Changing VAT Rate

The VAT rate already defined at the company level, stock group level, ledger level and stock item level can be changed or altered in the respective level.

To change the VAT rate at the company level

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > F11: Features > Statutory & Taxation.

2.     Set the option Enable Value Added Tax (VAT) to Yes.

3.     Enable the option Set/Alter VAT Details.

4.      Enable Set/alter VAT rate/inventory details.

o      Click L: Details, and enter the required VAT rate with the required applicable period

o      Press Enter to save

To change the VAT rate at the stock group level

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Inventory Info. > Stock Groups > Alter

2.     Select the required group.

3.     Enable the option Set/alter VAT details.

o      Click L: Details, and enter the required VAT rate with the required applicable period

o      Press Enter to save.

4.     Press Enter to save the Stock Group Alteration screen.

To change the VAT rate at the stock item  level

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally >  Inventory Info.> Stock Item > Alter

2.     Select the required stock item

3.     Enable the option Set/alter VAT details.

o      Click L: Details, and enter the required VAT rate with the required applicable period

o      Press Enter to save.

4.     Press Enter to save the Stock Item Alteration screen.

To change the VAT rate at the ledger  level

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Accounts Info. > Ledger > Alter

2.     Select the required ledger purchase, sales or tax ledger.

3.     Enable the option Set/alter VAT details.

o      Click L: Details, and enter the required VAT rate with the required applicable period

o      Press Enter to save.

4.     Press Enter to save the Ledger Alteration screen.