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Tally Plug-Ins, TDLs, and Add-Ons for TallyPrime

Tally Plug-ins: Plug-ins developed by Tally Solutions come with additional capabilities for specific business needs that extend beyond the existing features of TallyPrime. Using TallyPrime Release 5.0, you can now get easy access to Tally Plug-ins, such as TallyCapital, which will be available to customers of TallyCapital partners. Know about the plug-ins, check plug-in statuses, and more from the new Tally Plug-In Management report.

Use the TallyCapital plug-in to check your credit score, check your loan eligibility, and apply for a business loan, whenever you need one. Get in touch with your Tally Partner to know more. 

TDLs and Add-ons: With businesses and therefore day-to-day transactions addressing different demands, your business might require you to track information and  generate reports in a certain manner. TallyPrime indeed caters to your business needs of a wide variety. At the same time, the application is designed such that you can extend the capabilities the way you want by loading simple-to-use TDLs and Add-Ons. 

There are loads of Tally Add-Ons available online with a nominal price. Just purchase them and load into your TallyPrime application. 

For a detailed information about purchasing the Add-Ons and configuring them in TallyPrime, refer to the following:

Have any specific customisation requirements? Reach out to your Tally Partner now.     

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