Exporting Form 10 (Madhya Pradesh)

Form VAT 10 returns are filed quarterly with the department.

To export Form 10

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > VAT Form 10.

2.     Press Ctrl+E.

3.     Select the quarter for which return is being filed in the field Period for.

4.     Select the Type of Return.

5.     Enable the options Consolidate URD Transactions? and Consolidate party-wise?, if required.

6.     Enable the option Show no. of rows to add. Ensure that the required no. of rows are added to the excel template before exporting data.

7.     Press Esc.

8.     Press Enter to export the form to excel template with details of all VAT annexures.

Note: The list of transactions in each annexure are displayed invoice-wise. You can view the list party-wise using the option L: Party wise. Further, URD transactions in a annexure can be consolidated using the C: URD Consolidate option. These options only change the display configuration and do not affect the format in which annexures are exported.

The brief description of information captured in the form is given field-wise in the below table:



Sheet: Basic Info

General Information


Displays the VAT registration number of the dealer, as recorded in the TIN field of Company VAT Details screen.

Name of Dealer

Displays the name of the dealer, as recorded in the Mailing Name field of Company Creation or Company Alteration screen.

Financial Year

Displays the financial year for which returns are filed in the YYYY-YY format, the year is selected form the list provided based on the return period.

Return Period

Displays the periodicity for filing returns, as selected in Company VAT Details screen. If the periodicity is selected as Quarterly, Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4 is selected from the list provided based on the return period.

Return Period From

Displays the starting date of the return period, as the date recorded in From (blank for beginning) field in Export Report screen. In case the return period is selected, this field is disabled.

Return Period To

Displays the end date of the return period, as the date recorded in To (blank for end) field in Export Report screen. In case the return period is selected, this field is disabled.

Type of Return

Displays the type of return, Original or Revised, based on the option selected in Type of Return field in Export Report screen.

Sheet: Sales and Dispatches

PART A: Details of Sales within State

Sr. No.

Displays the serial number for list of transactions captured in this section.

Type of Dealer

Displays RD for registered dealer when TIN is available in the ledger master even if dealer type is not selected.

Displays URD for unregistered dealers and party without VAT details.

TIN of Purchasing Dealer

Displays the TIN of the purchasing dealer, as the number recorded in VAT TIN No. field in VAT Details screen of party ledger.

Schedule of MPVAT (Optional)

Displays the schedule tagged to the commodity sold in the particular transaction, as the option selected in Schedule field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case schedule is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.

Part (Optional)

Displays the part of VAT schedule tagged to the commodity sold in the particular transaction, as the part selected in Schedule field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case part is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.

Entry Number (Optional)

Displays the entry number tagged to the commodity sold in the particular transaction, as the number recorded in Entry No. field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case entry number is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.

Commodity (Optional)

Displays the name of the commodity sold in the particular transaction, as the name recorded in Commodity name field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case multiple items tagged to a commodity are selected in a transaction, the value is consolidated.

Rate of Tax

Displays the VAT rate of the commodity sold in the particular transaction,  as the rate recorded in Tax rate field in VAT Details screen of masters. In case multiple items tagged to a tax rate are selected in a transaction, the value is consolidated.

In case of items taxable on quantity, tax is applied on number of units, where units is selected in Reporting UOM field of the masters.

Invoice No (Optional)

Displays the invoice number of the sales transaction, as the document number of the sales transaction recorded for local sales.

Invoice Date (Optional)

Displays the date of the sales transaction, as the document date of the sales transaction recorded for local sales.

Volume/Measurement (in case of tax u/s 9-A/9-AA)

Displays the assessable quantity of commodity for which VAT is calculated on quantity, as the quantity recorded in the transaction of item for which Calculation type is set as On Quantity in the VAT Details screen of item/group master.

Sale Value(net of VAT)

Displays the assessable value of the commodity in the local sales transaction, with Sales Taxable, Sales Exempt, Sales - Works contract, Sales - Tax Free, Sales - Others, and Sales Zero Rated selected as Nature of transaction.

VAT Amount

Displays the tax amount of the commodity in the local sales transaction, with Sales Taxable, and Sales - Works contract selected as Nature of transaction.

Whether Tax Deduction at Source under section 26-A has been made?

Displays Yes or No from the list provided based on whether tax is deducted at source for the item. The option Yes is selected in case Is tax deducted at source (TDS) as per 26A? is enabled in the transaction, else No.

Goods (Only if tax deducted u/s 26-A)

Displays the name of goods eligible for tax deduction at source under section 26-A from the given list, as the name selected in Type of goods field in VAT Details screen of the masters.

