You can capture the number of days of non-contribution of an employee in a month by recording an attendance voucher, and generating the ECR file.
Note: Non-contribution days in the Electronic Challan cum Return (ECR) refers to the number of days in a particular month for which the Provident Fund contribution has not been paid.
To record an attendance voucher
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Vouchers > Ctrl+Alt+F5: Attendance.
2. Record the number of days for which the employee was absent, as shown below:
3. Press Enter to save.
To generate the ECR file
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Payroll Reports > Statutory Reports > Provident Fund > E-Challan Return (ECR).
2. Press Enter to export. The ECR file will be created in the Tally.ERP 9 installation folder.
Next, go to the folder where Tally.ERP 9 is installed and open the ECR file which is saved in .txt format. The exported ECR file with the employee information, including non-contribution days, appears as shown below:
You need to upload the ECR file on the ECR portal (in the Employees' Provident Fund Organisation of India website) to capture the PF contribution of the employee.
Note: Similarly, you can capture the non-contribution days for multiple employees.