Amounts debited to P&L a/c (External Clarification)

When a Voucher is marked by the user as External Clarification in order to get the required information from the Client, it will be listed under External Clarification Pending column in the Tax Audit Dashboard.

The External Clarification column is divided into:

Treatment of Internal Observation is the same for both Amounts debited to P&L a/c - Clause 17(a-m) and Amounts Inadmissible u/s 40A(3). Hence, Internal Observation ledger vouchers for Amounts debited to P&L a/c - Clause 17(a-m) is explained.

External Clarification Pending

To view the report of the External Clarification Ledger Vouchers for Amounts debited to P&L a/c,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > 44AB Audit

External Clarification Clarified

To view the report of the External Clarification - Clarified Ledger Vouchers for Amounts debited to P&L a/c,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > 44AB Audit

To Audit the External Clarification Vouchers, refer to the Auditing the Vouchers through Group wise Report.