Whether "ET not paid" seal has been affixed? (Optional)

This field is left blank.

Whether sale is to a unit located in SEZ?

Displays Yes from the list, if sale is made to a party located in special economic zone, with Sales Zero Rated selected as Nature of transaction.

Displays No for other type of sales.

SEZ related declaration Form Series number, if available

Displays the serial number of Form I received in the course of zero rated sales, as the number recorded in Form serial no. field in Statutory Details screen of sales transaction. The value from transaction with Sales Zero Rated selected as Nature of transaction.

SEZ related declaration Form Serial number, if available

Displays the form number of Form I received in the course of zero rated sales, as the number recorded in Form no. field in Statutory Details screen of sales transaction. The value from transaction with Sales Zero Rated selected as Nature of transaction.

Name of Special Economic Zone(SEZ)

This field is currently left blank.

Part B: Transactions under the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 (To be furnished only by the dealers not liable to pay tax under the CST Act 1956)

Sr No

Displays the serial number for list of interstate sales transactions captured in this section.

Type of Dealer

Displays RD for registered dealer when TIN is available in the ledger master even if dealer type is not selected, from the list provided in the template.

Displays URD for unregistered dealers and party without VAT details.

TIN of Purchasing Dealer

Displays the TIN of the purchasing dealer, as the number recorded in VAT TIN No. field in VAT Details screen of interstate party ledger.

Name of Purchasing Dealer

Displays the name of the purchasing dealer, as the name recorded in the ledger master of party selected in the interstate transaction or in the Party Details screen of the interstate transaction.

Purchasing Dealer State

Displays the name of the state of the purchasing dealer from the list provided in the template, as the name selected in the State field in ledger master of the party or in Party Details screen of the transaction.

Type of Transaction

Displays the type of transaction from the list provided in the template. The option Interstate is selected for transactions with Interstate Sales Exempt, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - E2, Interstate Sales - Tax Free, Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C, and Interstate Sales Exempt- E1 as Nature of transaction. The option Consignment Transfer is selected for transactions with Consignment Transfer Outward, Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward, Branch Transfer Outward, and Interstate Branch Transfer Outward as Nature of transaction. And, the option Export is selected for transaction with Exports, Interstate Deemed Export, and Deemed Exports.

Schedule of MPVAT (Optional)

Displays the schedule tagged to the commodity sold in the particular interstate transaction, as the option selected in Schedule field in VAT Details screen of masters. In case multiple commodities are selected in an invoice, each is captured in a different row.

In case schedule is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.

Part (Optional)

Displays the part of VAT schedule tagged to the commodity sold in the particular interstate transaction, as the part selected in Schedule field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case part is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.

Entry Number (Optional)

Displays the entry number tagged to the commodity sold in the particular transaction, as the number recorded in Entry No. field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case entry number is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.


Displays the name of the commodity sold in the particular transaction, as the name recorded in Commodity name field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case multiple items tagged to a commodity selected in a transaction, the value is consolidated.

Rate of Tax in MPVAT

Displays the VAT rate of the commodity sold in the particular transaction, as the rate recorded in Tax rate field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case multiple items tagged to a tax rate selected in a transaction, the value is consolidated.

In case of items taxable on quantity, tax is applied on number of units, where units is selected in Reporting UOM field of the masters.

Invoice No (Optional)

Displays the invoice number of the sales transaction, as the document number of the sales invoice recorded for interstate sales.

Invoice Date (Optional)

Displays the date of the sales transaction, as the document date of the sales invoice recorded for interstate sales.

Sale Value (including CST)/ Stock Transfer Value

Displays the sale value including tax amount in the interstate sales transaction rate-wise/commodity-wise. In case of transfer, only the stock value is captured.

Whether Sale is against Declaration Form?

Displays the type of declaration form against which the interstate sale/transfer transaction is recorded from the list provided in the template. The form type C is selected for transaction with Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales Exempt- E1, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales Exempt - With Form C, and Interstate Sales - E2 as Nature of transaction. The form type F is selected for Consignment Transfer Outward, Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward, Branch Transfer Outward, and Interstate Branch Transfer Outward. The form type I is selected for Sales Zero Rated, and Interstate Sales Zero Rated. The form type H is selected for Interstate Deemed Export, and Deemed Exports. And, None is selected for Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - Tax Free, Interstate Sales Exempt, and Exports.

In case declaration form is not selected in the transaction, an error is displayed in Annexures.

