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Enabling as manufacturer of only 2% goods

If your business involves dealing with only goods taxable at 2%, then provision can be made to set this during excise registration.

To configure as a manufacturer of only 2% goods

1. Click F12: Configure from the Excise registration details screen.

2. Enable the option Enable as manufacturer of only 2% goods.

3. P ress Ctrl+A .

4. Enable the option Deals only with 2% goods .

5. Click L : Details to define the date of applicability for dealing with 2% goods.

6. Enter the date in the field Applicable from .

7. Select the Types of Manufacturer .

8. Select Yes in the field Is 2% Goods .

9. Set applicability details for the next period, if required.

10. Press Enter to go to the Excise registration details screen.