Additional Details

Additional Details contains operational and general information with respect to Financial and Non-financial dealing, along with Auditor and Director Reports details.

To Provide the Additional Details,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > MCA Reports > MCA Reports (2012) > Additional Details

The Additional Details are categorized into 40 different heads. Additional Details with sub-details are marked with *. To disclose the information, in sub-details press Shift+Enter from Additional Details.

To view the details of Additional Details, click the below links:

1. General Information

2. Additional Disclosures to Profit & Loss A/c

i. Details of Raw Materials Consumed

ii. Details of Goods Purchased

iii. Details of Manufactured and Traded Goods

iv. Details of Raw Materials, Spare Parts and Components Consumed

v. Details of Work-in-Progress

vi. Details of Purchases and Sales of Trading Companies

vii. Provisions for Specific Liabilities, Contingencies or Commitments

viii. Details of Foreign Exchange Transactions

ix. Details of Turnover

x. Prior Period Appropriation

xi. Disclosure of Principal Products or Services

xii. Disclosures of Notes on Revenue

3. Share Capital

i. Reconciliation of Number of Shares Outstanding

ii. Reconciliation of Value of shares Outstanding

iii. Shares held by Holding/Ultimate Holding Companies or Subsidiaries/Associates

iv. Details of Application Money received and due for Refund and Interest Accrued

v. Disclosures of details on Private Placement of Share

vi. Disclosure of Shareholding more than Five Percent in Company

4. Statement of Changes in Reserves

i. Details of Aggregate Amount set aside or Proposed to be set aside to Reserve

5. Disclosure of Notes on Borrowings

i. Details of Bonds or Debentures

6. Disclosure of Notes on Loans and Advances

7. Borrowing Cost

8. Income Tax

9.  Disclosure of Notes on Inventories

10. Disclosure of details of Balances with Banks

11. Disclosure of Tangible Assets

i. Additional information to Tangible Assets

12. Disclosure of Intangible Assets

i. Additional information to Intangible Assets

ii. Disclosure of information on material individual intangible assets

13. Disclosure of Impairment Loss and Reversal of Impairment Loss

i. Disclosure of impairment of assets in primary segment disclosure format

ii. Disclosure of impairment loss recognised or reversed

14. Current Investments

15. Non-Current Investments

16. Additional Disclosures on Balance Sheet

i. Details of disclosures required under MSMED Act 2006

ii. Details of Disclosure regarding Companies Limited by Guarantee

iii. Disclosure of Equity Share Warrants

iv. Details regarding Cost Records and Cost Audit

v. Disclosure of Dates regarding Unclaimed Amounts

vi. Details of Acquisition and Disposal of Investments

vii. Disclosure of Notes on Producing Properties

viii. Disclosure of Notes on Pre-Producing Properties

 17. Other Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets

i. Disclosure of Contingent Liabilities

18. Disclosure of Cash Flow Statement

19. Disclosure of Financial Instruments

20. Disclosure of Earnings per Share

21.  Accounting Policies and Changes in Accounting Policies & Estimates

22. Events Occurring after Balance Sheet Date

23. Government Grants and Subsidies

24. Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates

25. Leases

26. Discontinuing Operations

27. Investment in Associates

28. Notes on Interests in Joint Venture

i. Disclosure of Interests in Significant Joint Ventures

29. Disclosure of Notes on Amalgamation

i. Disclosure of Amalgamations

30. Subsidiary Information

31. Related Parties

32. Employee Benefits

33. Employee Share Based Payments

i. Disclosure of number and Weighted average exercise prices of stock options

ii. Disclosure of Contractual Life of Outstanding Stock Options

iii. Disclosure of Fair Value of Employee Stock Options Granted

34. Details of Employee Stock Option Scheme

i. Details of Employee Stock Purchase Scheme

35.  Disclosure of Reportable Segments

i. Disclosure of Revenue form Customers based on Customer Location

ii. Disclosure of Details on Assets based on Asset Location

36. Directors Report

i. Directors Signing Board Report

ii. Signatories of Balance Sheet

iii. Details of Managers Signing Balance Sheet

iv. Directors and Remuneration to Directors

37. Auditor's Report

i. Auditors’ Information

38. Construction Contracts

39. Disclosures pertaining to real estate enterprises

40. Consolidated Financial Statements

41. Disclosure of Nature of Other Elements

Button Options in Company Details screen

F1: Detailed

Click on  F1: Detailed button or press Alt+F1 key to view Additional Details in detailed mode.

F2: Period

Click on F2: Period button or press F2 key to change the Financial Year Beginning period. Details filled in Company Details and Groups will be for the Financial Year selected.

Note: For the Company with two or more years data system, users can use the F2: Period option to select the Reporting Period.

Ctrl+F3: Previous Cmp..

Click on Ctrl+F3: Previous Cmp. or press Ctrl+F3 keys to load the Company that contains the data for the year prior to reporting period.

If MCA -Reports feature is not enabled for the Previous Year Data, while selecting the company Tally.ERP 9 displays the message - MCA Reports are not enabled, do you want to Enable?

To enable MCA report feature and load Previous Year company select Yes. Company will be loaded and displayed in Previous Year Company field

Note: If the data of Multiple years are there in the same Company, then The Pervious Year Company field will be changed to Previous Year Period and based on the based on the Financial Year Beginning period the Previous Year Period will be displayed.

F9: Specify Report

Click on F9: Specify Report or press F9 key to specify the Applicable Report to the Additional Details for which the applicable report is marked as Specify Report.

F9: Status

To set the Status for the required Additional Details, click on F9: Status or press Alt+F9 keys to mark the Configuration Details as - Complete/Incomplete/Not Applicable. The same will appear in the Status Column.

Note: The Additional details for which the Configuration Status needs to be saved, should be selected first by using Space Bar key.

L: Checklist

Click on L: Checklist or press Alt+L to view the check list for generation of Reports. This report displays the details which are mandatory and the indication of completion of disclosure of details. Before generating MCA reports, this report can be referred to check whether all the information are disclosed.

V: Validate:

Click on V: Validate button or press Alt+V keys to validate the disclosure of information for mandatory taxonomy elements. If details are not entered in the mandatory field(s), such taxonomy element(s) will be listed in Validation Result.

Enter: Display

Click on Enter: Display or press Alt+Enter key to display the details entered in Additional Details selected.