Exporting Form VAT III (Goa)

The Form VAT III excel template provided for filing returns has provision to capture details of all VAT annexures in specific sheets of the excel file. When Form VAT III  is saved and exported, information related to all annexures is also exported to the same file.

To export data to VAT_III template

1.     Copy the excel template to the Tally.ERP 9 installed folder.

2.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form III. The Form III report appears.

3.     Press Ctrl+E to export the data to the template. Based on the Form III report period, the From and To dates are displayed here. These dates can be changed from Form III report, if required.

4.     Press Ctrl+A to export data.

The data gets exported to the e-return template.

Field Name



Displays the TIN entered in the Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.


Displays the PAN/Income tax no. entered in the Company Operations Alteration screen of Statutory & Taxation features.

Financial Year

Displays the year based on the period of Form III report.

Period From and To

Displays the dates of Form III report period.

Return Type

Displays the Type of Return selected in the Export Report screen of Form III.

Filing Date

Displays the system date.

4 Turnover, Taxable Turnover of sales and computation of Output tax

A. Total turnover of sale received/receivable


      Gross assessable value of local and interstate taxable sales.

      Net assessable value of all exempt sales.

B. Deductions (from the above sale)

1. Sales of Exempted Goods under rule 4(1)(b)

Displays the net assessable value of sales with Sales Exempt selected as the nature of transaction.

2. Sale on which no tax is leviable under rule 4(1)(a)

Displays the net assessable value of sales with Sales Zero Rated selected as the nature of transaction.

3. Sales in the course of Inter-state trade under 4(1)(c)

Displays the gross assessable value of interstate sales.

4. Sales in the course of import into/Export out of India under 4(1)(c)

Displays the net assessable value of sales with Exports, Sales High Seas, Deemed Export and Interstate Deemed Export selected as the nature of transaction.

5. Value of goods transferred or dispatched (stock transferred) under -4(1)(e)

Displays the net value of sales with Interstate Branch Transfer Outward and Interstate Consignment Transfer Outward selected as the nature of transaction.

6. Value of goods sent for sale to local agents under 4(1)(f).

Displays the net value of sales with Branch Transfer Outward and Consignment Transfer Outward selected as the nature of transaction.

7. The amount of sale of goods returned within the prescribed time under 4(1)(d)

Displays the value of credit note with Sales - Works contract and Sales Taxable selected as the nature of transaction.

Displays sales returns recorded within six months from the original invoice date.

8. Sum allowed as cash discount in the bill / tax invoice under 2(ad).

Displays the value entered for discount ledger in sales, with Sales - Works contract and Sales Taxable selected as the nature of transaction.

Total of B (1) to (8)

Displays auto calculated value.

4C. Taxable Turnover of sales (A-B)

Displays auto calculated value.

5A. Rate wise bifurcation (sales&o/p tax). Value.Tax.




(5)A.1. Sales taxable @ 1%

Displays the rate of tax defined in the sales ledger or stock item.

Displays net assessable value of sales taxable at 1%.

Displays the tax amount of sales taxable at 1%.

(5)A.2. Sales taxable @ 5%

Displays the rate of tax defined in the sales ledger or stock item.

Displays net assessable value of sales taxable at 5%.

Displays the tax amount of sales taxable at 5%.

(5)A.3. Sales taxable @ 12.5%

Displays the rate of tax defined in the sales ledger or stock item.

Displays net assessable value of sales taxable at 12.5%.

Displays the tax amount of sales taxable at 12.5%.

(5)A.4. Sale of goods specified in schedule 'C' (give rate wise)

Displays the rate of tax defined in the sales ledger or stock item.

Displays net assessable value of sales taxable at any other rate. Values are displayed based on tax rates with highest transaction value.

Displays the tax amount of sales taxable at any other rate. Tax amount are displayed based on tax rates with highest transaction value.

5B. Total Sales taxable

Displays auto calculated value.

5C. Sale of Capital goods and Industrial inputs claimed under entry (23) & (53) resp. of Sch. ‘B’ and included taxable @4% sales

Capital Goods

Industrial inputs

Displays the value of sales with:

      Sales Taxable selected as the nature of transaction.

      Sales ledger or stock items, which are predefined with the following settings:

o      Tax rate is set to 5%.

o      Schedule is selected as Schedule B.

o      Type of goods is selected as Capital Goods.

