Payment Reconciliation Report (Karnataka)

The transaction details of tax payment vouchers recorded for paying VAT and CST dues are displayed in Tax Payment Reconciliation report. If the payment details were not provided in the payment voucher, the same can be entered directly in this report. Details of payments made towards tax dues - VAT, CST and other liabilities, during the return period is displayed here.

Viewing Tax Payment Reconciliation Report


To view the Tax Payment Reconciliation report

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Payment Reconciliation.

The detailed description of each field is explained below.

Column Name



Displays the payment voucher date.


Displays the bank or cash ledger used to make the payment.

Vch type

Displays the type of voucher.

Vch No

Displays the payment voucher number.

Type of Tax Payment

Displays VAT or CST based on the Tax Type selected in the Stat Payment Details screen of payment voucher.

Payment Period

Displays the From and To dates entered in the Stat Payment Details screen of payment voucher.

Deposit Date

Displays the Deposit Date entered in Stat Payment Details screen by clicking S: Set Details in Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Bank Name

Displays the Name of Bank entered in Stat Payment Details screen by clicking S: Set Details in Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Branch Name

Displays the Name of Branch entered in Stat Payment Details screen by clicking S: Set Details in Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Return Type

Displays the Type of Return selected in Stat Payment Details screen by clicking S: Set Details in Tax Payment Reconciliation report.

Instrument No.

Displays the Instrument No. entered in Stat Payment Details screen by clicking S: Set Details in Tax Payment Reconciliation report.


Displays the amount entered in payment voucher.



Click F12: Configure button and set the options as given below.

      Show Payments of Type: Based on the Payment Type selected here, the transactions will be displayed. On selecting Payment Type as

o      VAT, only those payments recorded by selecting the Tax Type as VAT in payment voucher will be displayed.

o      CST, only those payments recorded by selecting the Tax Type as CST in payment voucher will be displayed.

      Show Transactions having Challan Details: By default, only those transactions recorded without providing challan details will appear. On enabling this option, all tax payment vouchers recorded by providing challan details will also be displayed.

      Show narration: On enabling this option, the narration entered in the payment voucher will be displayed.