Summary of Transactions (Service Tax)

To view the summary of transaction, you can go to statutory reports and select the required return. It will display the statistics of all the transactions recorded for the selected period.

Total Number of Vouchers

The count of all included, excluded, and uncertain transactions is displayed here.

Capturing the Swachh Bharat cess amount is currently not supported in the statutory reports.

      Press Enter to display the Statistics of Vouchers.

Summary of Included Vouchers

      Press Enter on Included Transactions.

The Included Transactions screen appears as shown below:

You can drill down to the voucher level to make modifications, or exclude vouchers from this report.

Summary of Excluded Transactions

      Press Enter on Excluded Transactions.

The Excluded Transactions screen appears as shown below:

You can drill down to the voucher level from this report.

Summary of Exceptions

      Press Enter on Uncertain Transactions to drill down to the Summary of Exceptions.

Transactions with exceptions can be resolved from this report, and included to form a part of Form ST3 generation.

Master Related Exceptions

Service Ledger

      Unable to determine service category.

Service Category

      Unable to determine tax rate.

Duty Ledger

      Unable to determine the type of tax of duty ledger.

Transactions Related Exceptions

      Unable to determine service category in advance receipt/payment.

      Mismatch in tax details of masters and transactions.

      Exempt Notification Number and Notification Serial Number Not Found.

      Abatement Notification Number and Notification Serial Number Not Found.

      Unable to determine the link in receipt/payment/credit note/debit note vouchers.

      Mismatch in tax amount.

Tax Adjustment

      Unable to determine nature of adjustment.

      Source document/challan details.

      Mismatch in nature of transaction and type of adjustment flag.

      Unable to determine tax breakup.

Deduction Details

The assessable value and tax liability calculation is displayed in the Form ST3.

Service Tax Liability is calculated under the following heads:

     Service Tax Payable - Provider's Liability

o      Taxable

o      Export

     Service Tax Payable - Receiver's Liability

o      Reverse Charge

o      Import

o      Non - Taxable Territory

Service Tax Credit Availed includes the following values:

      Credit Utilized

      Other Adjustments

Payment Details

Provides the details of service tax payment transactions recorded.

This section of the reports give the following details:

     Tax Payments (Included)

     Tax Payments (Not Included)

     Service Tax Payment made for the return period

     Balance Service Tax Payable

     Other Payments