CST Annexure A (West Bengal)

CST Annexure A provides the list of sales transactions for branch transfer or consignment transfer (state-wise or branch-wise) recorded in the reporting period.

The transactions with following nature of transaction are considered for this annexure:

      Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward

      Interstate Branch Transfer Outward

To view CST Annexure A

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form I > Annexure Ready.

2.     Press Enter.

3.     Select Annexure A.

4.     Press Enter.

To export the Annexure A

1.     Press Ctrl+E in the e-CST Annexures screen.

2.     Press Enter to export all annexures to XML format.

The details are exported in XML format. The department has provided a java tool to verify the details in the XML file for returns and annexure. The information captured in the XML file is described below based on the fields displayed in the java tool provided by the department.



From Date

To Date

Displays the start and end date of the period for which the form is generated in DD/MM/YYYY format.

CST Registration Number

Displays the CST registration number of the company, as recorded in the field Inter-state Sales Tax Number while defining VAT details in F3: Statutory in F11: Features.

Name of the State/ Union Territory

Displays the name of state or union territory pre-defined in the party ledger master or Party Details screen for invoicing in sales.

Name of the Branch/ Agent to whom transferred

Displays the name of the branch or agent to whom the goods are transferred, as recorded in the field Name of party Ledger Creation screen.

Full postal address of transferee

Displays the address of the dealer's business premises, as recorded in the field Address of party Ledger Creation screen.

Transferee's RC No. (11- digit TIN)

Displays the VAT registration number of the party, as recorded in the VAT TIN No. field of VAT Details screen in the ledger master of the party or Party Details screen of the transaction.

Stock Transfer Challan/ Invoice No.

Displays the Voucher No./Reference No. entered in the sales invoice.


Displays the Invoice Date.

Amount (Rs.)

Displays the Assessable Value of sales.

Major group of commodity

Displays the Commodity Name specified at Company/Stock Group/Stock Item/Ledger Master/Ledger Group.

Rate of Tax on intra-state sale of goods in West Bengal

Displays the Rate selected while invoicing the commodities.

Sl. No. of declarations in Form F received, if any

Displays the Form No. entered in the sales invoice after selecting Form F as Form to Receive.


Displays the Total Amount captured in each row.