Customs Clearance Register (Excise for Importer)

Customs Clearance Register is an import bill-wise report displaying the details of import of excisable goods having stock pending for clearance. It displays the information of goods imported, cleared from customs warehouse, and pending for clearance.

All Items

To view Customs Clearance Register for all items

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Display > Statutory Reports > Excise Reports > Dealer/Importer> Customs Clearance Register.

2.     Select All Items or One Item.

3.     Select the excise unit in the Name of Excise Unit in the Select Excise Unit screen, as shown below:

The Customs Clearance Register appears as shown below:

One Item

To view the Customs Clearance Register for one item

1.     Select One Item and press Enter.

2.     Select the Name of Excise Unit, Name of Tariff, and Name of Item in the Select Excise Unit screen to generate Customs Clearance Register for one item.