Annexure 2B - Print (Delhi)

Annexure 2B displays the quarterly-wise, party-wise and commodity-wise details of all sales transactions.

To view the Annexure 2B

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > VAT > Form DVAT 16 > Quarterly.

2.     Click A: Annexures.

3.     Select Annexure 2B. In the Annexure 2B screen,

o      Click the toggle button C: URD Consolidate if the values of all retail invoices have to be consolidated. If the retail invoices are to be shown separately, click C: URD Individual.

o      Press Ctrl+P to print.


Indicates what is new in the form

Indicates what has changed in the form

Indicates what has been removed from the form

The description of Annexure 2B is given below:

Field Name


Summary of Sales (As per DVAT -30)


Displays VAT TIN entered in Company VAT Details screen of Statutory & Taxation features.

Name of the Dealer

Displays the name of the dealer entered in the Company Creation screen.


Displays the business address of the dealer entered in the Company Creation screen.

Sale of Tax Period

Displays the period in which the dealer has to file a return.

Summary of Sales (As per DVAT-31)

Sr. No.

Displays auto-generated serial number for each transaction.

Quarter & Year

Displays the period entered in the Periodicity of e-VAT Annexures of Company VAT Details screen.

Buyer's TIN/Embassy/Organisation Regn. No.

Displays the buyer's TIN number, embassy or organisation registration number entered in the party ledger creation screen or in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

Buyer/Embassy/Organisation Name

Displays the buyer's name entered in the party ledger creation screen or in the Party Details screen of the invoice.

Description of goods/items

Displays the name of the commodity specified in the VAT Details screen.

Goods/items code

Displays the code of the commodity specified in the VAT Details screen.

Tax Rate (DVAT) (for all columns)

Displays the rate of tax entered in stock item master or Local VAT rate field of sales ledger.

Summary of Sales (As per DVAT-31)

Turnover of Inter-State Sale/Stock Transfer / Export (Deductions)


Displays the assessable value of export sales.

High Sea Sales

Displays the assessable value of all high sea sales transactions.

Own goods transferred for Job Work against F-Form

Displays the value of own goods transferred to job worker for job work using material out voucher.

Other dealers' goods returned after Job work against F-Form

Displays the value of other dealer's goods returned after job work recorded using material out voucher against F-Form.

Stock transfer (Branch) against F-Form

Displays the value of stock transferred from one branch to another in a different state which was recorded using material out voucher against form F.

Stock transfer (Consignment) against F- Form

Displays the value of stock transferred during consignment against form F.

Sale against H-form

Displays the value of export sales against H-form with the nature of transaction set to Interstate Deemed Export.

Sale against I- Form

Displays the value of sales made to SEZ recorded against I-form.

Sale against J- Form

Displays the assessable value of  interstate sales made to any United Nations and Diplomatic Missions etc.

Sale against C+E- I/E-II

Displays the assessable value  of interstate sales recorded against C, E-I and E-II forms.

Sale of Exempted Goods [Sch. I]

Displays the assessable value of sales of Schedule I.  

Sales covered under provision to [Sec. 9(1)] Read with Sec. 8(4)].

Displays the assessable value of sales of non-creditable goods.

Sales of Goods Outside Delhi (Sec.4)

Displays the assessable value of goods defined under Section 4.

Summary of Sales (As per DVAT-31)

Turnover of Inter-State Sale (Taxable)

Rate of Tax (CST)

Displays the rate of tax used for sale of goods to different state.

Sale against C-Form excluding sale of capital assets

Displays the assessable value of interstate sales made against C form with goods other capital goods.

Sale against C-Form excluding sale of capital assets

Displays the assessable value of interstate sales made against C Form with capital goods.

Sale without forms

Displays the assessable value of interstate sales without any form.

 Tax (CST)

Displays the amount of tax paid on interstate sales.

Turnover of Local Sale

Turnover (Goods) (excluding VAT)

Displays the assessable value of local sales. The assessable value of Sales will include additional ledger values like Excise Duty, Service Tax and Income/Expense included in transactions.

Turnover (WC) (excluding VAT)

Displays the assessable value of local sales related to only work contract transactions.

Output Tax

Displays the amount of tax collected on sales amount or above the assessable value.

Charges towards labour, services and other like charges, in civil works  contracts

Displays the value of labour service charge in work contract sales transactions.

Charges towards cost of land, if any, in civil works contracts

Displays the charges towards cost of land, if any, in services civil works contract.

Sale against H-Form to Delhi dealers

Displays the value of export sales against H-form to dealer in Delhi.

Sale of Petrol/Diesel suffered tax on full sale price at OMC Level

Displays the value of sales of petrol or diesel at full sales price.

Last updated for Release 5.3.5