Annexure 19 - VAT Form 15 (Punjab)

On exporting data to VAT-15.xls template, the relevant data gets exported to annexure 19. Click here to view the procedure of exporting data to VAT-15.xls template.

Prerequisites for Purchases

1.     Details of purchases recorded with the following nature of transactions are displayed in this annexure:

     Interstate Branch Transfer Inward

     Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward

     Interstate Purchase - Zero Rated

     Interstate Purchase Deemed Export


     Interstate Purchase - Works Contract

     Interstate Purchase - Against Form C

     Interstate Purchase - Taxable

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - E1

     Interstate Purchase - E2

     Interstate Purchase - Tax Free

     Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C

2.     Debit note recorded with the following Nature of Return (selected in Statutory Details screen of debit note) is displayed in this annexure:

     Cash Discount

     Trade Discount

     Not Applicable

Description of data captured in each column of the excel template is tabulated below:

Column Name


Part A

Nature of Transaction*

Displays the nature of transaction from the drop-down list based on the Nature of Transaction selected in the invoice.

TIN/CST No. (*)

Displays the CST Number entered in the party ledger or in the Party Details screen of the invoice. if CST number is not available, the party's TIN is displayed.

Name of the Seller*

Displays the name of the party entered in the party ledger or in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

Address of the Seller (State)*

Displays the State predefined in the party ledger or entered in the Party Details screen of the invoice. If the Country selected for the party is other than India, Outside India gets selected in the template.

Sr No. of Invoice/Challan*

Displays the:

      Supplier Invoice no. entered in the invoice.

      Original Invoice No. entered in the debit note recorded for purchase returns in the selected month.

Date of Invoice/Challan (dd/mm/yyyy)*

Displays the:

      Date entered for Supplier Invoice no. entered in the invoice.

      Date entered for Original Invoice No. entered in the debit note recorded for purchase returns in the selected month.

Description of Goods/Commodity*

Displays the Commodity name predefined for the stock item selected in the invoice.

Quantity of Goods (in Quintals)

Displays the quantity entered for the stock item selected in the invoice.

Value of Goods (Rs.)*

Displays total of assessable value and tax on purchases and debit note recorded by selecting the nature of transactions provided under prerequisites for purchases.

Value of Freight

Displays the value entered for freight ledger in purchases and debit note recorded by selecting the nature of transactions provided under prerequisites for purchases.

If stock items selected in the invoice are linked to different commodities, freight charges appear in the row comprising first commodity details.

Advance Tax paid if any

This field is currently left blank.

Name of Transporter

Displays the Name of Transporter entered in the Party Details screen of the purchase invoice.

GR/RR etc. Details - Number

Displays the G.R. No entered in the Party Details screen of the purchase invoice.

GR/RR etc. Details - Date

Displays the Date entered for G.R. No in the Party Details screen of the purchase invoice.

Nature of Transaction (In case of Discount / Purchase Return) *

Displays the nature of transaction from the drop-down list for the following Nature of return, based on the Nature of Transaction selected in the debit note:

     Cash Discount

     Trade Discount

     Not Applicable

Displays purchase returns recorded within three months from the original invoice date.


(Only details of such goods to be given in this section but those goods must be accounted for and given in next return period also)

This section is currently left blank.