Declaration Form Series Number, if available

Displays the series number for the form type recorded in the respective transaction, as the number recorded in Form serial no. field in the Statutory Details screen of the sales/transfer transaction.

Declaration Form Serial Number, if available

Displays the form number recorded in the respective transaction, as the number recorded in Form no. field in the Statutory Details screen of the sales/transfer transaction.

Builty / Railway Receipt number (Optional)

Displays the builty/railway receipt number recorded in the respective transaction, as the number recorded in Railway receipt no. field in the Statutory Details screen of the sales/transfer transaction.

Builty / Railway Receipt Date (Optional)

Displays the builty/railway receipt date recorded in the respective transaction, as the date recorded in Railway receipt date field in the Statutory Details screen of the sales/transfer transaction.

If sale is subsequent sale u/s 6(2) of the CST Act, 1956

Displays Yes for interstate transaction for a subsequent sale, with Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales - E2, and Interstate Sales Exempt - E1 selected as Nature of transaction.

Displays No for all other transactions.

TIN of selling Dealer (u/s 6(2) of the CST Act, 1956)

Displays the TIN of selling dealer in case of subsequent sales, as the number recorded in the TIN field of Selling Dealer Details section in Statutory Details screen of the interstate sales transaction.

Seller Dealer Invoice Number (u/s 6(2) of the CST Act, 1956) (Optional)

Displays the invoice number of selling dealer in case of subsequent sales, as the number recorded in the Invoice no. field of Selling Dealer Details section in Statutory Details screen of the interstate sales transaction.

Seller Dealer Invoice Date (u/s 6(2) of the CST Act, 1956) (Optional)

Displays the invoice date of selling dealer in case of subsequent sales, as the date recorded in the Invoice date field of Selling Dealer Details section in Statutory Details screen of the interstate sales transaction.

State of selling Dealer (u/s 6(2) of the CST Act, 1956)

Displays the name of the state of dealer in case of subsequent sales, as the state selected in the State field of Selling Dealer Details section in Statutory Details screen of the interstate sales transaction.

Form Type (u/s 6(2) of the CST Act, 1956)

Displays the declaration form type in the subsequent sales, as the form type selected in Form type received field of Selling Dealer Details section in Statutory Details screen of the interstate sales transaction.

E1/E2 No. (If available)

Displays the form number of E1/E2 declaration form, as recorded in the E1/E2 form no. field of Selling Dealer Details section in Statutory Details screen of the interstate sales transaction.

Sheet: Purchases and Receipts

Part D: Details of Purchases from within the State


Sr No

Displays the serial number for list of local purchase transactions captured in this section.

Type of Dealer

Displays RD for registered dealer when TIN is available in the ledger master even if dealer type is not selected, from the list provided in the template.

Displays URD for unregistered dealers and party without VAT details.


Displays the TIN of the selling dealer, as the number recorded in VAT TIN No. field in VAT Details screen of party ledger.

Schedule of MPVAT (Optional)

Displays the schedule tagged to the commodity purchased in the particular transaction, as the option selected in Schedule field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case multiple commodities are selected in an invoice, each is captured in a different row. When the schedule is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.

Part (Optional)

Displays the part of VAT schedule tagged to the commodity purchased in the particular transaction, as the part selected in Schedule field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case part is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.

Entry Number (Optional)

Displays the entry number tagged to the commodity purchased in the particular transaction, as the number recorded in Entry No. field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case entry number is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.


Displays the name of the commodity purchased in the particular transaction, as the name recorded in Commodity name field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case multiple items tagged to a commodity are selected in a transaction, the value is consolidated.

Rate of Tax

Displays the VAT rate of the commodity purchased in the particular transaction,  as the rate recorded in Tax rate field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case multiple items tagged to a tax rate are selected in a transaction, the value is consolidated.

In case of items taxable on quantity, tax is applied on number of units, where units is selected in Reporting UOM field of the masters.

Invoice No (Optional)

Displays the invoice number provided by the supplier for the purchased goods, as the number recorded in Supplier Invoice No. field of the purchase invoice recorded for local purchase.

Invoice Date (Optional)

Displays the date of invoice provided by the supplier for the purchased goods, as the date recorded in Date field against Supplier Invoice No. of the purchase invoice recorded for local purchase.

Volume/Measurement (in case of tax u/s 9-A/9-AA)

Displays the assessable quantity of commodity for which VAT is calculated on quantity, as the quantity recorded in the transaction for item with Calculation type set as On Quantity in the VAT Details screen of item/group master.

