Purchase Returns (Kenya)

Accounting entries for purchase returns are recorded using debit note voucher type.

To enable debit/credit note vouchers

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > Accounting Features.

2.     Enable the option Use debit and credit notes?

3.     Enable the option Record debit notes in invoice mode?

4.     Press Ctrl+A to save the changes.

To create an entry for purchase returns

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Crl+F9: Debit Note.

2.     Enter the original purchase invoice number and date in the Original Invoice No. and Original Invoice Dt. fields.

3.     Select the Party’s A/c Name from the List of Ledger Accounts.

4.     Select the common purchase ledger.

5.     Select the Name of Item being returned to the supplier.

6.     Enter the Quantity being returned and Rate. The amount is automatically displayed in the Amount field.

7.     Select the common VAT ledger. The tax amount is automatically displayed.

8.     Enable Provide VAT Details? to display Statutory Details screen.

o      Select Not Applicable in the Nature of Return field.

o      Press Enter.

9.     Press Enter to display the Bill-wise Details screen.

o      Select the bill against which the goods are returned in Bill-wise Details screen.

10.  Press Enter to return to invoice screen.

The debit note invoice appears as shown below:

11.  Press Enter to accept and save.