You can record the export of goods using a sales vouchers.
In an export sales transaction, taxes are applicable based on the type of export:
● Taxable export: Integrated tax is applicable. Select Exports Taxable as the Nature of transaction in the sales ledger created for taxable exports.
● Exempt export: No tax is applicable. Select Exports Exempt as the Nature of transaction in the sales ledger created for exempt exports.
● Export under LUT/bond: No tax is applicable. Select Exports LUT/Bond as the Nature of transaction in the sales ledger created for exports under LUT/bond.
o Export under LUT/bond is applicable when you have signed up a letter of undertaking with the department for the export of goods without the payment of duty.
o To provide details of the LUT/bond, enable the options Enable Goods and Services Tax (GST)? and Set/alter GST details? in Statutory and Taxation features. In the Company GST Details screen that opens, enable the option Provide LUT/Bond details?, and enter the details in the LUT/Bond Details screen.
To record export sales transaction
1. Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > F8: Sales.
2. In Party A/c name, select the customer ledger or the cash ledger.
3. Select the sales ledger. You can also create separate sales ledgers for taxable exports, exempt exports, and exports under LUT/bond, and select them during the transaction.
4. Select the integrated tax ledger if it is a taxable export.
5. Provide GST details - Yes, if you want to enter additional details regarding the export transaction.