You can create excise duty classifications as per statutory requirements.
To create an Excise Duty Classification,
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Statutory Info. > Excise Duty Classifications > Create .
2. Enter the Name of the duty classification.
3. Select the applicable Duty code from the List of Excise Duty Codes .
4. Select the Calculation method from the List of Excise Duty Classifications .
The completed Excise Duty Classifications Creation screen appears as shown below:
5. Press Enter to save.
You can define the method of calculation based on the date of applicability, if required.
To define parameters based on the date of applicability
1. Click L : Details .
2. Enter the date from which the defined parameters are applicable from.
3. Press Enter .
4. Select the Excise Duty Classification , as required.
5. Press Enter .
6. Define the duty calculation method for the next period.