Single Pay Slip

The Single Pay Slip option in Tally.ERP 9 facilitates the users to view the Pay Slip for individual Employees, Configure the Content and Appearance based on the requirement and then Print or E-mail the Pay Slip.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports > Statements of Payroll > Single Pay Slip

Configuration options in Pay Slip

Click on F12: Configure button in the Pay Slip to display a configuration sub-form, using which the user can customise the display/printing content and appearance of the Pay Slip.


The default settings for the configuration options are shown above. The options, which are set to Yes, will become visible in the Pay Slip.  Select No to exclude the information, which is not required to be displayed on the Pay Slip.

Button options in Pay Slip screen

F1: Detailed  

Click on F1: Detailed button or press ALT+F1 to view source details of individual Attendance and Pay Head values. This view displays the Attendance or Payroll vouchers from which the data is picked in the current Pay Slip. Voucher Number, Date and the Value of the attendance or earning or deduction value is displayed. This is useful when multiple attendance/payroll vouchers are entered during the same payroll period. The user can drill down to the corresponding voucher directly from the Pay Slip screen.

Click the F1: Condensed button or press ALT+F1 again to return to the normal mode.

F2: Period

By default, when you bring up the Pay Slip view, the Period of Pay Slip - Attendance and Payroll Vouchers data is set to current month, and in most cases you don’t have to  change it. However, if required, you can change the period of data and include multiple-period payroll information to view/print a consolidated Pay Slip. As in all other Tally.ERP 9 reports, there is a great flexibility in terms of Period of Payroll processing as well as in the printing of Pay Slip.

F4: Employee

Using Employee Button (F4 Key), you can view another employee’s Pay Slip from the existing Pay Slip display screen.

Printing Single Pay Slip (Alt+P)

Click on Print button or Press Alt+P from the Pay Slip display screen to print currently displayed Pay Slip. Tally.ERP 9 will print the Pay Slip in the format that is configured for display.

The Printing Pay Slip screen is displayed as shown:

The printed Pay Slip with Gross Salary details is displayed as shown:

E-Mailing Pay Slip (Alt+M)

Click on E-Mail button or press ALT+M from the Pay Slip display screen to Email the Pay Slip. Tally.ERP 9 gives flexibility of selecting the formats from ASCII, EXCEL, HTML and XML for E-Mailing as an attachment or direct view.

The Mailing Pay Slip screen is displayed as shown:

Note: If the outgoing E-Mail server is configured on any port other than 25, then the same needs to be specified after the server name with a colon. e.g.

For more instructions for completing the Mailing Pay slip screen, refer to E-mail a Report from Tally.ERP 9.


Multi Pay Slip