Purchase Invoice or Voucher Printing Configuration

Using the Purchase Print Configuration you can customise your purchase invoice print to display the invoice title, specify the required height, width, and space details in the invoice, VAT related details, narration and so on, as required.

To change the Purchase Print Configuration

1.     Go to Gateway of Tally > F12: Configure > Purchase Transactions > Purchase Voucher / Invoice. The Purchase Print Configuration screen appears as shown below:

2.     Enable the option Print cost allocations in voucher format? to print the cost allocation details in the purchase invoice.

3.     Enable the option Print voucher reference? to print the purchase voucher reference number in the purchase invoice.

4.     Enable the option Print Company's PAN / Income Tax No.? to print the company's PAN as mentioned in the Statutory & Taxation features section.

5.     Enable the option Print Company’s Tax Regn. Numbers? to print the company’s tax registration number as mentioned in the Statutory & Taxation features section.

6.     Enable other details, if required.

7.     Print Ctrl+A to accept.