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Install TallyPrime


Download, install, and activate TallyPrime


Install and set up TallyPrime Server



Activate your license

Activate a rejected license

Update TallyPrime license

Move TallyPrime license to another computer


Reactivate license in TallyPrime

Steps to reactivate license in TallyPrime.

Reactivate TallyPrime license when it is already active

This video covers the entire process of reactivating TallyPrime license. Moreover, it also helps to understand the scenarios where license needs to be reactivated. You will also know how to proceed when the license is active message appears during reactivation.

Surrender license in TallyPrime

Whenever you need to use a TallyPrime license on a different system, you will need to surrender the license either from within the product or on the Tally Solutions’ customer portal.

Surrender TallyPrime license

Configure TallyPrime license in client computer

Resolve when license turns to Educational Mode – Client System


Resolve when license turns to Educational Mode – Server System


Use existing Tally.ERP 9 License in TallyPrime




Set up remote access in TallyPrime to Work from Home and other requirements


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