Purchase Value (Net of VAT)

Displays the assessable value including VAT amount of the commodity in the local purchase transaction, with Purchase Taxable, Purchase Exempt, Purchase  - Works contract, Purchase Tax Free, Purchase Others, and Purchase - Zero Rated selected as Nature of transaction.

VAT Amount

Displays the tax amount of the commodity in the local purchase transaction, with Purchase Taxable, Purchase Exempt, Purchase  - Works contract, Purchase Tax Free, Purchase Others, and Purchase - Zero Rated selected as Nature of transaction.

Whether Input Tax Rebate Claimed?

Displays Yes for transactions with Purchase Taxable, Purchase - Works contract,  and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods selected as Nature of transaction when the party is Regular.

Is It Plant and Machinery?

Displays Yes, when Plant & Machinery is selected as Nature of goods in masters with Purchase Taxable, Purchase - Works contract, and Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods selected as Nature of transaction.

Whether Tax Deduction at Source under section 26-A has been made?

Displays Yes or No based on whether tax is deducted at source for the purchased goods. This option is set to Yes, if Is tax deducted (TDS) as per 26-A? is enabled in the transaction.

Goods (Only if tax deducted u/s 26-A)

Displays the type of good for which tax is deducted at source from list provided in the template, as the name selected in Type of goods field in VAT Details screen of the masters.

Whether "ET not paid" seal has been affixed? (Optional)

This field is left blank.

Whether Entry Tax is payable for this purchase? (Optional)

This field is left blank.

If yes, then rate at which Entry Tax is Payable (Optional)

This field is left blank.

Part E: Details of Purchases / Receipts from out of State


Sr No

Displays the serial number for list of interstate purchase transactions captured in this section.

Type of Dealer

Displays RD for registered dealer when TIN is available in the ledger master even if dealer type is not selected, from the list provided in the template.

Displays URD for unregistered dealers and party without VAT details.


Displays the TIN of the selling dealer, as the number recorded in VAT TIN No. field in VAT Details screen of party ledger.

Name of Dealer

Displays the name of the selling dealer, as the name recorded in the ledger master of party selected in the interstate transaction or in the Party Details screen of the interstate transaction.

State of Selling Dealer

Displays the name of the state of the selling dealer from the list provided in the template, as the name selected in the State field in ledger master of the party or in Party Details screen of the transaction.

Type of Transaction

Displays the type of transaction from the list provided in the template. The option Interstate is selected for transactions with Purchase - Zero Rated, Interstate Purchase – Zero Rated, Interstate Purchase Exempt, Interstate Purchase - E1, Interstate Purchase - Against Form C, Interstate Purchase Exempt - With Form C, Interstate Purchase - Taxable, Interstate Purchase - E2, Interstate Purchase - Tax Free, Interstate Purchase Exempt- E1, Interstate Deemed Export, and Purchase Deemed Export as Nature of transaction. The option Consignment Transfer is selected for transactions with Consignment Transfer Inward, Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward, Branch Transfer Inward, and Interstate Branch Transfer Inward as Nature of transaction. And, the option Out of Country Import is selected for transaction with Imports as Nature of transaction.

Schedule of MPVAT (Optional)

Displays the schedule tagged to the commodity purchased in the particular transaction, as the option selected in Schedule field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case multiple commodities are selected in an invoice, each is captured in a different row. When the schedule is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.

Part (Optional)

Displays the part of VAT schedule tagged to the commodity purchased in the particular transaction, as the part selected in Schedule field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case part is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.

Entry Number (Optional)

Displays the entry number tagged to the commodity purchased in the particular transaction, as the number recorded in Entry No. field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case entry number is not tagged to the commodity, this field is left blank.


Displays the name of the commodity purchased in the particular transaction, as the name recorded in Commodity name field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case multiple items tagged to a commodity are selected in a transaction, the value is consolidated.

Rate of Tax Under MP VAT

Displays the VAT rate of the commodity purchased in the particular transaction,  as the rate recorded in Tax rate field in VAT Details screen of masters.

In case multiple items tagged to a tax rate are selected in a transaction, the value is consolidated.

Invoice No (Optional)

Displays the invoice number of the purchase transaction, as the document number of the purchase invoice recorded for interstate purchase.

Invoice Date (Optional)

Displays the date of the purchase transaction, as the document date of the purchase invoice recorded for interstate purchase.

Purchase / Stock Transfer Value (inclusive of Tax)

Displays the purchase value including tax amount of the commodity in the interstate purchase transaction.

