Recording Sales Returns (Haryana)

When doing sales returns, you can create credit notes for taxable goods against the original invoice.

To create a credit note for taxable goods

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounting Vouchers > Crl+F8: Credit Note.

2.     Enter the Original Invoice Number of sales invoice against which credit note is recorded.

3.     Select the required Party’s A/c Name from the List of Ledger Accounts.

4.     Enter the required details in Party Details screen.

5.     Select the common sales ledger in the field Sales Ledger.

6.     Select the required taxable stock item.

7.     Enter the Quantity and Rate.

8.     Enter the original price of the sales in Original sale value.  

9.     Select the required common VAT ledger.

10.  Select the required surcharge ledger.

11.  Select No to Provide VAT Details?

The credit note screen appears as shown below:

12.  Press Enter to save.