Material Movement Register Report (Job Work Out)

Material Movement Register displays the details of Movement of Material (Raw Materials and Finished Goods) of Job Orders.

Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Job Work Out Reports > Job Work Register > Material Movement Register .

Column Description of Material Movement Register

Order Number : This column displays the Job Order number towards which the material movement (Out/In) is captured.

Delivery Challan Number : This column displays the voucher number of the Material out voucher through which the materials are transferred towards the Job Order.

Date of Dispatch : Displays the date on which the materials are transferred/dispatched for the Job Order.

Description of Goods dispatched : Displays the description/Name of the stock items dispatched for the Job Order

Quantity Dispatched to Job Worker : Displays the Quantity of each goods dispatched.

Name and Address of Job Worker : This column displays the Name of the Job worker on whom the order is raised.

Nature of Processing Required : This column displays the Nature of Processing required. Nature of Processing details will be captured form the Party Details of Material out voucher.

Goods Received from Job Worker : This column displays the goods (Finished Goods/Scrap/By-Products/Co- Products) received from the Job Worker

Quantity Received form Job Worker : This column displays the Quantity of Finished Goods received.

Job Worker's Delivery Challan No. and Date : This column displays the Job worker's Delivery Challan Number and Date entered in the Material In Voucher.

Factory GRN/GRRNo. and Date : This column will display the Voucher Number and date of Material In voucher through which the material receipts are accounted.

Shortages if any : This column displays the details of Shortages in the process of Manufacture, if any.

Wastage/Scrap at the end of Job worker : This column displays the quantity of wastage and scrap produced during the manufacture of Finished Goods.

Duty Paid on Shortages/Scrap/Wastage : This column displays the details of Duty paid on the Shortage/ scrap/Wastage

Remarks : To enter the remark as the Job Order is closed.