Whether Declaration Form is required?

Displays Yes for interstate transactions against a declaration form with Purchase Zero Rated, Interstate Purchase – Zero Rated, Interstate Purchase Exempt, Interstate Purchase - E1, Interstate Purchase - Against Form C, Interstate Purchase - Taxable, Interstate Purchase - E2, Interstate Puchase Exempt - With Form C, Interstate Purchase - Tax Free, Interstate Purchase Exempt- E1, Interstate Deemed Export, Purchase Deemed Export, Consignment Transfer Inward, Interstate Consignment Transfer Inward, Branch Transfer Inward, and Interstate Branch Transfer Inward, and Imports selected as Nature of transaction.

Declaration Form No, if already issued by MPCTD

Displays the declaration form number, as recorded in the Form serial no. field in Statutory Details screen of the interstate purchase transaction.

Whether Entry Tax is payable for this purchase? (Optional)

This field is left blank.

If yes, then rate at which Entry Tax is Payable (Optional)

This field is left blank.

Sheet: Turnover

Part F


1. Gross Turnover

Displays the auto computed gross assessable value and tax amount from all sales transactions, with Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Exports, Interstate Branch Transfer Outward, Branch Transfer Outward, Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward, Consignment Transfer Outward, Interstate Deemed Export, Deemed Export, Interstate Sales - E2, Sales Exempt, Sales Others, Sales - Zero Rated, Interstate Sales - Zero Rated, Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, and Interstate Sales Exempt selected as Nature of transaction.

2. Less deductions in respect of [Total of subhead (a) to (j) ]

Displays the auto calculated value of deductions as the sum of value from the subheads below in this section.

(a). Cost or freight, delivery or installation, when such cost is separately charged

This field is currently left blank.

(b). Sales returns within six months of sale

Displays the assessable value and tax amount from sales return recorded in the reporting period against the sales made within six months before date of return, with Sales Taxable and Sales - Works contract selected as Nature of transaction.

(c). Sale price of Tax Paid Goods

Displays the gross assessable value from sale of tax paid goods recorded in the reporting period, with Sales Exempt selected as Nature of transaction and Tax paid goods selected as Nature of goods.

(d). Sale price of Goods declared tax free

Displays the gross assessable value from sale of tax free goods recorded in the reporting period, with Sales - Tax Free, Sales Exempt and Sales - Others selected as Nature of transaction.

(e). Turnover of sales in the course of inter-state trade or commerce

Displays the gross assessable value and tax amount from interstate sales recorded in the reporting period, with Interstate Sales - Against Form C, Interstate Sales - Taxable, Interstate Sales - E1, Interstate Sales - E2, Interstate Sales Exempt - E1, and Interstate Sales Exempt selected as Nature of transaction.

(f). Turnover of sales outside the state/consignment/branch transfer

Displays the gross assessable value from consignment and branch transfer outwards recorded in the reporting period, with Interstate Branch Transfer Outward, Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward, Branch Transfer Outward, and Consignment Transfer Outward selected as Nature of transaction.

(g). Turnover of sales in the course of export out of the territory of India

Displays the gross assessable value from export and deemed export transactions recorded in the reporting period, with Exports, Deemed Export, and Interstate Deemed Export as Nature of transaction.

(h). Turnover of sales to units located in Special Economic Zone

Displays the gross assessable value from local and interstate zero rated sales to special economic zones recorded in the reporting period, with Sales Zero Rated, and Interstate Sales - Zero Rated selected as Nature of transaction, and party with SEZ selected as Type of Exemption in VAT Details screen of ledger master.

(i). Amount of Tax included in GTO

Displays the net tax value from local taxable sales recorded in the reporting period, with Sales Taxable, and Sales - Works contract selected as Nature of transaction.

(g). Any other deduction

Displays the net tax value from sales recorded in the reporting period, with Sales Others as Nature of transaction.

Part G: Purchase Tax


Rate of Tax

Displays the VAT rate recorded in VAT Details screen of the journal voucher created for tax liability on URD purchase by selecting Tax on URD Purchase as Nature of adjustment. The VAT Details screen appears on selecting the VAT duty ledger for crediting.

Taxable purchase value

Displays the assessable value recorded in VAT Details screen of the journal voucher created for tax liability on URD purchase by selecting Tax on URD Purchase as Nature of adjustment. The VAT Details screen appears on selecting the VAT duty ledger for crediting.

Purchase Tax payable

Displays the auto calculated value based on the Rate of Tax and Taxable purchase value.

