
The Auditing section provides the facility to Audit the required transactions. The Auditor can check all the transactions or audit only selective transactions by applying the necessary sampling method. Auditing is divided into the following:

The Auditor can press Enter on any of the Columns to view the required transactions as shown below:

Note: Ledger-wise count displayed in Brackets indicates the number of Ledgers participated in the sampled vouchers.

The Auditor can drill down from the Total, Audited, Internal Observation, External Clarification, Clarified (To be re-audited), Altered (To be re-audited) and view the respective reports.

The drill down from the Total Column and Audited Column displays similar reports for all the five reports.

Drilling down from the rest of the columns displays all the Vouchers marked as External Clarification, Clarified or Altered for the respective report.