Auditing the Vouchers through Group wise Report

To Audit the Cash Payments Vouchers through the Group wise report,

Go to Gateway of Tally > Audit & Compliance > 44AB Audit > Amounts Inadmissible u/s 40A(3)

The Ledger Vouchers screen is displayed as shown below:

To commence Audit of vouchers displayed in the Cash Payments Report screen,

The Audit Details screen is displayed as shown:


Audit Status:


Allowed: This option should be selected to allow the selected transactions.


Disallowed: This option should be selected to disallow the selected transactions completely or partially. Enter the amount disallowed, if Amount field is kept blank, it will consider the default ledger value. This will be reported in the Cash Payments Annexure.


External Clarification: This option should be selected to request for further clarifications from the Client incase the information available in the Voucher or entries is not clear or incomplete. For more details, refer External Clarification.


Internal Observation: This option should be selected when the user is not sure of the Audit Status and needs clarification from the Audit team.

Note: When Disallowed is selected, the Voucher amount will be defaulted in the Amount field (as disallowed amount). The Auditor can change this amount.

The completed Audit Details screen appears as shown:


Similarly, Cash Payments made to other parties can be scrutinized and audited.


Auditing the Vouchers through Range wise Report