Part H: Tax on goods carried by road


A Tax payable under sub section (1) of Section 9-C

This section is currently left blank.

1 Freight


2 Deduction (specify)


3 Taxable freight (1-2)


4 Rate of Tax


5 Tax Payable


Part I: Details of Tax Deducted at source u/s 26-A

Amount deducted u/s 26-A

Displays the value of VAT duty ledger credited in journal voucher recorded for TDS adjustment in the reporting period by selecting Increase of Tax Liability as Nature of adjustment and Adjusting with TDS as Additional Details.

Amount equal to rebate notionally admissible

Displays the value of expense ledger credited in journal voucher recorded for TDS adjustment in the reporting period by selecting Decrease in Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustment as Additional Details.

Amount Payable (1-2)

Displays the difference in value of 1 and 2 in part I.

Sheet: ITR

Part J: Reversal of Input Tax Rebate


On A/c Of


Input Tax Rebate Reversal

(i) Being given as gift/free sample/replacement, etc..

Displays the assessable value from transactions recorded for tax reversal for gifts and samples distributed, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Goods Given As Gift, Free Sample as Additional Details.

Displays the value of tax reversal for gifts and sample distributed, as the value of VAT duty ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Goods Given As Gift, Free Sample as Additional Details.

(ii) Being sent outside the state/consignment/branch transfer

Displays the assessable value from transactions recorded for tax reversal for stock transferred outside the state, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Stock Transfer as Additional Details.

Displays the value of tax reversal for stock transferred outside the state, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Stock Transfer as Additional Details.

(iii) Being used in the manufacturing of tax free goods.

Displays the assessable value from transactions recorded for tax reversal  for manufacturing of exempt goods, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Manufacturing of Exempt Goods as Additional Details.

Displays the value of tax reversal for manufacturing of exempt goods, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Manufacturing of Exempt Goods as Additional Details.

(iv) Being used in packing of tax free goods.

Displays the assessable value from transactions recorded for tax reversal for goods used in packing of tax free items, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Goods Used for Packing as Additional Details.

Displays the value of tax reversal for goods used in packing of tax free items, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Goods Used for Packing as Additional Details.

(v) Being used in production of taxable goods sent outside the state.

Displays the assessable value from transactions recorded for tax reversal for goods used in production of taxable goods sent outside the state, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Inter State Stock Transfer as Additional Details.

Displays the value of tax reversal for goods used in production of taxable goods sent outside the state, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Inter State Stock Transfer as Additional Details.

(vi) Goods used / consumed in the execution of works contract

Displays the assessable value from transactions recorded for tax reversal for goods used in execution of works contract, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Works Contract as Additional Details.

Displays the value of tax reversal for goods used in execution of works contract, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Works Contract as Additional Details.

(vii) Otherwise disposal.

Displays the assessable value from transactions recorded for tax reversal for goods disposed by means other than sales, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Goods disposed off otherwise than by sale as Additional Details.

Displays the value of tax reversal for goods disposed by means other than sales, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Goods disposed off otherwise than by sale as Additional Details.

(viii) Purchase Returns

Displays the assessable of purchase returns of taxable  goods from local dealers, as the assessable value in journal voucher/debit note recorded for local purchase return of taxable goods. The value from transactions with Nature of transaction set as Purchase Taxable, and Purchase - Works contract is considered.

Displays the tax value from purchase returns of taxable  goods from local dealers, as the tax value in journal voucher/debit note recorded for local purchase return of taxable goods. The value from transactions with Nature of transaction set as Purchase Taxable, and Purchase Works contract is considered.

(ix) Any other reason

Displays the assessable value from transactions recorded for tax reversal for any other reasons, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Others as Additional Details.

Displays the value of tax reversal for any other reasons, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reversal of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Others as Additional Details.

Part K: Rebate carried forward from previous quarter

1. Input Tax rebate carried forward from previous quarter

Displays the value of excess credit brought forward from previous period, as the opening balance (debit value) of the VAT duty ledger at the start of reporting period.

2. Other unadjusted credit

Displays the value of unadjusted credit for the reporting period, as the value of VAT duty ledger debited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Increasing Input Tax as Nature of adjustment. (Others is by default selected as Additional Details)

Sheet: Tax payments

Part L: Amount Payable

1. Total Amount Payable

Displays auto computed value, based on the summary from part A, G, H, and I.

2. Amount of Tax deferred

Displays the value of tax deferred for the reporting period, as the value of VAT duty ledger debited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and Tax Deferred as Additional Details.

