Details of Raw Material Consumed


The Raw Materials Details report displays the information of Class, Value, Quantity and Unit of Measurement of Raw Materials consumed. Details will be captured automatically based on the Nature of the item - Raw Material selected and the Unit of Measurement defined in the Item master.

This report will display Raw Materials consumed details only when the stock items are assigned with the Nature of the Items as Raw Materials. Otherwise this report will be blank.

Note:If Two or More Stock Items (Raw Materials) having different Unit of Measurement (Nos & KGs) are Grouped under same Stock Group,  then the Stock Group will be repeated based on the Unit of Measurement.

Note: Disclosure of Raw Material Details is mandatory for the company’s which are into manufacturing.

Button Options in Raw Materials Details report

N: Nature of Item

Click on N: Nature of Item button or press Alt+N keys to specify Nature of the Item.

L: Checklist

Click on L: Checklist or press Alt+L to view the check list for generation of Reports. This report displays the details which are mandatory and the indication of completion of disclosure of details. Before generating MCA reports, this report can be referred to check whether all the information are disclosed.