Displays the value of sales with:

      Sales Taxable selected as the nature of transaction.

      Sales ledger or stock items, which are predefined with the following settings:

o      Tax rate is set to 5%.

o      Schedule is selected as Schedule B.

o      Type of goods is selected as Industrial inputs.

6. Turnover of purchases

i. Imports from outside

Displays the net assessable value of purchases with Imports selected as the nature of transaction.

ii. Interstate Purchases

Displays the net assessable value of interstate purchases.

iii Consignment Transfer

Displays the  net assessable value of purchases with Branch Transfer Inward and Consignment Transfer Inward selected as the nature of transaction.

iv Local purchases from registered dealers against Invoice

iva) Tax

Displays the following details of purchases recorded by setting the option Purchase Against Restricted Tax Invoice? to No, in Statutory Details screen of purchase invoice:

      Gross assessable value of taxable purchases in Taxable column.

      Net assessable value of exempt purchases in Exempted column.

ivb) Restricted Tax

Displays the net assessable value of taxable and exempt purchases, recorded by setting the option Purchase Against Restricted Tax Invoice? to Yes, in Statutory Details screen of purchase invoice.

v. Local purchase

Displays the net assessable value of purchases with Purchase From Composition Dealer and Purchase From Unregistered Dealer selected as the nature of transaction. The consolidated value of such purchases are displayed in Exempted column.

vi. Other

Displays the net assessable value of purchases with Purchases - Others selected as the nature of transaction. The value is displayed in Exempted column.


Displays auto calculated value.

7. Input Tax Credit

a. Total admissible input tax on purchases covered under item 6(iv) above

Displays auto calculated value.

b.i. ITC admissible on account of op. stock held on appointed date/date of registration

Displays the debit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher for input tax on opening stock.

ii. ITC admissible on Capital goods

Displays the debit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher for input tax on capital goods.

iii. ITC carried over from previous tax period

Displays auto calculated value.

iv. Entry tax paid, if any.

Displays the debit value of VAT entered in journal voucher recorded for entry tax adjustment.

v. 75% of net tax liability under the Net Present Value Compulsory Payment Scheme 2005

Displays the debit value of VAT entered in journal voucher recorded for compulsory payment scheme.

Total of b(i) to b(v)

Displays auto calculated value.

Total ITC of 7(a) & (b)

Displays auto calculated value.

7.c. Reverse Credit on account of

i. Goods (purchases) returned within the prescribed time

Displays the value of debit note recorded with Purchase - Works contract, Purchase Taxable - Capital Goods and Purchase Taxable selected as the nature of transaction.

Displays the purchase returns recorded within six months, from the original invoice date.

ii. On stock transfer 4% on section 6(iii)

Displays the credit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to reverse the tax credit on stock transfer.

iii. Apportionment for manufacturing of exempt goods

Displays the credit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to reverse the tax credit on manufacture of exempt goods.

iv. any of the contingencies covered under sub-section (2), (3) & (5) & 6 of Section 9

Displays the credit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to reverse the tax credit on contingencies.

v. Others

Displays the credit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to reverse the tax credit on any other transactions.

Total Reduction (7.c.(i) to 7.c(v))

Displays auto calculated value.

8. Total Input Tax Credit (7(a) & 7(b)--7(c))

Displays auto calculated value.

9. Amount of tax payable

Displays auto calculated value.

Amount of tax refundable

Displays the credit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to account for VAT refund.

Amount of tax carried forward

Displays auto calculated value.

10. Outstanding Liability to be set off against excess ITC, if any, under

i. Goa VAT Act

Displays the credit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to account for VAT liability.

ii. Goa Sales Tax Act

Displays the credit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to account for sales tax liability.

iii. Goa Tax on Entry of Goods Act

Displays the credit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to account for entry tax.

iv. Central Sales Tax Act

Displays the credit value entered for VAT ledger in journal voucher to account for CST dues.


Displays auto calculated value.

11. Net amount of tax refundable/carried forward

Displays auto calculated value.

12. No and date of receipted Challans under which payments are made and TDS Certificates attached to this return in proof of payment

 Challan No., Challan Date, Period From and Period To, Amount

Displays the challan details entered in Stat Payment Details screen, for each tax payment voucher in Tax Payment Reconciliation screen.

B. No. and date of TDS Certificates ( Form VAT VII)

This field is left blank.