2a. Deferred upto

Displays the date up to which tax deferred, as date recorded in Deferred upto field in journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and Tax Deferred as Additional Details.

3. Amount of Tax Exempted

Displays the value of tax exempted for the reporting period, as the value of VAT duty ledger debited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and Tax Exempted as Additional Details.

4. Input Tax Rebate (M4)

Displays auto computed value.

5. Net Amount Payable (1-(2+3+4))

Displays auto computed value, based on the given equation.

6. Interest for Late payment

Displays the value of interest to be paid for late payment of tax, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Increase of Tax Liability as Nature of adjustment and Interest as Additional Details.

7. Total Amount Payable (5+6)

Displays auto computed value, based on the fields 5 and 6 in this section.

8. Credit of Tax Deducted at Source (from Part P)

Displays auto computed value, based on respective value in Part P.

9. Credit of Refund Adjustment Order (Self)(from Part Q)

Displays auto computed value, based on respective value in Part Q.

10. Credit of Refund Adjustment Order (Received from Others) (from Part R)

Displays auto computed value, based on respective value in Part R.

11. Other credits brought forward from previous quarter (K2)

Displays auto computed value, based on respective value in Part K2.

12. Total Credits

Displays auto computed value, based on the values in this section.

13. Credits adjusted during this period out of 12 above (Not more than 12)

This field is currently left blank.

14. Excess payments brought from previous quarter

This field is currently left blank.

15. Net Amount payable {7-(13+14)}

Displays auto computed value, based on the given equation.

16. Amount paid by challans (from Part O)

Displays auto computed value, based on respective value in Part O.

17. Balance Payable

Displays auto computed value.

18. Excess payments carried forward to next quarter

Displays auto computed value.

19. Unadjusted credits carried forward to next quarter (like unadjusted credit of TDS and RAO) (12-13)

Displays auto computed value.

Part M: Input Tax Rebate for Adjustments

1. Total Input Tax Rebate (D+K1)

Displays auto computed value, based on the given equation.

2. Reversal of Input Tax Rebate (J)

Displays auto computed value, based on respective value in Part J.

3. Net Input Tax Rebate (1-2)

Displays auto computed value, based on the values in 1 and 2.

4. Adjustment against VAT in this period

Displays the value of VAT adjustment for the reporting period, as the value of output VAT duty ledger debited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Reducing Tax Liability as Nature of adjustment. (Adjusting with ITC is selected as default Additional Details)

5. Adjustment against Central Sales Tax

Displays the value of CST adjusted against input credit, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment. (Against CST is selected as default Additional Details)

6. Amount of rebate for which cash refund is asked for

Displays the value adjusted against excess input credit using refund option, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Refund Order as Additional Details.

7. Amount of rebate transferred to other registered dealer

Displays the value of rebate transferred to other registered dealers , as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Transferred to others as Additional Details.

8. Amount of rebate reserved for refund after two years

Displays the value of rebate on CST liability reserved for refund after two years, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Specified Period as Additional Details.

9. Rebate carried over to next quarter

Displays the value based on the equation {Box 3 - (4+5+6+7+8) - Box 19(Part L)}. Value is captured only if it is positive.

Part O: Payment Details

Sr. No.

Displays the serial number for the number of payments made in the return period.

Name of bank

Displays the name of the bank in which tax amount is remitted, as the name selected in the Name of the Bank field in Stat Payment Details screen displayed for particular payment voucher in Challan Reconciliation report.

Branch Code

Displays the code of the bank branch in which tax amount is remitted, as the name recorded in the Branch code(remittance) field in Stat Payment Details screen displayed for particular payment voucher in Challan Reconciliation report.

Challan no.

Displays the number of the challan used for remitting tax amount, as the number recorded in the Challan No. field in Stat Payment Details screen displayed for particular payment voucher in Challan Reconciliation report.

Challan Date

Displays the date in the challan used for remitting tax amount, as the number recorded in the Challan Date field in Stat Payment Details screen displayed for particular payment voucher in Challan Reconciliation report.

Period From Date

Displays the starting date of the quarter for which tax is remitted, as the date recorded in Period From field of Stat Payment Details screen in payment voucher.

Period To Date

Displays the end date of the quarter for which tax is remitted, as the date recorded in To field of Stat Payment Details screen in payment voucher.


Displays the amount of tax remitted, as the value displayed in Amount column for a transaction in Challan Reconciliation report.

Part P: Tax Deduction at Source (TDS)

Sr. No.

