Details of Goods (MCA Reports)


In Details of Goods report, the Class of Goods, Nature of Goods, Value & Quantity of Goods Sold, Value & Quantity of Goods Purchased or Produced, Value & Quantity of Closing Stock, Value & Quantity of Opening Stock along with Unit of Measurement of goods Produced and Traded will be automatically captured from the Stock Items created and used to record transaction during reporting period.

To view Details of Goods report,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > MCA Reports > Other Reports > Details of Goods

Note: In Stock Item master a new field Nature of the Item has been introduced. This field will be displayed only when MCA Reports feature is enabled.



Nature of Goods column will not display any details, if the Nature of the Item is not specified for the stock item.


* For the Items with Nature of the Item - Produced, it will display value of goods Produced

* For the Items with Nature of the Item - Traded, it will display value of goods Purchased.

Note: If Stock Items with different Nature of the Item are grouped under a single Stock Group, then the Stock Group will be repeated based on the nature of the Item.


Example: Under Stock Group - Computer, 3 Stock Items are grouped


* IBM with nature of Item as Traded

* Keyboard with nature of the Item as Raw Material

* CompPro with nature of the item as Produced


In this case Stock Group - Computers will be displayed 3 times


Similarly if the stock items with different Unit of Measurement are grouped under single stock group the Stock Group will be repeated based on the Units of Measurement.

Configure Stock Item to tag Nature

To configure Stock Items

Note: F5: Update button will be enabled only on the selection (by using Spacebar key) of stock item to define Nature of Item


To update Nature of Item to multiple items it is must to use F5: Update option. Ctrl+Enter keys will only allow updating the Tariff Classification for a single Stock Item

In Nature of Item screen,

In Select the Nature of Item field select the applicable Nature form the List of Nature

Note: From Nature of Item screen you can also assign the Tariff Classification (HSN Code) to the Stock Item.

The Details of Goods screen with Nature of Goods appears as shown:

Similarly, all the stock Items without Nature of Goods have to be tagged with appropriate Nature.