERP 9 prints the bill due date along with bill-wise details in the payment voucher.

Print Due Date with Credit Days

Set this option to Yes to print the credit days allowed with the due date. This option can be enabled only if the option Print Bill Due Date also is set to Yes.

Print Inventory Details

By default, this option is set  to No.

If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the inventory item details in the payment voucher.

Print Bank Transaction Details

By default, this option is set  to No.

If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the transaction type, instrument number and date in the payment voucher printing.

Print Cost Centre Details/ Employee Details

By default, this option is set  to No.

If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints the cost centre and employee details  in the payment voucher printing.

Print Space for Checked/Verified initials

By default, this option is set to No.

If set to Yes – Tally.ERP 9 prints Checked  and  Verified  By at the bottom of the payment voucher print out.

Print space for Prepared By

Set this option to Yes to print the field Prepared By at the bottom of the payment voucher print out.

Print narration

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the narration during payment voucher printing..

Print narration for each entry

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the narration for each entry during payment voucher printing.

Print Amount in Foreign Currency

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the Base Currency Symbol as prefix to the total amount in the payment voucher.

Print Base Currency Symbol for Total

By default, Tally.ERP 9 prints the Base Currency Symbol as prefix to the total amount in the payment voucher.

Print Cheque after Saving Voucher

Set this option to Yes if every cheque transaction has to be printed. Cheque should be selected as the transaction type, and cheque book should have been configured. When the transaction is saved, the Cheque Printing screen appears. On pressing Enter, the cheque gets printed.

Print Mailing Name instead of Ledger Name

Set this option to Yes, to display the mailing name specified in the ledger. This is useful in cash and bank transactions, when the ledger selected is cash/ bank. However, the party details specified can be displayed in the payment voucher print.

Method to use for Ledger Name

The display name style of the ledger name can be selected from the Print Method as required.