Creating Attendance or Production Vouchers

You can use the attendance voucher to enter attendance, overtime, leave, or production details. You can enter separate vouchers every day or a single voucher for a given pay period, say a month, with aggregated values. One voucher can store data on all employees, and multiple attendance types.

Attendance Voucher – Manual Entry

To create attendance

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Vouchers > Ctrl+F5: Attendance.

2.     Click F2: Date to change the date.

3.     Select the employee whose attendance you want to record from the List of Employees.

4.     Select the Attendance/Production Type from the list.

5.     Enter the Value.

6.     Select End of List from the List of Employees.

7.     Press Enter to save.

Attendance Voucher using Auto Fill

In the attendance voucher, you can use the A: Payroll Auto Fill button to speed up the data entry process.

Using Auto Fill, you can fill all employees of a selected Employee Category (if more than One Payroll Category is enabled) and/or a selected Employee Group and enter data for selected type of Attendance/Production Type for these employees.

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > Payroll Vouchers > Ctrl+F5: Attendance.

2.     Click F2: Date to enter the date.

3.     Click A: Attd Auto Fill button.

4.     Enter/Alter the Voucher Date, if required.

5.     Select the appropriate Employee Category.

6.     Select the Employee/Group from the List of Group/Employees.

7.     Select the Attendance/Production Type from the list.

8.     Enter the required number of days in the Default Value to Fill field (for example, 0 days for absent and 26 days for present).

9.     In the Sort by field, select the Sorting Method based on which the employee details should appear in the voucher. You can use Employee Name or Employee Number  as the sorting method.

10.  Enter the Value against the Employee Name.

11.  Press Enter to save the attendance voucher.

Similarly, you can record the details of Paid Leave, Overtime or Production using Attendance Auto Fill.

F12: Configure

Click F12: Configure to change the default view for the attendance voucher.

      Skip Date field in Create  Mode (faster entry!): Set this option to Yes to skip the date selection field, for faster data entry. By default, the Date of Last Entry is set as the voucher date.

      Show Resigned/Retired Employees: Set this option to Yes to include the resigned/retired employees also during the voucher entry.

      Show Balances as on Voucher Date: Set this option to Yes to include the Current Balance as per the voucher date for each employee.

      Show Employee Number: Set this option to Yes to include the employee number during the voucher entry.