Displays serial numbers for listing journal vouchers recorded for TDS adjustment.

Name of Dealer/Office

Displays the name of the dealer from whom the TDS amount being adjusted was deducted, as the name recorded in Name of Dealer/Office field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustments as Additional Details.

TIN/Enrollment Number

Displays the TIN/enrollment number of the dealer from whom the TDS amount being adjusted was deducted, as the number recorded in TIN/Enrollment Number field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustments as Additional Details.

TDS Certificate No. (If Available)

Displays the TDS certificate issued to the dealer from whom the TDS amount being adjusted was deducted, as the number recorded in TDS Certificate No. field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustments as Additional Details.

Date (If Available)

Displays the date of TDS certificate issued to the dealer from whom the TDS amount being adjusted was deducted, as the date recorded in Date field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustments as Additional Details.

Amount of TDS

Displays the TDS amount being adjusted, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustments as Additional Details.

Challan no. (If Available)

Displays the challan no. for TDS amount being adjusted, as the number recorded in Challan No. field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustments as Additional Details.

Challan Date (If Available)

Displays the challan date for TDS amount being adjusted, as the date recorded in Challan Date field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Decrease of Output Tax as Nature of adjustment and TDS Adjustments as Additional Details.

Part Q: Refund Adjustment Order (Self)


Displays serial numbers for listing journal vouchers recorded for refund adjustment order.

R.A.O No.

Displays the refund adjustment order number, as the number recorded in R.A.O No. field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher.

R.A.O Date

Displays the refund adjustment order date, as the date recorded in R.A.O Date field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Self as Additional Details.

Amount of R.A.O

Displays the amount in refund adjustment order, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher.

Challan no.

Displays the challan number for refund adjustment order, as the number recorded in Challan no. field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher.

Challan Date

Displays the challan date for refund adjustment order, as the date recorded in Challan Date field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Self as Additional Details.

Part R: Refund Adjustment Order (Received from other dealer by transfer of ITR)


Displays serial numbers for listing journal vouchers recorded for refund adjustment order received from other dealers.

Name of Dealer

Displays the name of the dealer from whom the refund adjustment order is received, as the name recorded in Name of Dealer field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Received from others as Additional Details.


Displays the TIN of the dealer from whom the refund adjustment order is received, as the TIN recorded in TIN field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Received from others as Additional Details.

R.A.O No.

Displays the refund adjustment order number received from other dealer as the number recorded in R.A.O No. field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Received from others as Additional Details.

R.A.O Date

Displays the refund adjustment order date received from other dealer as the date recorded in R.A.O Date field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Received from others as Additional Details.

Amount of R.A.O

Displays the amount in refund adjustment order received, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Received from others as Additional Details.

Part S: Refund Adjustment Order (Transfer to other dealer on account of excess Input Tax Rebate)


Displays serial numbers for listing journal vouchers recorded for refund adjustment order transferred to other dealers.

Name of the Dealer

Displays the name of the dealer to whom the refund adjustment order is transferred, as the name recorded in Name of Dealer field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Transferred to others as Additional Details.


Displays the TIN of the dealer to whom the refund adjustment order is transferred, as the TIN recorded in TIN field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Transferred to others as Additional Details.

R.A.O. No.

Displays the refund adjustment order number transferred to other dealer, as the number recorded in R.A.O No. field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Transferred to others as Additional Details.

R.A.O. Date

Displays the refund adjustment order date transferred to other dealer, as the date recorded in R.A.O Date field in Stat Details screen of journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Transferred to others as Additional Details.

Amount of R.A.O

Displays the amount in refund adjustment order received, as the value of VAT ledger credited in journal voucher recorded by selecting Refund of Input Tax as Nature of adjustment and Transferred to others as Additional Details.

Sheet: Summary

VAT Ratewise Summary


Displays the list of all tax rates applicable.

Total Sale Value (Net of VAT)

Displays the assessable value rate wise. The value is auto computed from Sales and Dispatches sheet.


Displays the volume rate wise. The value is auto computed from Sales and Dispatches sheet.


Displays the tax amount rate wise. The value is auto computed from Sales and Dispatches sheet.

Gross Sale Value

Displays auto computed value.

Formwise Sales Summary

Form Name

Displays the list of all declaration form names.

Total Sale Value

Displays the assessable value form wise. The value is auto computed from Sales and Dispatches sheet.


Displays the tax amount form wise. The value is auto computed from Sales and Dispatches sheet.

Gross Sale Value

Displays auto computed value.